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Nexuus last won the day on April 17 2021

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361 Excellent

About Nexuus

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  1. +1 I want to buy one because @JakeInnit_ is renting his so I cant use.
  2. -1 I agree that cutting somebody's hair publicly and with no reason is quite unrealistic. However, if you are going to sit in a drug lab and expect no repercussions and complain if your hair gets cut, then simply don't go back or learn to avoid situations or locations that may lead to hostility. I have had my haircut once in my 2000 hours playing and it's done as a form of humiliation rather than done to be sexist and racist, as stated above, don't get into situations that may lead to hostility. Furthermore, trying to make this another OOC consent thing is just ridiculous, it is just another blockade for players to protect themselves behind to prevent them taking a form of loss. oh lastly, it costs like $1000 for a new hair style...
  3. Nexuus

    Dark Army

    Looks great! Wish you nothing but the best!
  4. Enzo approves, will allow me to steal more of Jake's vehicles +1
  5. Wish you guys nothing but the best.
  6. +1 It's a well needed change. The risk - reward is far to low for criminals as of now.
  7. +1 Makes no sense for people to be constantly punished for this when there is script allowance behind it and the only announcement I have personally seen regarding this is, 'shouting' is considered to be Non-roleplay and nothing regarding normal use of text chat up until this morning.
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 23/12/2020 14:45 UTC Character name: Enzo Volkov Issue/bug you are reporting: Unable to shoot from a car unless you have your gun already equipped whilst getting inside a car. Expected behaviour: Upon getting inside a car without having your gun in your hands, every other player see you only point your middle finger rather than your gun. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: My POV: https://streamable.com/o7t2xz Friend POV: https://streamable.com/n7eexv As clearly seen from other players POV's I am not shooting a weapon and just flipping off a finger.
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