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More Parking Options and Lots

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On 7/13/2019 at 10:32 AM, Xoza said:


Topics... like this that have been mentioned so many times. PLEASE use search before posting.

If you support an older topic, it shows it's still something people want after so long and we still don't have it.


Thanks, I made sure to credit them all too. It would seem this would have been suggestion enough times to possible be taken into serious consideration. I'm really hoping this can happen at some point. Even having the addition of one more in the City would be cool. I think one in the County would also be logical. But then again obviously you don't want too many. I'd say 3 max in the City, and one in Blaine County. Anyone else have any cool ideas about what lots or parking garage style buildings could be utilized for the possible new parking lot?.  I think the right parking garage could be cooler to use script wise than a lot.


                                                                                     - Potential Parking Garage for Parking Lot

At least when it comes to visually immersive RP. Instead of /park and your vehicle vanishing infront of everyone in a flat lot, you would have to drive it inside the parking garage to the /park script point to store your vehicles. That way the characters using it can be seen pulling in , and then walking out. Without having people see the RP immersion breaking vanishing act that is vehicle storage. Then again, that's just my take. Anyone else?.

Edited by James_McNulty
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+1. The parking lot downtown is too far from most of the places in the city to be useful for most players, and the paid parking in some of the NCZs can be too expensive ($3600 to park an hour at PD..). Would sort some of the problems with overparking in NCZ, and then the problem with people waiting at impound, because they would park their cars more, since it's cheaper, and reduce the amount of vehicles that's being towed.

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On 7/16/2019 at 4:26 AM, James_McNulty said:

Thanks, I made sure to credit them all too. It would seem this would have been suggestion enough times to possible be taken into serious consideration. I'm really hoping this can happen at some point. Even having the addition of one more in the City would be cool. I think one in the County would also be logical. But then again obviously you don't want too many. I'd say 3 max in the City, and one in Blaine County. Anyone else have any cool ideas about what lots or parking garage style buildings could be utilized for the possible new parking lot?.  I think the right parking garage could be cooler to use script wise than a lot.


                                                                                     - Potential Parking Garage for Parking Lot

At least when it comes to visually immersive RP. Instead of /park and your vehicle vanishing infront of everyone in a flat lot, you would have to drive it inside the parking garage to the /park script point to store your vehicles. That way the characters using it can be seen pulling in , and then walking out. Without having people see the RP immersion breaking vanishing act that is vehicle storage. Then again, that's just my take. Anyone else?.

not a bad idea it's out of the box but would it not create a lot of lag ?

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14 hours ago, Check 420 said:

not a bad idea it's out of the box but would it not create a lot of lag ?

I don't believe so. The other parking lots all just despawn your vehicle when you /park it and store it server side. Technically speaking all that would need to be added and scripted into the server would be a map icon for the parking lot itself for people to know it's there, and the /park arrow point where people actually pull in their vehicles to /park. Although I'm not a coding, programming or scripting expert by any means. I like to think adding another parking lot with the pre-existing parking lot system would be easy, but maybe it isn't that easy.

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Hi! So, my suggestion is that instead of deleting cars off of the map and putting them in a "parking lot" that when ever anyone parks a car, they're put in a spot somewhere in the actual parking lot, but have it be restricted, similar to how putting your car in High End works where people cannot steal it. It would simply be there and the owner could enter it and type, /unpark, then he would be free to drive off with it at that point.


Obviously we'll need more parking lots and are more than likely going to get them afaik, so this is something that should come with additional parking lots. 

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+1 from me however to the person who said it would affect chops... people don't go around looking for cars that are just on the map to chop, they go to people's houses and steal them properly, or steal them from mechanics while they aren't looking, or they steal illegitimately parked cars (those not parked in official lots). That logic really just kinda shows what kind of server you think this is lol  

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If it won't cause server or client problems, it would be a nice detail. But I'd also like to see more vehicles on the map spread out. Maybe a /park command that if the vehicle is locked and nobody is inside, it would be immune to picklocks after like 10 minutes. Owners could use /unlock to be able to unlock it and use it again. Basically replacing script garages and being able to see vehicles "parked".

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26 minutes ago, ArtyomTaxior said:

More visual cars for players - more server lagg because if you put that amount of cars on the ground, then server needs to load/unload all the textures for cars and for that server will use more resources.

-1 from me

This would be a cool suggestion but i kind of agree with you on this, and we know how buggy HE can be with cars not even parked properly and stacked on on top and glitched onto the insides of one another, also what if someone trys to park a huge semi or pounder in the garage that won't fit and glitch out.


but still, i'd give this a +1 it just has to be done properly.

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+1 if this isn't too intensive as others have mentioned. However, if this gets implemented then remove the automatic parking in bank parking lots, etc... and actually have PD and Mechanics tow cars with no parking tickets.

Edited by Kyle White Raven
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I'm kind of undecided on this one. I'm not sure whether this is a necessary change. Seeing as most of the RP that happens at the current parking lot is "hends up out of car," at least from what I've seen, I don't think there's really a point in adding this. If they're all locked and immune, then there isn't really much of a point in having them be spawned in regardless. This isn't to mention the immense amount of server resources and lag that this would cause for many people. I'm not sure about this one, chief.

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-1 unless parking lot converted to a NCZ atleast people's car won't be stolen and be protected , because the point of putting your car at parking lot is to get   it protected not exposed for chop

Edited by SimonZ
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3 hours ago, SimonZ said:

-1 unless parking lot converted to a NCZ atleast people's car won't be stolen and be protected , because the point of putting your car at parking lot is to get   it protected not exposed for chop

I think the suggestion is to have it protected the same way LE/HE cars are protected, you cant steal them.

+1 if we get more parking lots and it doesnt cause server issues as we would have hundreds if not thousands of cars everywhere.

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