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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Osvaldon

    Infinite run

    It's not a bug, everyone is given equal amount of stamina once they join the server, because earlier, players without a full save game were in a disadvantage.
  2. Will be fixed in the next patch. (didn't make it in time for the recent patch).
  3. It's a bug caused by RAGE, looking for a workaround.
  4. Updated the notifications.
  5. The current voice system does not fully support multiple channels and since it's a 3rd party software, we are waiting for the developer to implement these features, in the meantime, we ask everyone to remain patient, it will be fixed eventually.
  6. Osvaldon

    Can't register

    Try the last solution
  7. Did any of you try to delete your RAGE files and then reinstall it?
  8. Have you tried asking an administrator for help? Make a report and ask them to check your dimension. EDIT: you should be fine once you log in again with that character.
  9. You can't see the bottom text notifications, because you're probably a Windows 7 user (fixed in the upcoming RAGE update).
  10. Same problem as with car names, will fix it shortly. EDIT: we will have a new panel, so the current one will not be updated, unless the update is critically important.
  11. @Mecksta your client fails to receive/send client-event data and some features do not work correctly for you, that's my guess. You could try joining the server using a VPN proxy, like Windscribe and see if that helps. Also, why did you post this in the Archive?
  12. @pianomomma you should contact me on Discord.
  13. Thank you for the report, the issue is already fixed, just need to wait for a server patch.
  14. This does seem like a problem of the RAGE client (or GTA), our server is not the issue. After v0.4 is released, you should report it on their channel.
  15. @DDevastatedTV I've tested it and failed to reproduce the issue. Does it happen 100% of the time, do other faction members have the same problem?
  16. Issue has been identified and fixed, wait for a server update.
  17. Performance upgrades do not increase the maximum speed, they increase the vehicle's acceleration.
  18. Osvaldon


    The administrator got confused by the spacing left between the main paragraph and the symbol "t"
  19. Osvaldon

    It's a joke?

    Administrators don't do that, unless you spam your answers with ......................................................
  20. You do get feedback via email and you get an in-game notification (for the text answers). As for the test, if you read the server rules, that should be enough to pass.
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