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Frisking should show weapon in inventory

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1 hour ago, DrizzyDre said:

Think government factions can do /takeguns or /takegun but this deletes the weapons if I'm not mistaken. Don't think civilians have the same option.

Correct, these commands delete weapons from the existence, however, it would be convenient if these commands just removed the weapon and placed into your inventory.
At the same time, +1 to the suggestion.

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I agree with the general idea, so +1 on that.

To build on what you've already proposed and what I believe could add to the server is the following; weapon items can be equipped through your inventory, and will remain in your inventory but could turn red or get another label stating "Equipped". What this will allow is for it to make more sense in regards to the volume - it doesn't make sense for the weight to disappear whilst the weapon is on the same place on your character, equipped or not. Furthermore, it'll also allow you to unequip and stash your weapon in a vehicle (we all know that recently there's been controversy regarding not being allowed to roleplay your gun being elsewhere whilst it's on your person) at any time, regardless of whether you've got it equipped or not. 

Just some food for thought, not trying to take away from the general suggestion.

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-1, people will ignore RPing taking the weapon from them. Will force much more RP to be voided. You need to RP taking his gun or anything as long as he is not injured. And I think having to equip it and /dropgun ensures that you atleast RP demands of asking him to drop his gun. 

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38 minutes ago, Philo said:

-1, people will ignore RPing taking the weapon from them. Will force much more RP to be voided. You need to RP taking his gun or anything as long as he is not injured. And I think having to equip it and /dropgun ensures that you atleast RP demands of asking him to drop his gun. 

The downside is that you have to do plenty OOC things when you're trying to take their guns.


/me takes the persons .50 Pistol

/do can I do so?

/do yes

Then he has to OOCly stand up, equip, drop then go back to the /down anim.

Another example,

/me takes the suspects rifle from his back

/do can I do so?

/do nothing would stop you

Then the cop has to OOCly un cuff with /uncuff taking a few seconds for the action timer, the criminal must OOCly equip, drop, then the cop mush OOCly /cuff again but not before asking the criminal to OOCly put his hands up or taze him OOCly.

So much trouble for something so simple. If you ignore RP when taking things, then its still powergaming and reportable, but using these commands for the intended purpouses it just increases the quality of life.

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Id personally say modify the /takeguns command. Make it so the player has to accept, the same as a frisk. Make it so it can be used against cuffed players, players with their hands up or players on their knees. Make the weapons taken move to the players inventory rather than get deleted. Also make it usable by any player. +1 in general.

Edited by JakeInnit_
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23 minutes ago, JakeInnit_ said:

Id personally say modify the /takeguns command. Make it so the player has to accept, the same as a frisk. Make it so it can be used against cuffed players, players with their hands up or players on their knees. Also make it usable by any player. +1 in general.

It should be noted that /takeguns currently removes the weapon from the server. It would need to be modified to transfer it instead.

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Huge +1 to modifying the /takeguns command. As a lot of the other comments have mentioned, it spends unecessary time OOC to uncuff people, have them drop it, pick it up, cuff them again. Especially in situations were SED/SWAT move in on a target, knowing they are 90% of the time armed, and you want to swiftly disarm them and throw them into a vehicle before their 20 gangmembers shows up and surrounds you. Instead of wasting precious 5-15 seconds (depending on people's typing speeds of commands (/up, /uncuff id, /cuff id)) on OOC things which makes a high chance of an operation going south incredibly fast, we could just /takeguns and be done with it in 5 seconds tops (once again depending on your typing speed).

Yes, in those SED/SWAT situations we could use /takeguns or /takeillegal to speed up that process but currently that would result in us not getting to RP any attachements, how many bullets, serial numbers etc.

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