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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. What's the car license plate number
  2. Which car are you talking about, can you provide us with a car license plate number.
  3. The scroll wheel is disabled, when you carry a harvest bag. I would assume that something had gone wrong when you dropped a bag. Did you notice something unusual when you got rid of a harvest bag?
  4. A new system for mechanic-vehicle interactions is on it's way
  5. Sorry, but the clipboard doesn't function properly in the in-game browser, it must be an implementation issue created by GTA:Network. You will not be able to add a logo.
  6. Osvaldon


    The bug has been fixed, you need to wait for us to patch the live server, though.
  7. @harmdone please resolve this as soon as possible.
  8. Were you inside a finance company before this issue started to occur?
  9. You should join the server and see if the visual mods are back
  10. Did I misread the first post?
  11. If I meet a person and I don't know who that is, that person could give me a false name and I would have no way of knowing that, isn't that a bit interesting? Also, I don't think that many people pay much attention to character faces, some faces might look very similar and when in real life you could recognize a person by their face, I don't think it would be as easy in-game, so the alias system comes into place, it helps you identify character's who you have met in the past (you have to be very close to put an alias on them). It's not just about introductions, you could put an alias on a character, who you have seen before, but don't know them, for example, "Guy who stole my bike", you don't know the name of that person, but you "recognize" them from their appearance. I don't think that the alias system should work only for faction members.
  12. Please be more specific with your problem. I also need the car license plate or at least the model.
  13. The "Empty" text should display the name of the turf you are in, but if you are not in a turf, it will say "Emtpy". Player reports show up in 2 lines, so administrators can see the full message. This is because of text length limitations. The last error has been corrected and will be applied soon.
  14. Please follow the report format and give us more information, you say that you are not able to reset the password, but you are not giving us a detailed explanation about the problem.
  15. This was not intended behavior, a player should be able to see the treasury menu of their own faction only. I will reimburse you and fix the bug.
  16. Are you sure you're at the right place? :D
  17. I think I know what's the problem with the interior, by default the interior of that car is green, just like a Windsor Drop's roof is red by default. I will patch it up. I may need to include performance modifications to my custom streamer, because GT:MP functions are not trustworthy.
  18. It's a bug of the multiplayer mod. This bug affects many van type vehicles, such as, the Surfer or the Moonbeam. I will give you a refund for this vehicle.
  19. Once you become a garbage man and enter your truck, you should see small * (star) icons on your map, which indicate the trash bag locations. The issue with the truck not despawning will be fixed in the next update.
  20. You were banned about 24 hours ago by Lord Pepe, if you feel that you haven't done anything to deserve it, then post an unban request.
  21. I'm afraid I don't know how to help you. This is a client issue so you should try asking for help at GT:MP Discord or forums, if you do find a solution, please post it here, for those who may encounter the same problem.
  22. If a car is locked, you won't be able to get in. Have you tried using G on a CityBee car that you've spawned yourself?
  23. I don't see your name on the ban list.
  24. No, you're allowed to make a few mistakes.
  25. We have added a password recovery option in our game panel, for more information check the first question in the link provided below:
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