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Josh Thompson

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  1. Sorry but this is completely untrue. In reality, if your vehicle collides and becomes damaged with the same force required to cause a stall in eclipse, there is no way you could start it up immediately and get going. Not forgetting the fact that air bags would have deployed in all directions, any vehicle made in the last 20 years will have safety systems preventing it from being driven immediately. It feels to me like this suggestion is made with the 'cops and robbers' mindset, and not one that I believe we should be encouraging. If you want a realistic approach which represents what would happen following a real life collision, keep it as it is. If you want an approach which improves the fun part of police chases, then by all means change it.
  2. Hey man, Josh Thompson here. Was with you in DHS when I ran CBP. Spent most of my time in FBI but remember you being in SFPD.
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