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Everything posted by MrSilky

  1. Make sure your game resolution matches your default windows resolution as that may off-set the cursor in-game.
  2. My opinion has changed since reading responses above. RPly it makes much more sense to contact the Police in the same way any civilian would and relay the information to the responding officer. It doesn't make much sense to set charges yourself when you are an acting civilian on a scene you are involved in, you should give your 2 cents to the officer and let their discretion decide the outcome. The reason I initially +1'd the idea wasn't for placing charges, but more for PD related situations that a supervisor may have and be required to do in private (sometimes off-duty) but not on active scenes.
  3. Unfortunately, we rely on trust here to not MG IDs. IDs are crucial for reports (both active in-game and on the forums). If there is no way you can ICly identify someone's character name, and no OOC fallback, there is no way you can report the individual at all. Also, many commands require the 2nd parties ID to function - making IDs only visible with the scoreboard open will sadly not remove the MG problem as people who want to do so, will just play with the scoreboard up.
  4. It is a combination of CPU and HDD lag. Can you post your specs below please? This is extremely common for all players. I assume when you say lag, you mean people/cars not loading, not able to press ‘N’ for push to talk but still keeping high frames, correct?
  5. I think everyone is missing the point here. 'On duty' on the server = /fduty (unlocking script access to police stuff). What OP is suggesting is that regardless of your /fduty status, you can still login to the MDC to assist on-duty police conduct their work should you be requested/required to do so. It is always better for the primary witness (off-duty officer in this case) to apply the charge. I understand everyone's counter arguments, but this isn't suggesting to give off-duty cops more privileges, it's simply to allow cops to use the computer be they in uniform or not which RPly they would be able to do as you do not forget how to use a PC when you leave work. As I said, It would need strict internal rules but it is something I would like to see changed.
  6. +1 but there would need to be internal faction rules to stop abusing it off duty.
  7. +1, that's a nice idea. Would be cool if maybe the Discord 'announcements' tab was synced in to a window on the login screen so that it is in both locations at the same time.
  8. This has derailed, take it back to the original topic or it will be locked and archived. No names should be dropped singling out specific groups to describe an argument so once again, back to OP's topic please.
  9. +1, I loved criminal RP back when turfs were a thing. A scripted ability to prove your gang worthy. So many more gangs were active and there was much less teaming between factions.
  10. -1 PD have internal rules/regulations about ramming/PITting and the intention isn't to hit the car so hard it stalls, it's to move the vehicle off the road then be boxed in.
  11. +1 for the most part. Scriptly limiting cuffed players makes sense...as they are RPly and scriptly cuffed. But scriptly limiting payers with their hands up can be problematic. With your hands up, you can RP bumping your radio as you raise your hands etc so restricting ability with hands up scriptly would make no sense. However, RP standard should be monitored and enforced to a stricter level when hands are up. If someone throws their hands up then changes frequency or talk into the radio without RP, it should be risen.
  12. Big ol +1. Lots of confusion currently working out who is who in the chat when people respond and the MDC's units tab.
  13. How so? Y movement is just up and down allowing the boat to simulate wave movement.
  14. My suggestion is quite simple, add a command that works when you are in the driver's position on a boat that allows you to secure the boat in place. Allow for Y movement for wave-bobbing but disallow X and Z movement to keep the boat in the same location.
  15. MrSilky

    Remove /erp

    Here is an extract from the rules: Text chat, VOIP, radio, phone and commands like /ME and /do are to be used only for IC content. The ame was fun for the first hour or so it was added, as OP said, it takes away and seriousness from any RP scenario.
  16. -1, This would promote a heavy pay to win mentality, something Eclipse does well to stray away from.
  17. +1 Very weird watching you run around all giddy in the middle of a gunfight
  18. MrSilky


    +1 If not, I'd like to see craftable labs so there are no static locations.
  19. I think the worst thing to do would be to distinguish a rule specifically for women as that separates them from the server's 'norm'.
  20. That was pre-update, back when I had good aim
  21. From what I have seen it is a prominent issue ICly, but that's exactly it, IC. If it spills OOCly, then that is grounds for a forum report and their potential removal from the community. As for the IC element, it's all about how you react to advances. Lots of people can be very thirsty ICly. I have noticed as I mainly RP with @Shadow but it's all about how you respond. If you respond in a friendly, flirty way - it's continues beyond repair. If you are to the point from the start, they usually back off. There are very few situations where people pursue something after being told no from the start. Yes you may need to be more stern than you are used to, but it is the only way to get the message across from the start. People will always be thirsty as this is the internet standard sadly, but if you develop your own IC methods to deter them, they usually stop. If anything goes OOC, it falls under the harassment rule which is a severe offence.
  22. Yes, many times. IA is completely impartial. If a valid IA report is submitted, it is taken serious regardless of OOC/IC friendships.
  23. "it's still a game" is a terrible way of analysing a situation for a roleplay server where realism is central. +1 for original post.
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