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Everything posted by Aldari

  1. Make sure you're viewing the English server, if you need further assistance feel free to ask on our discord. Suggestion archived.
  2. We will never create a system in which people are required to play and not play at certain times, because this is a video game, not real life. I also doubt we will ever create a civilian division for the impound, because there is very little IC or OOC benefit for the faction, as we would much rather just always have more police than a civilian that loiters at the impound. The impounding system should just be automated, there is very little RP in it for either the police or civilians and the RP involved is very mechanical and formulaic. The only benefit it sometimes offers the police is that occasionally a wanted person may make an impound release request. Perhaps a balance can be struct where if an Officer has not responded to your impound release request after x amounts of minutes then you can just release it without their assistance.
  3. Aldari

    Delete please

    -1, nobody should get special treatment because they have money to donate. I also know your buildable property was deleted by a senior admin specifically because it blocks the entrance to your house and blocks a public pathway. The property system was put into place to create more aesthetic and unique looking houses, not to build fortresses around your home so you can park a convoy of vehicles in front of your house, block off publicly accessible areas or so you can block your house entrance.
  4. -1 This would defeat the entire purpose of having IC consequences for your IC actions and it would mean you can benefit IC'ly from something by doing something OOC'ly, which defeats the purpose of RP. Getting 3+ hours is pretty difficult if you're IC'ly behaving intelligently, but everyone plays a character that way. I see almost everyday where people who are going to get a 10 minute jail sentence for reckless operation decide to run from the cops, create a pursuit and then turn it into a gun fight afterwards, resulting in their 10 minute jail sentence turning into a 400 minute prison sentence. You then shouldn't be rewarded by benefiting IC'ly from not playing the game, if prison RP is not something you're after then just make sure your character isn't going to prison, avoiding prison is not exactly difficult and I know plenty of criminals that I know OOC'ly commit a plethora of crimes, but they act smart IC'ly and thus avoid the charges. There is also plenty to do in prison, not so much jail, but there is plenty to do in prison. If you think the only thing to do in prison is beating each other up then that's just a lack of imagination I am afraid. There is nothing stopping people from interacting with each other and creating IC drama, story lines, friendships, alliances or conflicts that doesn't mean just randomly hitting each other for no reason, which would be deathmatching anyway.
  5. +1 I say take it one step further. Allow permanent key owners to release the car from the impound, park the cars in their houses and put it in the parking pay. Also allow permanent key owners to customise the car how they like. Essentially a perma key owner should be able to do anything to the car they like, except sell it. The only issue is that if somebody gets banned or gets inactive and they put your car in a garage you might not be able to get it out. An easy solution is to create a mors insurance app on the phone that allows you to claim your car is 'missing' and pay to have it spawn back at the insurance place.
  6. -1 There is enough OOC involvement in RP already, we don't need more. People should just behave maturely and shave peoples hair when it actually makes RP'ly sense for their character to do so in that RP scenario, not because they can, because they think it's funny. If you're shaving somebodies head and ask yourself "what is my characters motivation for doing this?" and the only answer you can provide is "because it's funny" then you're probably not roleplaying your character to the best of your ability or providing a fun roleplay experience for other people.
  7. -1 I feel this is too open to abuse. One scenario I would imagine is a pursuit where the passenger runs out of bullets, so they switch seats with the driver so the drive can shoot. It wouldn't be easy for moderators to enforce that this is not abused.
  8. Aldari

    Remove /erp

    I'm surprised I even have to make this server suggestion to be honest, but here we are. /erp What exactly is the purpose of this command? From my experience this command does two things: Ruins an RP scenario, because somebody thinks they're funny for thinking about erp during serious RP. Gotta get those fashion likes I guess. Adds an ambiguity to the previous precedent that you cannot do mental roleplay with /me's and /do's. As it says in the roleplay guide: It's seems to have been added entirely as a meme that damages the quality of RP on the server.
  9. I think lockpicking should be something you get better/worse at. You should start out rubbish, but after you lockpick a car so many times you get either a boosted chance of unlocking the car or the time spent locking picking a car gets reduced. If you don't lockpick a car for a while then your proficiency should drop. Honestly, I think people should get more money from chopping cars, but chop shops shouldn't be a preset model that moves around, they should have to be built by and maintained by criminals themselves that can be built pretty much anywhere. Rival gangs and the police should be able to destroy chop shops, but in return chop shops yield a better price. Higher risk, higher reward.
  10. This is an in-character issue, but OOC'ly they may not want someone in their faction who react to a denial by attempting to publicly shame them. Archived.
  11. Cameras are mostly there to prevent speeding around No Crime Zones, which is kind of non-rp anyway. Secondly, speeding cameras do exist in real life, so I don't really get the logic of 'make cops enforce them more'. Why not both.
  12. I rarely see the rain to be honest. Maybe you're just getting unlucky. It did used to rain pretty much constantly a year ago though, but that was changed.
  13. -1 Makes no sense whatsoever for a gang to be paying a kind of membership fee to to the government or the police, we're not roleplaying that corruption exists among the government or police and these factions have OOC rules against RP'ing corruption. Gang limitations is something that would have to be set by faction management team.
  14. Hope you enjoy your time on the server.
  15. I personally do not get robbed very often, but I guess it depends on what you do that'll determine how often you get robbed. If you're a criminal you're probably more likely to get robbed, especially if wearing gang colours. However, as a new player, you will not be able to be robbed by other players for your first few hours on the server, unless you participate in crime yourself. My only tip would be RP as just a normal civilian for a while. Don't immediately get onto the server and look to join a gang or pick a fight. Instead be a bit passive for a while, especially if you're new to RP. New players are particularly vulnerable to breaking our deathmatching rule, so I'd say avoid getting into situations where you're going to attack or rob someone until you're more familiar with RP and our rulebook.
  16. Aldari

    Nerf Cops

    Yes, government funded security agencies tasked with enforcing federal law tend to have advanced weaponry and equipment. Criminal RP is a form of RP like everybody else. Stop making your time on the server revolve around money and instead create a character story or arc. That is the purpose of RP, if you're just playing for the virtual money then I don't see what the point is. When I played a criminal over a year ago we didn't even have chop shops or drug labs. Drugs had to be sold to other players, criminals were poor, as they should mostly be and the only rich criminals were gang leaders. Instead we created stories and arcs with other factions, we didn't all hang out in one place talking and spend all day trying to make money. If you're only interested in making money then you shouldn't really be doing criminal RP to be honest. Criminal RP is some of the most story driven RP possible, because it solely requires you to interact with other players, so your objective should be to create stories and arcs and interact with other gangs, not stand at a drug lab for four hours trying to make money. A po1 in four hours would earn $19,000, presuming they're in the 35% tax bracket that would be reduced to $12,350. So, not even close. Secondly, it does make sense, because people with stable jobs IRL earn a steadier and more reliable income than your average criminal. What doesn't make realistic sense is every criminal having a reliable, relatively safe way of making a lot of money. Most criminals make very little money IRL and it is only the heads of large organise crime syndicates that become rich. Your focus should be on creating a memorable RP experience for yourself and your character, not money or "winning".
  17. -1 I don't see any huge RP potential coming from this, and I do see a lot of added strain on the staff team that will have to then deal with constant reports due to people crashing and then dying on log-in or refund requests when they have to pay a fortune to get their helicopter out from insurance after it desyncs crash. It'll just lead to constant ridiculous RP scenarios, like the police having to chase helicopters or, as somebody already said, people repeatedly using helicopters to break their friends out. Which just isn't happening in a maximum security prison, at least not very often. No thanks, I want less action roleplay, not more.
  18. -1 Currently the equipment the police use is spawned in using script commands. Allowing an infinite supply of weapons to be spawned into the economy will just inflate the server economy even more than it already is.
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