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About PlasmaFX

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  1. +1 but would much rather have it be similar to how /suspend works; you type /showlicense (ID) (License). For example, /showlicense 123 Driver, or /showlicense 123 Trucker. If you don't include a type of license, it would show all licenses.
  2. +1 All pistols other than the .50 should be concealable. I feel that concealing them with attachments though (suppressors, extended mags) shouldn't be possible.
  3. The current way the roleplay is performed already does require consent after every action. Some criminals already do stall their roleplay so that they can die and avoid charges. I think that this suggestion is just suggesting that you only need one /do asking for consent before performing the roleplay, instead of after each roleplay action. To which I say, +1.
  4. What do you mean logos? Factions already have logos in the F4 menu and on the panel: https://i.imgur.com/sUjjn6v.png
  5. -1 for the reasons above. Maybe a camera to take a picture of the license plate, and then the toll operator could give that to the police or something. But we have enough automatic cameras as it is.
  6. +1 I think this makes a lot more sense. Law enforcement and prison uniforms already have firearms display on your hip, I don't see why they can't do the same for civilians with holsters.
  7. Gloves are listed as Torso's under Rage. The reason why I believe Eclipse hasn't implemented them yet is because each shirt would need its only different glove. What I mean by this, is say for example you took this outfit (Shirt is Drawable 13) and you put these gloves (Torso is Drawable 37) on it. Looks fine right? Well let's say that you wanted to change the shirt to this (Shirt is Drawable 202), then the upper arms go missing. This could be fixed, by changing the torso to Drawable 43. But, you can then see how it gets tedious, because nearly every shirt would manually inputting the glove's Drawable, for each glove. Undershirts are similar to this because some undershirts clip through some shirts, but I do believe it would be an easier task than gloves. Not to mention, clothing ID's are different for the Male and Female models. For example, top ID 100 for the male model is different than top ID 100 for the female model. So it would be great if the developers took the time to work all all these kinks, but it would a very tedious and lengthy task. Note that all the screenshots were taken in Rage so it is very possible, but again tedious.
  8. Big +1 We definitely need more undershirt options for shirts and gloves would be a nice additional also.
  9. PlasmaFX

    Action Timers

    +1 to all. Only thing I have to say is placing cuffs on people at 1 second, that's a bit quick..
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