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Vehicle Security Improvement

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People breaking into cars with bobby pins is all far too common, and somewhat unrealistic when you consider that a person can steal a super car only using a bobby pin. In reality, most modern cars cannot be "hotwired" or stolen without the keys. My suggestion is to create upgradeable security options for vehicles that can be purchased from and installed by mechanics.

Key lock (Stock standard)

  • Stock standard security in all vehicles
  • Car can be accessed & started with a bobby pin
  • No alarm

Car alarm (Upgrade 1)

  • Car alarm will go off if anyone attempts to break into it
  • Car can be accessed & started with a bobby pin

Alarm and immobilizer (Upgrade 2)

  • Car alarm will go off if anyone attempts to break into it
  • Car can be accessed with a bobby pin but cannot be started without the key
  • Car can be started with a laptop inside the car (RPly would bypass the security system)

Alarm, GPS and Immobilizer (Upgrade 3)

  • Car alarm will go off if anyone attempts to break into it
  • Car can be accessed with a bobby pin but cannot be started without the key
  • A person can track their car live on the GPS and see it's exact position (similar to /backup blips)

Key less entry, GPS, Immobilizer and Alarm (Upgrade 4)

  • Car alarm will go off if anyone attempts to break into it
  • Car CANNOT be accessed with a bobby pin
  • A person can track their car live on the GPS and see it's exact position (similar to /backup blips)

Vehicle Keys:

Vehicle keys will be an item on a person which can be dropped and given to someone else. Keys will not disappear from your inventory if you die however they can be stolen from you. If you need new keys you will need to go to a mechanic to purchase new keys for your car.

If you want to copy your car key you will need to go to a mechanic to have your car key copied.

With upgradeable security options players will have a harder time stealing peoples cars, however car jackings and robberies for cars may become more of a common trend particularly those who drive super cars.




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A way to counter this is to make these upgrades ridiculously expensive, like 50k per upgrade. To make it even fairer, you could lose these updates every time your car gets chopped. This way it's not a "upgrade once and be done with it" thing.

Other than that, big +1! You make great suggestions, Dean.

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Seems like a good suggestion. +1

I like Lis' idea, this might mean people use mechanics more often which increases RP for a wider range of people. 

30 minutes ago, ElisabethC said:

A way to counter this is to make these upgrades ridiculously expensive, like 50k per upgrade. To make it even fairer, you could lose these updates every time your car gets chopped. This way it's not a "upgrade once and be done with it" thing.

Other than that, big +1! You make great suggestions, Dean.

As Demzyyy mentioned people IRL use high tech devices to unlock key-less cars, so maybe we could add an expensive device to stores so you can break into the more expensive vehicles? High investment, high reward. It would be good to make them expensive enough so people don't tend to roam with them because at the moment people just tend to roam with 10-20 bobby pins so they can lock-pick any car they see.

31 minutes ago, dEMZYYY said:

+1 but look at this 

Repeater to steal new cars...easy rob without breaking anything 😛 in 2019 is easier to steal a car from 2019 then a car from 1998 and this fuckin device cost maybe 100 euro


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"CANNOT ACCESS INVENTORY" I can brake in to any car with my hand by braking window which is very fragile.

I do agree about the imobilisers and stuff, but yea its way easier in 21'st century to get inside the car and start it with the stuff that anyone can buy online.

Yes imobilisers do prevent from non professionals, and it takes more time to start the car, I would agree if you would suggest that it would be HARDER to get access of the car, but not "impossible to start".


Edited by Logan_Black
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Not a single car is impossible to get into , you can get in any car with enough time and with the right tools , I am against having vehicles be immune to stealing , making it harder =yes . Maybe make it as in for example the bigger stock value of the car is = more bobby pins will be used in an attempt , so for example on an old muscle car every time you try and break in it it will take 1 bobby pin if you fail/succeed , but if you try and do it with a super it would take 5 bobby pins per try no matter if you fail or succeed , that way it would be " harder " to get into them , cause you would need to have a certain amount of pins on you that would cover for rng of breaking into a car and since the weight update you cannot carry more then 20-30 on you 

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On 1/23/2019 at 5:39 PM, MarlboroRed said:

I think right now is good as well, bobby pins being RNG. Would kill the chopshops again if the cars have max security, which everyone would go for.

If you can't unlock the car with a bobby pin, try holding the driver at gunpoint, make him hand over the keys, and off you trot to the chop shop!

I know I'd be staking out the gas stations 😄

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These suggestions and ideas are very good, however, I will stand with multiple people that have already said "vehicles should never be immune to being stolen". They should not. Never. Ever. This would literally block some criminal role-playing which is essential for some character development, since this is the beginning and one way to make some money if people choose to. 

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+ 1 except for upgrade 4 and what follows.

No car should be immune to getting stolen and I really can't picture keys as inventory item.

Being able to buy sets of keys for your cars at the mechanic shop would be a cool feature but they should be just a number that decreases each time you give keys to someone, not items.

The chop shop should also give bonus money depending on the upgrade the car has.

Edited by ElTrucadero
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