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Everything posted by alexalex303

  1. This was an in-character situation which a non-involved moderator reviewed and deemed that it should continue. If you have a problem with their decision, you can pursue that, however, players (officers) can not void RP at their whim.
  2. Big -1 I don't see how allowing people to afk for up to an hour will improve issues with AFK players in places such as prison. I'd instead change the way it detects if you are AFK, for example if you are doing several /mes, or actively playing poker, it shouldn't pop up at all. But a blanket 60 minute of full afk? Big no.
  3. I like the /ame variation better and feel that it is indeed needed, to show an action that is otherwise invisible. +1
  4. Good interactions so far. Hopefully it stays true to its roots long-term.
  5. Masks The thing with masks has always been something that bothers you a lot when you first join, but then becomes the norm because every single person does it. Even the legal characters that have no reason to, will be masked at all times. You ask some, they say random stuff like "I don't want people to know I'm here, at the bank". The fact that we have more people wearing masks for no reason than people do in real life during a pandemic, is a very large red flag. Have you ever seen a group of three people enter a bank all masked up? Not just the bank, even if four people are walking down the street all masked up with bandanas, that's an instant red flag. In most western countries, you'd be searched on the spot. It's something that criminals should seek to avoid. But on a server where legal people wear a mask just as much as criminals, it's hard to blame just the criminals. I think that the culture is so ingrained by this point, that unless you make an OOC rule about it, it will not change. It is considered nonrp to wear a mask for more than fifteen minutes after you committed a crime, or after you lost law enforcement actively pursuing you. There. You're hanging around at the bank? with the gang? No mask. The mask should be used when you're actively robbing a store, when you're killing someone, sure. But if you're driving around? chilling? even worse? fishing? Who fishes with a mask realistically? No one. Forced Character Kills The SAMP server where I used to play had a forced CK system and I think it made a huge difference, especially in the context of randomly shooting cops or gang hopping. If you were arrested for killing a cop, you would get a strike. If you received three strikes, your character would be CKed. This was normal and people got CKed every single day. Illegal factions had the option to apply for a CK on other players if they had sufficient reason, similar to our war application, but against an individual. The person would obviously not be aware of it, until afterwards. After the CK was complete, they would receive a copy of the application, and a chance to contest any of the reasoning, with a possibility of the CK being reversed if the reasons were metagamed/NLRd/etc. If you joined an official faction, you automatically accepted the fact that if you were a bad member, in the eyes of the leaders, you could be CKed out of the faction at any point, and for any reason they deemed fit. Obviously it would not happen over petty reasons, because, well, there's no sense in randomly killing a good soldier. But it was something that made gang hopping impossible, and made it more of a serious commitment vs just putting on a color clothing. But, as to how that would work here, I think that it's something that we all as a community need to think about, if we want to increase the RP standard and stop some less than ideal behavior. both in terms of abusing masks, and possibly losing your characters. Nametags and Cars I feel that a script solution to this is the best approach. If you are inside a car with tinted windows, your name is hidden and only ID is shown, similar to if you were wearing a mask inside your car. This would provide even less incentive for people to be masked up all the time, and force people to realistically RP tinted windows. If you are in front of the car where the windows are not tinted, you can always roleplay seeing them and acquire faces through /mes and /dos.
  6. I have posted very similar opinion before, but I think that a very useful change would be a clause in Fear RP rule that would make joining an already in-progress shootout that does not involve your own faction a breach of Fear RP. It would effectively end large gang alliances that are there for shooting purposes, while still allowing RP alliances (that provide money, sell weapons, etc).
  7. I've commented my feelings on a similar thread regarding human meat. I think the previous implementation was super unrealistic and encouraged bad behavior. This is similar to why cops should never be loot-able. People killed their friends for meat, and instigated fights for the sole purpose of getting human meat. It is beyond unrealistic to hear someone on the radio "Word? There's bodies? I'm gonna make so much money, let me grab a knife." - When was the last time you saw, even in a movie, someone kill another person and then, instead of running, they stay to gut them? It doesn't happen. The removal of an income source for criminals is indeed a concern, that I share, but bringing back human meat is not the solution. I suggest thinking of a more realistic source of income.
  8. The script is there for balancing reasons. The strongest weapon in the game (.50), which is a very large pistol in real-life should not be concealable through roleplay or script. I am in favor of alternate weapons being hidden via script (Pistol, Combat Pistol, Heavy Pistol). The idea is that there are pros and cons to every action. The pro to carrying a strong pistol is that it is easier to defend yourself. The con is that other players can clearly see that you are armed. Carrying it and having it be invisible is the equivalent of having your cake and eating it too.
  9. I told you that if crime was to stop for a week, that would be great. All criminal RP will never vacate entirely, the only people that will vacate will be those that are not here to RP, and only for action RP. I know for a fact that dozens of people interested in genuine RP left after being robbed at gas stations. That's never talked about. The idea that somehow having less crime will kill the server is only an issue for those that seek constant shootouts and pursuits. There's plently of non-action law enforcement roleplay that can be done, and those were just examples. And just for the record: Yes, it would be a great time. Yesterday I spent a good amount of time simply talking to individuals, without any chases or shootouts and it was great. No shootouts or chases required for RP or fun. Comparing ECRP to any form of democracy is a perfect analogy because that is exactly what the thread you are commenting on is suggesting, they are suggesting the opposite of the status quo, which would be a direct democracy. He did want players to get a vote; I was not commenting on how things are now, I was commenting on how things would work under his proposed system. Please read the thread.
  10. That's not true, and should probably stop being peddled around as an argument for no rules for crim RP. If there was absolutely no crime for an entire week, the LSPD could still do a great amount of RP, arguably even more than they can now. There's a lot of opportunities for passive RP, and community RP within law enforcement; Community outreach programs, public meetings, parking enforcement and other such things. These things are stifled right now by the constant need to have officers available for near constant chases and daily mass shootouts. The constant chases and shootouts are NOT a good thing or preferable to passive RP.
  11. The issue with your proposition is that direct democracy does not work, and is pretty much non-existent in the modern world because of that. The fact of the matter is that individuals will prioritize their own interests vs the interests of the group, resulting in poor choices being made. It's why most countries today adopted the representative democracy, where they elect a person that would, in theory, act in their interests while also keeping in mind the bigger picture; The electee's job is to be as informed as possible so that they can make a decision that represents his constituents but also factors in the needs of the group. However, in your proposed system, of a direct democracy, you will have people voting in their own self-interest, and against that of the common good. There are many examples of movements on the forums that were against something that objectively made the server better. Recently, we've had the change in the robbery rules. There have been countless posts speaking against it, however, it is abundantly clear that besides generating some player reports in the early days, the rule has improved the RP standard drastically. It was laughable that on a roleplay server, a civilian could be robbed at a gas station for little reason by a person in a super car, however, some still believe that way was superior, because it was in their own interest. A while ago there were changes made to the interpretation of the NLR rule, to be more in line with what is expected of a serious RP server, and not a light RP server, and it's fair to say that the vast majority of criminal roleplayers disagree with the changes, and would instead love to bash a faction until they leave the server because of one bad interaction, even through countless deaths. That is in their interest, because they want to shoot or entertain themselves at the expense of others, but not in the interests of the server, who should be nurturing more criminal gangs, and not a monopoly of three that pushes everyone away. That's just two very recent examples in which players side with their own interest vs the greater good, and is why your idea would make the server considerably worse, and not better. Reading material https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons https://www.britannica.com/topic/direct-democracy/Issues-and-controversies
  12. The thing is that what you're talking about doesn't have any good foundation RP-wise. If the person did something very hostile against you, or a close ally, you could rob him at the pier, or even possibly kill him. The "issue" that you are talking about stems from the fact that he didn't do anything other than be in a gang, and then someone in your gang decided that his gang is bad, you had several shootouts in which both sides died, and then you want to repeat it every time you see them at parking/pier. That's just overall poor RP; and the fact that the rules prevent you from doing it is not an issue, but a great thing for the RP standard.
  13. Perhaps this might be conditional, if people are using the darkest tint level. This would offer gameplay implications for the window tint which is just cosmetic at the moment.
  14. congratulations @krooks365 and rest; it took a while but you're here now. Use it well, and keep up the high RP standard.
  15. If you go to the bank where you collect salary there should be a menu that shows your current bracket. Different brackets get different welfare.
  16. I think the fact that the blue barricades were used is a great example of how the LSPD is held to standards, and did listen to the community. People a year ago complained that red barricades were indestructible, and to give a more fair chance, their use for pursuits were removed, now they were replaced with more destructible wooden barricades. To now come around and say that it's NonRP to use wooden barricades because they would break realistically is ironic. LSPD could use metal barricades today, the script is already there. But it's clear that wasn't wanted either. Spike strips being bugged, and 240 cars still being a thing, there's not much else in the alternatives, other than just letting you go, which I'm sure is what you would like and the main reason for the recent complaint, but that is not an option either. More than a couple pursuits happen because the criminal has no value for his life, safety and freedom and that is exactly why @givejoshamosin was chased that night, and why he ended up going to prison. He likely wanted a fun pursuit in the 811, and he got it. If we're talking about standards, let's stop, think, and consider alternatives to provoking cops into chasing you then complaining about the way they caught you. You shouldn't want to get chased by cops, that shouldn't be anyone's goal, and if it is, that is likely what's causing you grief right now.
  17. Date and time (provide timezone): 02/NOV/2020 Character name: Jason Steel, Cyrus Carver Issue/bug you are reporting: If the tires of a car get popped via any means (gunfire, spike strips, etc) and he drives far away from a player or into the streaming area of another player, his tires automatically get fixed. (they are fixed on everyone's screen, not just on the screen of the player streaming in) Expected behavior: Tires should stay popped until vehicle is fixed by mechanic or admin command. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Pop tires Drive away from a player near you POV of player standing: https://streamable.com/r23ssb POV of player driving: https://streamable.com/0m6mpz Vehicle license plate number*: Not relevant. Works on all cars.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 02/NOV/2020 (GMT+2) Character name: Jason Steel (spike strip) & Cyrus Carver (driver) Issue/bug you are reporting: If you place a spike strip, it does not work for players that stream in after it was placed. Expected behavior: It should pop the tires of all players, regardless of when or where it was placed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Have the car driver go out of streaming range Deploy spike strip Have the car driver drive over it https://streamable.com/7fxldf Vehicle license plate number*: Not relevant, 100% replicable on all cars.
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