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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. It's how it spawns in GT-MP and there are no roof mods for this vehicle. I will try to find a way to get rid of the roof.
  2. This is not exactly a server bug and wouldn't your gun be confiscated either way as it's illegal?
  3. Good to hear that you found a solution, this might help someone in the future too.
  4. You should post this as a punishment appeal in the unban section.
  5. Vehicle with a "BATMAN" license plate is not a T20. However, I see you spent $92.000 on July 8th to customize your Gargoyle
  6. They won't save unless applied by a mechanic. Also, there is no record of you applying any modifications to this particular vehicle for the past 3 weeks.
  7. I've sent you a possible way to do it via PM, check it out.
  8. I'm not saying it's not possible, but how do we know your death was a result of a client bug and not your own fault? If there's no evidence, we cannot refund you.
  9. If you lost any items because of a client bug, we can only refund you if you have evidence to support your claim.
  10. You should also check if your microphone is the default sound input device.
  11. If you could contact me through Discord, we can sort this out.
  12. This has been potentially fixed, it should be visible after a server patch.
  13. I agree that the speeds are low. Your lag spikes could be caused by voice chat, which may be using more bandwidth than your network can handle, but I am not 100% sure about it.
  14. The vehicles should be returned to your character.
  15. There has been a mistake here. The OP got confused, because the script deducted money from the business balance instead of taking it from his bank account.
  16. You have sold your Warrener for $10.000 at the vehicle market. And I am 100% convinced that you did receive that money, I have confirmed it with the help of our server logs.
  17. It's intended behavior.
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