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A few ideas that can be expanded on by the community

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So I was having one of many conversations about what could help improve the current state of ECRP and a few ideas came up that I wanted to share. Don't get me wrong, I think ECRP is awesome, but no matter how awesome you are, there's always room for improvement. One should always aim high and never get settled in. Keep building, keep improving and keep moving forward. I'll list them without too much detail, just to see what people think about these and perhaps we could start some type of conversation surrounding this.

Civilian Roleplay

I truly believe that civilian RP is life's blood of Eclipse. We'll always have people who want to RP as Crim and law enforcement but widespread focus on civilian RP is what's going to balance the player base and provide more interactions and RP at a much bigger scale, and I do believe giving those new players a more simple place to belong would serve as the best decision eclipse could ever make. See right now, new players rush Crim because they quickly start to realize, the side jobs don't pay much and the government jobs take almost a week to get a payout, while criminals get that cash immediately along with some proper fun to boot. Here's something I think we'll all enjoy.

- Raise the payout on side jobs such as Postal, Money truck, wheat farming, bus driving, etc.

 Give a base pay for trucking, allowing the owners of businesses to make orders still, but the extra money becomes labor fee.  Example, say I make an order for 2500 liters of gas. I may set the payment at $1300, but their base pay could be 500, filling in that rental fee and allowing them more motivation to even do truckers to begin with, without taking too much profit from business owners. See with a lot of businesses, we get hit with a 35% tax and I'll expand on this more. 

 In order to fill 20k liters into a station, it costs 100k flat at $5 stock. Now if I want to make reasonable profit on that, I'd put it at $8, which would then give me a 60k profit every time I sell out. Yet, I have to pay truckers to fill these orders as well, so on top of the 60k, I'm making, $49,600 every sell out if I pay the truckers $1300 per order of 2500 liters. That's only at a $1300 payout to the truckers, minus their own rental fee and tax, they make much less than the $1300 I'm paying them. TL;Dr, it's chump change and I would love to pay them more, but I'm not going to dig too deep into my minimal profits to do so because keep in mind, if it takes me a month to get $1.5m in my business, 35% tax will give me $975k and that will be much less if I dig deeper into paying out truckers even more. 

Back on topic completely:

 These side jobs should pay more in order to give these new players and current civilians something to do, knowing it's worth it at the end of the day. The economy isn't being ruined by higher payments, it's being ruined by people who have way too much while everyone else has so little. When new business locations open, who gets them? Mostly older players from an older economy that are already set, buying them up before the price decrease even kicks in on the business. When I sell a vehicle and take a 5% hit, it doesn't hurt me because I know that money will come back to me in a full circle. It hurts the Average Joe who does not have a passive income.

- Give government jobs their labor back.

 When I used to work at LSC, there would be a base fee and a labor fee and every paycheck, I would head over to the poker table and spend my hard earned cash, losing most of the time but winning from the enjoyment I received from being a gambling addict. It got so bad, that LSC threatened to fire me and/or not promote me if I kept gambling; it was a great time. I would be hype to see someone fully maxing their car, because I knew I would take a percentage of that labor into my own salary, immediately. It wasn't too much, but it wasn't too little and the payments were enough to keep me working. I'm a strong believer in "if something isn't broken, don't fix it" I hate to pull the "It's still a video game" statement, but that doesn't make me wrong about it either. I get why payments are almost weekly now, it promotes more realism. Yet ask yourself, "does it promote a more entertaining environment?" if the answer is no, or neutral, then something is wrong. I think automatic salaries were awesome and these should revert back to how they used to be. It didn't hurt the economy and it didn't make you rich. In order to see real money from it, you had to REALLY put time and effort in, but you also didn't sit there starving broke until next week either. It was a great balance and it did exactly what it was supposed to do.

- State Government needs work, asap.

 I think there's so much room to build upon the current State Government. When it was first opened, I was excited and I filled out an application and joined up immediately, but I feel I was mislead. I got bored, stopped working and eventually got fired for it, which is fair. Now is a greater time than ever to give ourselves more realism and fun. Lawyers, judges and business licenses. Currently, PD handles their own IA department and while some people would argue that it's fine, I don't think it is for multiple reasons. I'm not here to debate with you people, I'm here to give you an idea that promotes better RP and see if you'll bite.

 I think the state government should completely handle IA reports in the future. I'm not saying this because I think PD is incapable of it, I'm saying it because we have a 'state government' that's almost dead and it could be something they're in charge of, in order to give them more to do. Although I wouldn't recommend it, you could take the same people doing IA reports now, place them into a different faction that handles it and boom, nothing changes if that's what you really want. If an officer has an IA report against him, what better time to have a judge, jury and lawyers? If PD is going to house raid someone, what better time to get a warrant from said people?

 There's so much room for State gov, I can't touch on all of them but I can raise the idea and let you all think. Social security numbers, physical ID's, warrants, bounty hunting offers for contracted bounty hunters, for high value wanted targets. (not a Dead or Alive thing, mainly just alive lol), gun licenses, etc. There's too much lmao

Misc suggestions

- Organize the clothing options around the stores of LS, create a jeweler and mask shop.

 You want more realism? Bet, say less. Let's take a lesson from GTA story mode and section out these stores. You want urban clothes? Go to an urban spot. You want luxury clothing? Go to a suburban spot to get them. You want jewels? Head over to the jeweler. You want a mask? head over the mask shop near Vespucci. I think this would promote more realism in itself. You could even add scripts to remove certain clothing items without going to the store in order to press "remove". For example, /takeoffchain. If I'm robbing someone and he has a chain on or a watch, shit maybe both. "Yo ima need all that shit, take that chain off" or /me attempts to snatch his chain. The options are almost endless. Should I take my shirt off for some spicey ERP? /takeoffshirt

Ya'll get the idea, I won't go too deep.

Minor Crim suggestion (I know some things are probably already in the works, but I thought I'd add this for safe keeping really)

- Please give us more ammo on the laptop.

 Waiting for 50 minutes to get 30 micro Ammo is not the wave, point blank. At least separate the ammo count per official gang, we should have our own stock from our own plugs. There's no reason ALL of us have to share the same overseas connect, that just isn't realistic. Fighting with other gangs to get 30 ammo around the clock isn't fun, it's the absolute opposite. Beyond anything criminal related, this is a genuine issue I feel should be fixed asap. If Irish were around, why would Zetas (Cartel) and Irish (IRA) share the same ammo count? This basically forces friction between official gangs, disallowing us from actually selling guns to people because we get to the point where we HAVE to share all of it with our members for personal use, because it's so very limited, it can't be wasted on anyone else. That's reason enough for official gangs to war with each other, because if they die off, we get more ammo. That should not be a reason to go to war and we've refrained from doing that, but for how long can that mentality be kept up? For the love of all official gangs, please fix this laptop system. Before any criminal updates, this needs to be #1 in my opinion and I'm sure we can agree on this one without too much trouble. 

 I'm not saying there should be 300-400 ammo up at one time, you could separate each gangs ammo reserve to 100 or so and raise the refresh rate. We don't care, as long as we're not battling for ammo with other gangs. To all the PD and unofficial gangs reading this. Keep in mind, this also effects you. Ya'll want more guns at a reasonable price? Think about it. PD, do you want to see less large scale fighting in the city? Think about it. 

 Official gangs should have the opportunity to be more passive for the sake of the community. No one wants us roaming around like terrorists, so please provide us with some content. Selling guns is part of that, would you shoot and rob a loyal customer? We want the ability to sell high grade drugs, imported from the laptop. We want to sell guns, we want to provide much more to Eclipse, but there's only so much we can do without some help along the way. We've reached the point where we're official and we want to be the symbol of organized crime. There's no reason we should have to rob drug labs and do petty stuff like robbing stores and cooking drugs, when we could be the plug for everyone else. You want some high end, potent coke for parties? Come to Zetas and buy it. You want some high end, wild ass heroin straight from China? Go hit up Triads. You get the point, I'm sure we can all agree on something.

Allow us official gangs to stay out of the way and oversee others in our lane, like we're supposed to. We could do so much more and take away so much less. 

Edited by MrUntouchable215
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+1 to most everything. Can't comment on the ammo thing, but I do agree there should be a single supply only available to specific groups allowing a separation of specialty in some form.

  • RL IA is an internal department tied with the legal department of a precinct. IA reports can be escalated to the city level, but rarely are because they're either resolved or found to not be in violation.
  • Warrants are already approved at the City level.
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+1 everything, especially the differential weapon connects. Same deal with drugs. Whatever the new criminal update does with drugs, I hope it encourages differentiating between the gangs. Maybe a system where an official faction discusses with the staff team on what makes the most sense thematically for them to import. I know the suggestions been made before

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I hope this gets more of the community attention soon since there are a lot of very interesting and necessary things that would make role-playing more interesting and more immerse. There are some things that ICly would annoy me a lot, however, I do want to see this suggestion to be implemented since the game doesn't affect my character, but others too.

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I'm surprised on how low the community attention is on this topic.

I total agree with the import and clothing section. Eventhough I am not apart of an official faction, I personally go up to official gang members and ask for ammo or heavy weaponry but always get the same response: "I only have enough heavies for myself as X gang swooped it all out". And since all of the official factions have different history/backstory I don't why they would have the same overseas contact as it would not make any sense.

+1 to this great suggestion and I hope it gets more attention as this will make a huge and great difference!

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I agree with everything except for the ammo thing. I believe that having a limit on ammo will keep everyone from just unloading a clip every time they are in a fire fight and make them actual savor each bullet shot. It keeps down DM and all that comes along with the heavy weapons, however I do believe the government could use a major rehaul with the introduction of elected officials who are then given a legitimate budget based on the needs of all of the government factions. This will in turn also eliminate the cash issue that we run into on the server where there are people with ridiculous amounts of money from spending ridiculous amounts of time (nothing against that) in their faction racking up 45-60 hours in a single pay period. If there were budgets, real issues would fall off of that making our world more immersive and therefore making the experience more challenging and fun. but hey thats just my 2c

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1 hour ago, jeremyy said:

I agree with everything except for the ammo thing. I believe that having a limit on ammo will keep everyone from just unloading a clip every time they are in a fire fight and make them actual savor each bullet shot. It keeps down DM and all that comes along with the heavy weapons, however I do believe the government could use a major rehaul with the introduction of elected officials who are then given a legitimate budget based on the needs of all of the government factions. This will in turn also eliminate the cash issue that we run into on the server where there are people with ridiculous amounts of money from spending ridiculous amounts of time (nothing against that) in their faction racking up 45-60 hours in a single pay period. If there were budgets, real issues would fall off of that making our world more immersive and therefore making the experience more challenging and fun. but hey thats just my 2c

The current ammo count is way too low. Sharing it between 4 gangs when it's already limited is beyond overkill currently. Do you think waiting for 50 minutes for 20 micro ammo is okay? I'm curious. It doesn't slow down DM at all, considering getting .50s (which is basically a heavy weapon itself) is the easiest thing ever. It kicks like horse legs. Limiting us to basically nothing when we have to provide a 60 member capped faction is generally not okay. The limit I mentioned was limiting the max amount of ammo per gang at 100 and raise the refresh rate, I think that's pretty fair. 100 Ammo is 1 full clip of an AK with a drum mag, that's a single AK and the minimum you can order is 10 AK's.

Edited by MrUntouchable215
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On 12/26/2019 at 8:55 PM, MrUntouchable215 said:

Civilian Roleplay

I truly believe that civilian RP is life's blood of Eclipse. We'll always have people who want to RP as Crim and law enforcement but widespread focus on civilian RP is what's going to balance the player base and provide more interactions and RP at a much bigger scale, and I do believe giving those new players a more simple place to belong would serve as the best decision eclipse could ever make. See right now, new players rush Crim because they quickly start to realize, the side jobs don't pay much and the government jobs take almost a week to get a payout, while criminals get that cash immediately along with some proper fun to boot. Here's something I think we'll all enjoy.

- Raise the payout on side jobs such as Postal, Money truck, wheat farming, bus driving, etc.

 These side jobs should pay more in order to give these new players and current civilians something to do, knowing it's worth it at the end of the day. The economy isn't being ruined by higher payments, it's being ruined by people who have way too much while everyone else has so little. When new business locations open, who gets them? Mostly older players from an older economy that are already set, buying them up before the price decrease even kicks in on the business. When I sell a vehicle and take a 5% hit, it doesn't hurt me because I know that money will come back to me in a full circle. It hurts the Average Joe who does not have a passive income.

This, freelancer jobs don't pay enough and I don't have enough time on government jobs after school, work and time with friends. I work 41 hours per week, not much time for government jobs, and the non government jobs just don't pay enough. Also there's not enough roleplay. Sure someone might enjoy delivering packages or putting money in ATM all day, I don't. I prefer meeting new people and such. That's also why I mostly play as criminal. It's easy, fast and I can meet new people more easily.


Yes, the 5% tax was used to make the economy more stable or something along those lines, I get it. But imo it just makes the rich people even richer, they got money to lose the 5% tax, and rises low end vehicle prices, since poor people obviously want to get back the money they spent on that cheap car. 

Edited by Hilbert
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+1 on everything espically the civillian jobs pay rise this is something i have thought for a while and same happened to me when i first started playing to be gov its a long process and being a civilian gets you next to no money if you dont do hours of the job grinding which pushes people to just be crim and run labs etc.

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