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About Linden

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  1. Linden

    Masks in NCZ.

    Ah yes, a post created prior to the introduction of a law regarding masks should reflect the current penal code. My bad. Moron.
  2. There is no fear of death if somebody fights back or you get in a shootout with the police, there is no fear of spending years in prison. People go around without acting like there won't be consequences for their actions (because there mostly isn't, aside from losing your rights to gun ownership).
  3. I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of it somehow being powergame that there is no system in place to expunge records. The lack of legal resource is not the police departments fault and it's up to the government faction to put systems in place; if an officer is doing something wrong you are free to submit a report to their Internal Affairs division. Changing your name and calling it a "character kill" is powergaming and shouldn't be happening, it's such a fail rp system that is being abused. Having your record expunged is not a speedy process and shouldn't just happen because you decided you don't want to commit felonies anymore. IRL you may need to wait years, or it may never be expunged if the crimes you've committed are serious enough. Even if you succeed in having your record expunged you won't have your gun rights restored, you would require a Governor's pardon which is not a thing that currently exists on Eclipse. You claim to have used every route available to you to have your record expunged but have seemingly only spoken with the police department about something that is not their jurisdiction or responsibility. You complain about receiving a "never-ending penalty" and yet you were the one who made the decision to break the law and get a criminal record, disregarding the simple fact that actions have consequences. Just looking at your posts has you crapping on their RP and policies, all because you got caught robbing a store a month ago. Anyway OT: Government needs to write up various laws to cover important topics, and should IMO implement a system of pardoning ex-cons. Suggestions like these really ought to be brought up to them directly.
  4. Firstly, it's a response to Wizzidy who does nothing but complain about LSPD in every single thread. Ofc there isn't going to be people at City Hall most of the time, it's a tiny faction. Rather than going to the building you are better off contacting them on the website via PM. https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/
  5. The name change system currently in place is completely powergame. CKs do not truly exist and many people will namechange to clear warrants and avoid tickets. An actual CK should result in at least a partial character wipe so it's not something you just do on a whim because it benefits you in some way. I doubt that is their policy, it's just what everybody does so they can avoid the consequences of their actions. Putting a legal system in place would be a complete disaster from what I have seen of this community, so GOAT's post about prison and various other ideas is probably the best course of action. Regarding expunged or sealed criminal records; in the state of California you cannot erase a criminal record from public view, instead the case is opened, the guilty plea or verdict withdrawn, and the charges dismissed. This would involve the court and a judge, which is an unlikely outcome on Eclipse. Sealing a record would involve petitioning the LSPD, then if not provided relief you would petition the court. Since people on this server (and you) have an issue with the LSPD I doubt you expect any results from petitioning the LSPD, and the court route is still no good. There is a Certificate of Innocence and Certificate of Rehabilitation which both involve the court, so can't really do anything there. The only viable option would be receiving a pardon from the San Andreas State Government. Rather than bitching and complaining about the LSPD in every thread you should speak with City Hall about your concern.
  6. Barricades should be destroyable, spike traps need to be fixed at the same time. If possible objects need to have a higher rendering distance.
  7. My understanding is that you can't set multiple people as the same alias.
  8. #if WinActive("ahk_exe GTA5.exe") Should work.
  9. If criminals weren't using SMGs and AK47s then I would agree that police would need to limit their loadouts more. Since police get shot a lot it makes sense that they would be authorized to use lethal force and more dangerous firearms. I doubt swapping the Uzi for an MP5 would solve anything here either.
  10. Appropriate equipment for the appropriate situation. Many criminals in LS are so extreme they would realistically be classed as terrorists and there would be more than just the local police department after you.
  11. Crime rate is so ridiculously high because there isn't any real fear of consequences. Everybody knows they can only be imprisoned for a couple of hours and that you can't die, so it doesn't matter what happens. People that shoot cops and kill people daily would have been shot dead, imprisoned for life, or sentenced to death long ago. You just get to do whatever you want and have a city with a crime rate that far exceeds any country in real life, then OOCly complain about any advantages the cops have over you.
  12. The police IRL receive tips and 911 calls all the time. Unfortunately in a game where a majority of the server are criminals and there a few people willing to call 911 there needs to be systems in place for the police. Players are able to get away with shooting in public areas and getting into chases without the police even getting alerted, despite how unrealistic it is. Imagine if a large group of cars started chasing down a vehicle, ramming and brake checking it.. that's going to bring a lot of attention and the police would hear about it. Not here. Hell when this attitude of always having to win and fuck the police is so predominant then maybe GOAT's idea of trading this suggestion for higher prison times is reasonable - if throwing you into prison for 8 hours got some of you to leave the server than that would be a huge win for Eclipse.
  13. Larger gangs that can handle larger shipments should have the ability to do so.
  14. me use less word. you shoot cop big army gun and win. is no no. you rob fishy from man is no no.
  15. A 5% chance that it gets reported, which can be worked around as stated by the cops in this thread. Treat each import like the cops might show up, move quickly and use decoys if necessary. Think smarter and be a better criminal. BTW, it's pretty hilarious that you complain about wasting hours to get something stupid powerful when most criminals go around robbing people for things they also spent time acquiring. Why do people like you and OP believe you should have complete control over a situation and have to right to always win? If you get caught take the loss and get better.
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