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Everything posted by alexalex303

  1. That would actually be super nice.
  2. With the new inventory system, that allows you to take it off, avoiding any non-combat damage to it, and choosing when to equip it (even right before a shootout), I'd say it's very balanced.
  3. Just like Pump Shotguns, SMGs, Carbines and Sniper Rifles; yet those are all used by law enforcement. By that same logic, should we remove everything but pistols from law enforcement?
  4. Thread does look very nice. Good luck.
  5. If you have an issue with a faction, the appropriate place to voice that issue is with FM. Creating public threads and showcasing apparent rule breaks seems to be little more than naming and shaming, and is not constructive in the least.
  6. It is entirely unreasonable to make it a reportable offense for anyone not in triads to wear red. If that's the bar for baiting in your books, I don't see this rule being realistic.
  7. Now that Hamin kinda posted and confirmed the rumors, I'd like to go ahead and say that regardless of your personal feelings towards them, there is no denying that Zetas were the most successful gang in the server for a very long time, and it's going to be interesting how the server is going to be without them; I reckon, it's going to be worse off, but this is also a great opportunity for other upcoming gangs to maybe try and fill the void. I know personally that this usually has a very negative impact on it's individual members, but instead of feeling sad that it ended, try to feel happy that you were apart of it, and look forward to new opportunities.
  8. Then we should increase all weapon damage by x10, and then if you were shot 20 times, you may get death RP. In the context of the server, where you regen health mid fight and it takes as many as 10 bullets to wound you, asking for death RP because of 3+ gunshots is selective realism, as in, you only want realism when it benefits you.
  9. This is actually a relatively well structured organization, with a well thought out and explained business-plan, profit distribution and overall transparency. I hope you keep at it, and make it into a regular thing in the server. Good luck!
  10. It has extreme relevance. The fact that you can not see that is astounding to me. You literally started your point by saying "Want to fight PD?". Do you see a certain key-word there? "Want". You chose to fight law enforcement. Law enforcement for the most part do not have any choice in the matter. They are forced to react to you. Another person in this thread was in disbelief when a cop suggested that he gave up when surrounded outside a bank robbery. However, that is not unreasonable. The fact of the matter is that most of the complaints in this thread are a result of careless behavior as a criminal. I've led a street gang that managed to obtain official, and for the first four months of operations, I held a gun license. Do you know how I lost it? I got caught with a heavy at butchers. What did I do when the cops approached me? I put my hands up. Were there other times when I shot at cops? Yes. Absolutely. Sometimes I got away, sometimes I went to prison. But every time, I made a choice. The cops did not.
  11. I think that the vast majority of the people in the thread missed a very key difference between law enforcement and criminals. Since @Itzsonzy claims they were a member of PD, I don't see how they didn't factor it in it at all. Law enforcement, for the most part, does not get to do whatever they want. They are bound by rules so long that they're called manuals. That is the key difference, and why it makes every single argument like "why do LSPD get free guns and not crims" absolutely flawed. Let's take for example Officer John Doe. He gets a free gun, and a pretty good car. It's not the best by far. Anyone that's tried to chase a Hakuchou Drag or a Rapid GT will know that while the car is pretty good, it's not overpowered. He's out on patrol, and he sees someone robbing a store. He does not get a choice on what he wants to do. Based on IC rules, he has to act. He has to get involved. Backup is called, and other officers have to respond and help. Law enforcement, for the most part, is a reactive faction. They react to what criminals do, and there is very little freedom for the average officer. If you take for example the average criminal John Doe. He has to buy a pistol for 8k. But he can use that pistol to do literally anything he wants. He wants to rob a bank? He can try. He wants to rob another person? He can do so. Anyone that doesn't understand this basic difference, should take a couple of minutes, and consider just how a cop gets to use those free items, and how much freedom they have with their own purchased items.
  12. I've personally experienced issues with a large property before, where I couldn't build up in places that I would realistically own. The radius should increase. +1
  13. Revelt was always an interesting character. Looking forward to RPing with you.
  14. There's been quite a few great faction threads recently, but this is the first one to actually implement some humor into it, showing that while it is a serious faction, it's going to be fun to be around. I know for a fact @Z0thian is a great roleplayer and I hope you'll take it far. Good luck!
  15. Thread looks amazing. Good luck.
  16. I don't see how you or your distribution platform would know who has a criminal record or not, nor is there any explanation for that. Arrest records are not public in Los Santos, as such, your post will need to be visible to everyone, or no one. The current implementation seems powergamish. Archived.
  17. As with every other faction thread, this is not a place for you to express activity concerns, naming concerns or other such concerns. If you have an issue with the activity/name/conduct of a faction, especially an official faction, please reach out to faction management. This thread is a place for them to showcase RP and other media.
  18. I've taken the time and suggestions from a few members to compile a video of our notable engagements throughout the faction's length. I think it ended up as a nice timeline from the very beginning as a group of six people to the very end when it was one of the biggest.
  19. great song choice
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