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Operable Payphones

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I’m all for this even just so criminals have some ability to make anonymous phones, though as a side now I would like to see expensive limited use burner phones implemented as well. Cell phone owner names automatically come up through Dispatch when you make a 911 call which in my opinion shouldn’t happen because you’re not always in a state where you can say/want to say your name. Criminals need more ways to be sneaky and remain anonymous.

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This is a simple suggestion. A way to actually give you something to do, and improve prison RP, would be to make the phones inside the prison cell block usable by inmates.



This could work by, say, you pay stamps to use the phone for a certain amount of time. You could do /prisonphone to pick up the phone and it gives you the option to call anyone in your contacts, or just type in a number. This would be a good opportunity for different types of RP, such as calling your lawyer to visit you or just ask a friend to visit you. It could also open up doors for smuggling contraband or planning a breakout. A risk for using the phone maliciously is that maybe the guards are wiretapped into the phones, so you would have to use code words or simply be careful what you say over the phone, or you could land yourself in solitary. I feel like more prison RP is something that benefits everyone, and this is just one small way it could be improved.


With the new Detention and Parole Bureau (https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=641&p=142315#p142315) you could use the phones to contact a DOC officer/DPB Deputy to see if you are eligible for parole. I know this use would apply for less people, but I still think it would be awesome to have.

Edited by WobblierDog15
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9 hours ago, LeroySimpson said:

I like the idea. The only restriction I'd put on it is not being able to call for a taxi or emergency services as it would get super abused.

Of course, seems like that would be self explanatory lol


1 hour ago, Reece_1303 said:


Obviously you would have to know a number off by heart, as it would be unrealistic to look in your contacts. 

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

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I understand guards won't be able to tap into VOIP, so maybe the phones force you to use text chat so a conversation could be heard by wiretapping, similar to how /speaker works.

Here's your answer:

10 hours ago, kenichis said:

yeah but it wouldn't make much sense when they start calling their gang members and arranging a breakout attempt through that phone. IRL those things are monitored but IG they will just abuse the fact that we can't really do it.


On 4/12/2020 at 9:46 PM, WobblierDog15 said:

A risk for using the phone maliciously is that maybe the guards are wiretapped into the phones, so you would have to use code words or simply be careful what you say over the phone, or you could land yourself in solitary.

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Add an interaction menu to payphones which allows you to select "Use" or "Call", which then allows you to enter a number, like 911, 1111, or 1234567 in chat

This could be helpful if your phone runs out of battery or is stolen. After getting robbed or getting out of jail, you could go to a payphone to call for help

It can charge you per second or minute in the same way that taxis charge per kilometer

This could reuse the phone UI, enabling it temporarily when your phone is off, or be entirely chat and /ame based

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+1, Mainly annoying when your phone is dead, you die, spawn at sandy MD, but you can't take a city bee because you need to call a taxi...

I already saw payphones at sandy MD which already got me thinking this would be a cool idea. Glad you suggested it

Edited by Yputi
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Really think this would allow some cool expanses in crim rp, especially being able to call a payphone. And then there's the realism added to civillian life to homeless people, those new to the city without phones, or dead phones, etc etc.

I think DCC should be able to be called as well.

Edited by Kjaer
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