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Everything posted by MrSilky

  1. Kifflom brothers and sisters! I look forward to seeing this evolve. very interesting concept and it's been a pleasure RPing with you thus far!
  2. Faction leaders were informed.
  3. It's because you would be changing your entire faction's lore which would require progression rather than an instant switch. If we look at the LSMC faction thread, there is little to no criminal progression when you inquired about switching to criminal, hence your request was thrown out. You answered your own question here. We are not in it for the long run. We need things to get started off for the faction thread ready for moving forward with the plans that you have already been informed about (on the 15th). I am sure you would much rather see actual IC money used, not just spawned items/vehicles, right? We are not killing factions whatsoever. High command of other current official groups like this very much and has been praised. This has been in the works for months. Stop speculating.
  4. Faction leaders were informed about what was happening on the 15th of August with details on what these two new factions would be and what Faction Management's role would be in STARTING them up. Please stop speculating what the intent of the faction is as it is NOT for the staff who are currently in it at all.
  5. Why would an NCZ help anything? The aim of the robbery rules were to move civilian RP away from no crime zones, not move them to new ones. This is an OOC forum for OOC discussions. If you have an issue with police enforcing the law (which is entirely IC) then report it ICly to the police/commissioners but making an OOC thread won't do much to help your narrative.
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 20/JUL/2020 Character name: MrSilky Issue/bug you are reporting: Players who just join the server and have the "tour" of the city in the tutorial, are visible to all players which make players think they are flying/cheating. Expected behavior: Tutorial/tour players should either be invisible or in an alternate dimension. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: N/A
  7. No, it is OOCly enforced and that is all that needs to be publicly known.
  8. PD needs to be "OP" to be at all realistic as gangs are also seemingly "OP" Focus on roleplay, not winning. I do agree to PD's budget taking a hit for more items though (like armour, weapons and ammo).
  9. I think that's a fair way to look at it. Means that the cruiser isn't a rolling armoury and still allows for extra supplies RP. I agree with you here too. But those comments on this thread were directed to the people blindly saying "PD is overpowered" without considering both sides (crims with supers, businesses, IC rules for PD, crim & PD mindset for action RP over RP etc etc).
  10. I, and many others in PD, were actually relieved when the ID search got removed because it allows us to more confidently place charges without bullshit IA reports "hOw DiD hE kNoW wHo I wAs, I hAd a MaSk". ID removal was a good thing. I agree to the /pw thing too. It is enforced in PD that you must RP what you have in your car beforehand and if you just /pw and grab something that's not RPly there then that is no bueno and should be reported. Most officers do RP placing extra clips/vests/weapons in the vehicle and it is enforced to do so therefore if you notice anyone not RPing contents, please let me know as I am sure some don't. As for your final point, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Legal (gov) factions are even more heavily scrutinised than illegal. We constantly have internal meetings/discussions/suggestions/implementations that go on all the time. I am not ignorant to the pressures put on illegals to change therefore it would be appreciated to not be ignorant to legals as I can see both sides, legals are much more heavily monitored and scrutinised.
  11. If you want to RP death so badly when you get shot, you should follow through with that death to support your realism and lock all assets earned to that character and never use it again. Oh yeah I forgot, selective realism is the best way to be realistic.
  12. Lootable weapons will cause people to focus more on a "cops and robbers" aspect and hunt cops down for their weapons fabricating a valid rp reason to make it not deathmatching. Weapons are restricted per rank and no special weaponry is unlocked until Police Officer II. Each weapon is heavily regulated and there are MANY internal rules pertaining to them. Currently, less than half of the members in the faction have access to anything above a shotgun. As I am sure you are aware since you were in PD, PD is heavily regulated ICly and OOCly. The rules are clear as day when you are in PD/SD as the handbook is constructed around the server's rulebook. I even remember @CallumMontie saying once how it's extremely easy to be in PD and never catch a case in your admin logs. What you need to remember about the ramming is about realistic use of a vehicle and value per the rules. Cruisers are built reinforced with ram/bull bars on the front, they are more than able to PIT a vehicle of the same or slightly larger size than it. If there was to be a limit to Law Enforcement, there would also have to be a limit to active criminals as there is no situation anywhere in the world where a street gang outnumber an entire city/states police force. To cap the LEOs would not be a healthy step for the community especially civilian RPers. Prison times are as they are for a reason, It is to stop a single player going around shooting shit up then getting back to it after watching a single episode of the Big Bang Theory while AFK in jail. If you do a load of crimes, ICly be smart about it to either not get identified initially or get caught eventually.
  13. Date and time (provide timezone): 15/JUN/2020 14:00 Character name: Phillipe Sanchez Issue/bug you are reporting: Bank clerk's fear range is unlimited as long as your aim is right. Expected behavior: You should not be hold a bank clerk up from outside of the bank itself from the safety of a rooftop for example. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  14. MrSilky


    Man this shit is nostalgic. Best of luck fellas!
  15. At the LSPD, we only recruit the best of the best...
  16. Being shot in a gun fight won't result in you being war killed. Being war killed comes from in-depth RP from both sides (such as kidnapping a high ranking member of the opposing faction and demanding something in return for their life).
  17. Why would a police officer suffer personal loss when on shift when robbed/killed? This makes no sense whatsoever and comparing an officer's death to a criminal's is obscene. Look at the above image. Do you see a single item either of those officers would have paid for themselves or is not provided by their government funded workplace? Talking about faction treasury loss makes sense to a limit. I agree that there should be a cost to withdraw weapons and a refund for returning and I do hope that one day it is implemented. However, I feel that the government should receive all the money from tickets, charges, taxes etc to help with funding this. But with this, another complaint will be made later down the line (if implemented) that criminals are being overcharged for their crimes and similar arguments. I think we just need to move away from the mentality of losing and focus back on roleplay. RPly it makes sense for PD to have stockpiles of weapons and be "overpowered". However, it is actually the other way round. Large gangs can roam the city displaying public hostility with little to no repercussions and sometimes lose a heavy weapon for engaging in something they misjudged. If we want to focus on PD/SD taking financial losses for weapons/equipment then we also need to focus on the realism of large gangs convoying through the city fearless of cops displaying active public hostility.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/MAR/2020 22:00 (UTC) Character name: Phillipe_Sanchez Issue/bug you are reporting: Some faction vehicles do not register as a police vehicle and as such /blockade does not work near them. Expected behavior: /blockade should work next to all faction vehicles. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be next to a faction vehicle (such as 'insurgent2' 2. Type /blockade barrier 3. It will pop up at the top saying "you are not near a faction vehicle" (Paraphrased).
  19. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/MAR/2020 22:00 (UTC) Character name: Phillipe_Sanchez Issue/bug you are reporting: In the main MDC (/mdc or CTRL + P) the "rename unit" button does not work. Expected behavior: The button should allow for the unit name to be changed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be in the MDC 2. Navigate to UNITS tab 3. Find your unit and click "rename unit" 4. Nothing happens, have to press escape to cancel.
  20. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/MAR/2020 22:00 (UTC) Character name: Phillipe_Sanchez Issue/bug you are reporting: When you open the mini-mdc, the chatbox and its functionality goes away. You have to press F7 twice to fix. Expected behavior: The mini-MDC should open, and chat box remain with functionality. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be in a cruiser 2. Press CTRL + M to bring up the mini MDC 3. Watch the chatbox disappear and functionality removed.
  21. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/MAR/2020 22:00 (UTC) Character name: Phillipe_Sanchez Issue/bug you are reporting: The cursor appears when you Press numpad 0 with the Mini-MDC open. Expected behavior: The main MDC should open, but not show the cursor. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1. Be in a cruiser 2. Press CTRL + M to bring up the mini MDC 3. Press Numpad 0 or 5 (when aimed at a license plate) to bring up the big MDC 4. Cursor appears.
  22. This is a fantastic idea. Big +1. It is then at your discretion if you want to insert yourself into danger while clearly at a strong disadvantage.
  23. -1. Scripted parking deletes the vehicle from potential roleplay. I understand your idea and it is a good one in terms of server performance and client sided lag reduction, I just worry about how we are on a roleplay server but just magically de-spawning and re-spawning vehicles at common locations.
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