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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Are you sure it's a Warrener and not another vehicle? https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Vehicle_Models
  2. You need to post a player report here https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/4-report-a-player/ and follow the report format.
  3. People have reported that lowering their DirectX setting to DirectX 10.0 helped. You can do that in your GTA V settings, to access them, you need to launch GTA V without using the GT-MP launcher.
  4. That person has been permanently banned and I have returned all your vehicles.
  5. Could you tell me when was your account hacked and how long did it take you to realize it?
  6. GT-MP Server Blacklisted Hello, our dear community members, as you may be aware, our server got blacklisted by GT-MP after a dispute with their lead developer DurtyFree. Today we have been approached by GT-MP community manager Hardy with a request to remove a part of our VIP features from the server, because they may have been violating their EULA. As a project owner I could not tolerate, that outsiders from GT-MP were trying to interfere with the development of a server, that they had nothing to do with, therefore I protested their request where it escalated into an argument and Eclipse was left with an ultimatum to meet their demands within 24 hours or be blacklisted, further argument with DurtyFree resulted in an instant blacklist. I have tried talking to DurtyFree for hours, we have even removed the VIP features as they have initially demanded, however no progress has been made, therefore we had no other choice, but to look for a way to circumvent their blacklist. We are only doing this in our defense, as GT-MP is acting from the position of power as the aggressor. I do not know what their motives are, but both Hardy and DurtyFree complained about lack of support from GT-MP servers, which are making profit and not sharing it with GT-MP developers, who do not make as much in donations. [FIX] How to disable the error? Download this .dll file GrandTheftMultiplayer.Client.dll Insert the downloaded file into Grand Theft Multiplayer\bin\scripts and replace the existing one Use "Quick Connect" while in-game to join the server IP: play.eclipse-rp.net Port: 7001 GrandTheftMultiplayer.Client.dll
  7. @NobodyLTU look into this request when you can, you would know better how the clothing scripts work.
  8. It should be treated as spamming.
  9. Fixed in the test version, needs to be pushed to live.
  10. I took your car for a drive and everything seems to be fine with it. Could you try spawning it at Mors Insurance again?
  11. Osvaldon

    Missing stuff

    It doesn't matter how you got something, my job is to take away the money you cheated, whether it's wiping your money or revoking any legit property. As you did not have enough money in your bank, I had to delete the Warrener.
  12. Osvaldon

    Missing stuff

    Your bank and salary were wiped after you got banned, since there wasn't enough money to cover everything, the Warrener got deleted too. Server Rules
  13. What's your character name?
  14. And other people can see it, just not you?
  15. @harmdone 24 hours have passed since the report, please resolve the issue.
  16. @harmdone do not move reports to resolved, before they are actually resolved and complete that old report.
  17. What's the plate number of the vehicle?
  18. The scroll wheel bug has been fixed in the development version, though it will take time until it's pushed to the live version.
  19. Then it started happening after the update, I will look into the changes and see what could cause this.
  20. I have checked the server logs and I found that two different players stole those rifles (2 and 3 each) . Thievery is neither scamming or robbing and it's not defined in the rules, however I think a thief should be able to steal everything they can carry, because if nobody sees, nobody will try to stop them. Also, do you have any footage which would support your claim, that your car did teleport to the other side of the map?
  21. And dropping a bag did not resolve the scroll wheel bug?
  22. Criminal charges are permanent, so don't commit crimes, if you don't want the police to chase after you. We have plans to implement a CK system, that would clear you of all criminal history, but I cannot promise any release date.
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