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Salvador Rivera

Novo Los Aztecas

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One of the vatos in the familia had let us know of a recent investment in a Church in the north of the county.

It had been a long time since any of us prayed to God, and you know having God on your side is always useful in times of conflict. 




We knew what potential the place had, and how lacking the Latino and Hispanic community has been of a community center, that this seemed like a gift from God itself. 

So each and every vato got to work, building meticulously a place where we could bring our families, our friends - a sanctuary for peace in this chaotic immoral world that surrounds us. 




So many people dropped by while we were building, maybe it was a little uncomfortable for the town of Paleto so many new people joining the town all at once - even the morannos came by for a sneak peak and something about a hostage situation.

They quickly realised there was nothing going on and said their goodbyes! 



With the time and money we had, we built the Church of Vato and finally it was ready for our first Sunday service.

Luckily we had an ordained Minister of Vato in our midst, who quickly took position as our Father Vato.

He agreed to open the first ever Church of Vato mass. 

Everyone was looking forward to getting together and praying to the Holy Vato the way our families do back home.

People pulled out their best clothes and ironed their shirts, dusting the cars off that have been sitting in the garage for so long 



Everyone went inside and prepared to be seated for Father Juan’s ceremony.






Finally Father Juan arrived and proceeded to teach the congregation the ways of the Holy Vato.



Like show peace and love to thy neighbours 



Of course we had the Vato Communion, with each person given the traditional vato offering. 




Our Vato who art in the Barrio.. Homie Be Thy Name” 
- Father Juan 




The closing ceremony of Tequila was offered and the first ever Vato mass was concluded. 




The service ended and everyone made their way outside to the carpark while Father Juan spoke to the congregation while wishing them well for the week




"Praise be to the Holy Vato"



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I can say these guys put a lot of effort and they're souls into all this thing, been growing and getting better and better in experience, I can see a very positive and successful future into all this, keep up the work and don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

With all do respect Ray Broker.

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Few days passed and we felt bad about the fact that we did not manage to party with our WCA friends last Friday, so yet again we decided to pack up some boxes of the best Mexican Tequila and of course enough mota for everyone. Everyone gathered together and were off to meet up with the WCA.


We were so happy when upon arriving the WCA guys were all there. Of course this was a surprise party and they did not expect, but we all know that surprise parties are the best ones. We handed out the tequilas, gave the bags of mota to the WCA, cuz they are the highest class rollers and they know how to roll a good blunt. It was a blast and we all partied so hard, but I guess WCA boys were not fit for the tequila we brought, cuz all of them got so drunk, so quick, that they started to pass out, left and right, near the pool from all the partying and drinking.


I mean party is a party, so we wanted some of that well rolled mota, but the guys we gave the bags to, who were suppose to roll them for all of us, decided to try it and yet again...the cheap stuff they've been smoking daily, was nothing like the mota we brought, so it was too strong for them, so they got relaxed beyond the measures and fell asleep.


All of that kind of left us disappointed as they would always act tough, but when it came to real partying they were done so quick. There was nothing to do as the party was over, but we are good friends, so we decided to give them another surprise for when they woke up and do a check-ups on all their cars. They're already poor with spending the money on the cars, so we knew that servicing them hits their pockets hard. One of our guys knew this new mechanic shop where you could get good discounts, so we brought them cars there...must say - them mechanics seemed a little shady...


We did not wait for the mechanics to check all the cars as that would take ages. We gave them contact information of the WCA boys and left them cars there to be picked up by the owners when the checks were done...

Edited by OBESE
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On 1/18/2020 at 5:06 AM, Amaim said:

I really like the roleplay you bring to the server as we lack proper gangs, hope to see more gangs following your path.

Thank you and my family is happy than people see what we are trying to show this server big  respect to everyone.  Old-School RP
I ‘m not perfect but who is , right ? 

Edited by Chris Bluestone
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As the war with WCA goes on, Rooks have decided that they want to join the war as they felt that we were a threat for their future. We were told that Vory are back in town and want to set a meeting with us. We didn't think much of it as first, but when they showed up to our church we were intrigued on what they have to say. Because the last time we saw them was on their lowest point - fighting the Council.


The meeting went surprisingly well and we left off on good terms. Vory wanted to combine forces and fight against Rooks, because we don't appreciate the footstep they're leaving. We set another meeting, but with everyone to fully acknowledge our situation. They updated us on their new style and colors and told us about their plans with us in the future. We thought that this was a great step going into the future, but little did we know it was just the beggining of a new era.


As the day goes on NLA was tearing WCA apart, piece by piece. Once a member of WCA was spotted he was like a dear in the headlights, had no escape. Their only escape was running to Bank or the Police station. NLA was getting tired of this, seeing as only half of WCA had honour. Time was running late as NLA were hunting WCA for the past 24 hours non-stop. Then out of nowhere NLA receives a radio call about WCA being at their motel. Minutes after NLA had intel that Vory was on the roofs and they were setting up an ambush. NLA was confused since they just had a meeting with Vory about combining forces against Rooks, but not helping WCA fight agains't us. We didn't hesitate on retreating, since it was clear that NLA would of lost that battle. 


As soon as NLA retreated, they spotted Pops at Taco. NLA decided to collapse on Pops, few minutes passed and someone from WCA spotted NLA robbing Pops so a radio call was made and Vory with WCA came in seconds. NLA made quick notice of the situation and took position on the roofs. The massacre between NLA and WCA/Vory lasted for 5 minutes and it was interupted by the Police. Not many survived and the few that survived got arrested. The fight was a tie. Although NLA was outnumbered they still left Victorious.


To be continued...

Edited by JoeyPoppins
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Diego & Gomez


After a long week of preparation, the familia was looking forward to the Vato Sunday Service. Our enemies scouted around and tried to make war on the Sabbath Day, which is so important to the Latino & Hispanic community in Los Santos. Not to be deterred we ensured this special occasion was not ruined by unwanted bloodshed. 


Our family and friends gathered at the Vato Church in Paleto to attend our weekly service and to ensure that everyone had an opportunity to find some peace for a short time in the midst of war.




Everyone was looking well in their best clothes, showing respect to the Holy Vato. 

We eagerly waited for the Church bells to ring and everybody went inside to listen to the words of our Holy Padre Juan. 





This week’s Vato Gospel was the Story of “Diego & Gomez” 



“There was a war in the land. The O.G. Saul and the Ancient Vagos were fighting the Western Alliance. One of the Western Alliance was a giant. His name was Gomez. He was very big and strong. The Ancient Vagos were afraid of him.
Gomez shouted to the Ancient Vagos. He told them to choose a vato to fight him. No one wanted to fight the giant. Gomez shouted to them every morning and every night for forty days. None of the Ancient Vagos would fight him.
Diego’s brothers were in the Ancient Vago army. Jose, Diego’s father sent Diego to take some food to them.
Diego saw the giant. He heard Gomez shouting. He saw that the vatos were afraid of Gomez .
Diego said he would fight the giant. His brothers were angry. They said Diego should be taking care of the barrio.
Diego knew The Holy Vato would help him. He picked up five stones. He took his sling and went to fight Gomez.
Gomez saw that Diego was young. He was angry. He shouted at Diego and made fun of him. Diego shouted back. He said The Holy Vato would help him kill Gomez.
Gomez came at Diego to fight. Then Diego put a stone in his sling and threw the stone.
The stone hit Gomez in the head. Gomez fell to the ground.
Diego took Gomez sword and cut off his head.
The Western Alliance saw Diego kill Gomez. They were afraid and ran away. The Holy Vato had helped Diego kill the giant.” 




Some of the familia stepped up and spoke of our fallen amigos, for the weak who seek aid and comfort and how to show forgiveness to others. 






We had our communion and passed out the perfectly rolled blunts of our Vatos. Everyone lined up and accepted. The room filled with smoke and everyone smiled and rejoiced




We offer handshakes of peace to each of our neighbours, and even the Bishop drops in to confer proceedings 



Afterwards the traditional Tequila is handed out and we thank everyone for coming along, wish them well for the week and hoping to see them again next week. 





We were lucky enough to have a wonderful photographer who took a beautiful shot of the low riders bouncing surrounded by our friends and families. 


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