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Operable Payphones

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Hey, as a player who has been a criminal from day one on the server I would like to introduce the thought off payphones.

I myself am normally a wanted criminal so using my phone isn't the safest thing to do. I think the ability to use payphones around the map to call people would be a great addition. It could also increase work for detectives attempting to find wanted criminals using payphones.

Nothing else here to really add so yea let me know your thoughts.




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The suggestion is fairly simple but I think it can be a nice feature that can be used in several situations.

  • Payphones scattered around the city which can be used to make phone calls (command would be /payphone #numberToBeContacted)
  • The callee's mobile would ring with an unknown number (PP-##)
  • Payphones are anonymous, however PD/SD can figure out the location of the payphone used
  • Optional: People can call payphones using their mobiles (using the IDs like PP-14) and nearby players to the payphone will be notified and anybody can pick it up (/do *** The Payphone would start ringing *** ((To answer /answer PP-9)) )


it can be a very cool feature in so many situations that require anonymity such as:

  • A gang member relaying information to Law Enforcement while keeping his identity hidden
  • Delivering threats (can be used to pit gangs against each other)
  • Doing illegal work while trying to not leave a trail behind



  • Development effort and it's not critical
  • May be used to troll
Edited by Amaim
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If this gets implemented it should cost you something like 100 dollars a minute, maybe even more to try and avoid anyone using it for trolling purposes.

Donators could get a slight perk in this where they pay less.


Could be ideal for calling a taxi when your phones dead? 


Also calling 911 should still give your name due to the fact to avoid any influx of people being silly behind this feature

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