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Everything posted by Logan_Black

  1. Hey, have you uploaded the video to youtube? If yes, could you please send the link to the video.
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): Noticed that it started happening 2019-07-11 around 21h GMT+2 Character name: Andrius Rimiskis Issue/bug you are reporting: Not being able to open warehouse inventory, usually opens inventory vehicles that you been in. Expected behavior: Doesn't show the proper inventory. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://plays.tv/video/5d27b4e7bbc59a47ea/bug?from=user
  3. This is stupid, most of the people will leave the server if they will get this kind of sentences.. I am sorry for you to be in jail for that long..
  4. +1, if the sentence is longer, the rewards for risking the life doing criminal stuff should be way higher.
  5. -1, this is stupid, most of the business owners IRL, don't even see the clients, they have people who work for them. This idea will never come true, sorry, but its true. And what kind of rp this would add to the server, if you would make stores open only when the owner is online ? Is the owner going to be a cashier ?NO. Is the owner going to stand in fuel station and fill your gas? NO. Is the owner of the dealership going to sit in his office and offer you cars? NO. Because people have their lives, they have things to do, they have to work to make money for the living, they are not able to be online 24/7, its not their job to be in the server all day.. Also there is a system, that every business owner has to log in every day, to make orders. This system is good as is. I know that as a gun store owner, I have to make orders everyday, to keep the clients happy. If you want more rp experience, apply for business license, you don't need to have millions to open a business, you can rp everything, sell hot dogs, open a furniture moving company, renovate house interiors, real estate agency, the ideas are endless.
  6. This is kinda stupid that "all cars above 30k would have manual transmission" IRL manual transmission is considered poor mans choice (Not talking about rare supercars), but yea, most of the people who buy new cars, choose the automatic transmission as a option. So if this would be added IG it should be only an option when buying a new car from dealership, you could select either manual or automatic, manual should be cheaper.
  7. I think my char Rolandas Paksas would be down for this
  8. Logan_Black


    +1 if you would need to change oil, brakes every x amount of kilometers, -1 if only for just a number, because that number it will be just a number if it has not purpose.
  9. "CANNOT ACCESS INVENTORY" I can brake in to any car with my hand by braking window which is very fragile. I do agree about the imobilisers and stuff, but yea its way easier in 21'st century to get inside the car and start it with the stuff that anyone can buy online. Yes imobilisers do prevent from non professionals, and it takes more time to start the car, I would agree if you would suggest that it would be HARDER to get access of the car, but not "impossible to start".
  10. Keep in mind it would be impossible to fly with someone in plane with this kind of desync, Plus in my opinion the plane prices are way to low, should be at least double or even triple.
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