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Everything posted by alexalex303

  1. They are not stock. The Zentorno and T20 really are that slow, for EVERYONE. Ask to borrow a T20, you would know, it caps out at ~190. This just highlights the issue criminals with high end vehicles have, they are so capped, while cruisers are so buffed, that they are useless. If the only way a police officer can pursue a vehicle is by overtaking because he goes 50 km/h faster than it, then that's a training issue. You would be able to pursue them still, and use the literal arsenal of script advantages at your disposal: IC Teamspeak server, spike strips, helicopters, vehicles that can ram, etc.
  2. Deploy the high speed unit, make regular helicopter deployments. Nerfing every other car while continuously buffing cruisers is not the answer here.
  3. Instead of saying these vehicles should be tuned down, all the other sports vehicle should be tuned up. This was brought up in a thread before, the police crown vic was brought up to realistic speeds (220-230 km/h), while the other sports cars are left in their normal states. A Massacro should be able to smoke a crown vic, as should a Vacca or Turismo R. Cops should not be able to keep up with high end sports cars in their normal cruisers. big -1
  4. This should have probably been the original implementation of the system, but let's at least make it a good update to the system please. +1
  5. The biggest issue for civilians right now in the server are not the big gangs. Without wanting to speak for other gangs, I know that for example WCA has a policy of not robbing random people, unless provoked or at a crime area (drug lab, chop shop). The LSPD does a good enough job of enforcing the law, sometimes too good, we recently came out of a war and I can tell you that 9 out of 10 shootouts ended with a police response. The issue, like Montie stated, is groups of random people who's only goal on this server is to rob people, anyone, and everyone.
  6. WCA and Vory soldiers were relaxing at the Motel, casually chatting about random topics; winding down after a long day. A man wearing all brown approached the group, and claimed to represent an Italian organization. Hoza, member of Vory took offense to his clothing, that resembled that of a defunct organization: Vespucci 13, and asked him to change. He refused to do so, and was critically injured, then moved to the place where V13 was founded, before finally being put out of his misery. Next day, as part of a Vory-WCA operation, we raided the Church and caught a good amount of NLA, stripped them of their belongings and lined them up against their own wall. We then made our way to Hayley Swan's club for a bit of dancing and relaxing, after a good raid. Convoyed up, and with the other raid in mind, we once again grouped up with Vory and hit the Church during down times. Similar to fish in a barrel, several people were caught once more, before we had to flee from the nearby Sheriffs. At the garbage yard, we met with NLA leadership, with Zetas providing security, and agreed to accept reduced payment in exchange for ending the war. Together we made our way to Paleto, where they were awaiting with the money and friendship. We accepted the money, shook hands, and pledged to work against the fake fog city, with the other gangs.
  7. The Council called a great meeting of all the organizations operating in the city. In attendance were Rooks, NLA, Vory, WCA and Ballas. They wished it to be a platform for open communication between organizations, and a place to air out issues. The main issue that was agreed upon was cooperating with police, as in, the complete ban on cooperating with police. The gang then grouped up at the motel, and were told about the contents of the meeting, and reminded not to cooperate with police, for any reason. The Council then asked for a meeting with just WCA, in which they were informed of certain actions that were committed, and the repercussions for those actions. A meeting was called with Vory's leadership to discuss the Council's statements and demands, and we decided upon a course of action. It was then communicated to the council, and we maintained our neutrality with them, in spite of what our enemies might've wished to happen. The relationship is definitively at a low, but with time and work, the relationship will recover.
  8. Tim used to wear green, until he dropped his colors and went on to attack WCA together with Oti, until Oti ran away out of Los Santos. Without any place to call home, he sought protection from Vory, thinking that he would be untouchable there. Following a meeting with Jamal, it was agreed that Vory would not offer him protection. However the other traitor and his friends could not stand to watch their friend being humiliated, and decided to take action against Jamal's orders. They all got dropped, and by the end of it, only WCA and Vory loyalists stood. WCA High Command met with Vory High Command and discussed the mutinous actions of the Vory members. Lester specifically tried to deflect his actions greatly in his texts to Jamal, but ultimately it was decided that everyone that acted against WCA had to be cut. We then retreated to the motel, and had a meeting about the scene, and shared the information of what happened, and why to the rest of the group. In the following days, we would learn that the Vory traitors banded up with Vova and CJ and stole the fog city name from Frank, operating under it. We shared this information with Misfits, who were similarly being hit by fake fog, and pledged to help each other when possible, together with Rooks and Vory. A couple of Rooks were being pursued by fake fog, and we coordinated on the same radio frequency, and baited them into the scrapyard. At the common ambush location, fake fog thought that they could fight their way out, but against the three groups, they all fell.
  9. Experience is an OOC indicator of how experienced the player is. It doesn't make much sense that it's tied to the character. +1
  10. Massive +1 This is sorely needed.
  11. A cruiser would not usually have 4 occupants. It would have 2. The back is for transporting suspects, not officers.
  12. You do however understand that the current script options (drug labs, chop shops) being literally flooded with cops is an issue too.
  13. I think a very strong contributor to this is script support. Legal/Civ got a very strong patch, and then Criminal patch is still being worked on. There's a lot of ideas, and a lot of great server suggestions, but none are in right now, and I feel that a new patch could solve a lot of issues. Just imagine all of those relatively straight-forward and detailed suggestions implemented in a patch tomorrow.
  14. That's literally this suggestion.
  15. The fact of the matter is that driving through an active shootout is a bad idea everywhere apart from GTA. The reason it's good in GTA is because there is are headshots and desync issues, so cars are very strong. In real life, one bullet could end you, forever. If you have an AK, you won't drive through a shootout. You'd use the gun. I don't see why you're defending this point with cops running over people that are running away.
  16. You gave an example of a UK ram in which no one even had guns, because UK. Then you showed an example of a cop ramming someone running away. Show me an example of a proper shootout, where someone comes in and starts ramming.
  17. It's not about real life physics, it's about real life common sense. When was the last time you heard of a gang vs gang demolition derby? That's what it happens currently. One person engages, and then both sides try to ram the other. It's less about shooting and more about driving. It doesn't make sense. I want my shootouts to be about shooting, and not who has the most elegy retros.
  18. It's one of the very few things you can do against a rival entity, and if anything, the timer needs to increase, not decrease. big -1
  19. High command got an invitation to present green at the Purminelli wedding, and changed into formal attire for the event. The crew groups up at the motel and discusses recent issues and potential improvements in an open forum. WCA leadership meets with their Triad counterpart to discuss recent events and developments with the NLA war. Following a high command meeting, Pops apprises the troops of the news and their duties.
  20. The issue is that you don't need to "lookie loo" to know where the lab is, because they never move, almost everyone knows where they are. Then they call 911 from an NCZ, describing the location, and then the cops themselves know where it is, cause, it never moved. It's very silly to say deal with it in-character.
  21. Please explain how would you solve it ICly when he drives past and calls 911 from Sandy MD?
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