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Change how NLR works and implement CK support.

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Hey Epic Gamers,

Something has been bothering me for a while, the "New Life" system. I've been talking with others and I'm kinda bothered with how this system works. I personally feel like we need to change it, and make it so that when you die - you don't start a new life, instead, you get forced into an "RP Coma" and later released at the hospital, forgetting what happened to your character the past x hour(s). Pretty much keep it how it is, but don't keep it as "New Life". 


If we are going to put a change like this in, why not just get rid of everything. No comas that make you forget eveything (you just wake up in hospital from a bad injury), no NLR, no nothing. Just like in real life your choices you make have consequences and your problems can follow you around forever unless you kill yourself (CK) or you resolve them somehow.

EDIT: This idea seems better. If you get injured and there's no one around to treat you - You get delivered to the hospital by NPC medical personnel and you'd RPly be critically injured. Perhaps to combat an endless cycle of retaliation e.g. gang vs gang, we could make it a rule to set OOC standards for better realism that your previous beef with a person is no more, and that you must engage in new role-play with them.

It just doesn't make sense to me that you start a new life but still can return to your work, gang, and/or friends and be the same person. 

Instead of starting a new life every time you die, I'd much rather see the implementation of a voluntary CK system. Meaning that death cannot be forced on you unless e.g. you agree to force CK upon joining a gang whatnot. 

Normally, a CK in traditional sense means complete character kill, e.g. hardcore mode on certain games just wipes your character when you die and you need to create a new one, but I don't necessarily feel this is what we should do on here because there's a lot of real hours spent into your character and gaining wealth, and then it doesn't make much sense for all grown-up people to arrive at the airport at a new city with pocket change and not being able to afford anything.

This should be the effects of a character kill in my own personal opinion:

  • Your name should become disabled, it should not be possible to use this name in the future. Add it to a list of dead names.
  • Your phone should be deleted, number - contacts, and everything.
  • Your inventory should be wiped.
  • Your houses/properties should be automatically sold and the market value given to you.
  • You should be kicked out of your gang/faction and a cooldown of rejoining that specific gang/faction # should be 2 weeks, to allow you to build up your new character's story.
  • All of your saved aliases should be wiped out, everyone should be a stranger to you again.
  • You should be forced to change your name.

This is how a CK should be done:

  • To avoid the issue of players "accidentally" CKing themselves and then creating a hassle for the staff team in terms of reverting it, I would recommend that the player having to /report and ask for a Moderator+ to witness the CK RP and then using a command on the player which the player then have to accept, e.g.
    - /ck [Receiver] 
    > Window pops up for the player explaining the information of a character kill and its effects. At the bottom of the window, there are two buttons, "Accept" "Decline
  • After the CK is accepted, the player is sent to the airport entrance and a new window pops up where they have to enter a new name. And at this point, all effects of the CK has been applied.

Feel free to post feedback/your own suggestions.


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3 minutes ago, Resfiel420 said:

I only support it if Death RP applies to character-kill, as Death RP is a "get out of jail free card."

Yes, that is the idea. If they want to kill their character, they now have an option for that - CK. 

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If we are going to put a change like this in, why not just get rid of everything. No comas that make you forget eveything (you just wake up in hospital from a bad injury), no NLR, no nothing. Just like in real life your choices you make have consequences and your problems can follow you around forever unless you kill yourself (CK) or you resolve them somehow.

Edited by MReefer
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12 minutes ago, MReefer said:

If we are going to put a change like this in, why not just get rid of everything. No comas that make you forget eveything (you just wake up in hospital from a bad injury), no NLR, no nothing. Just like in real life your choices you make have consequences and your problems can follow you around forever unless you kill yourself (CK) or you resolve them somehow.

+1 to this and to the topic 

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I agree entirely except for the being forcefully kicked out of a faction or gang for two weeks because of the harm that it could have on the stability of that faction, particularly for those players who hold leadership positions.  I.e. if the character in charge of recruitment or field training for a faction is killed off and there's no one to perform that role for two weeks, that'd have significant ramifications for the stable operation of that faction.


The timeframe to rejoin a faction/gang as a new character should be a matter of choice and ultimately it would be up to the player and the faction/gang to decide to introduce this new character to the story. Examples: Lateral transfer from another department, gang members from another chapter that's just moved into town etc.


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