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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Changes were made that might or might not fix this issue. Could anyone confirm whether the bug is still reproducible (only valid if you're the owner of the CityBee vehicle).
  2. The bug will be fixed in the next patch, in the meantime, you should enter "input reason" without the "/" and it will work. In the future please use the standard report form.
  3. Thank you for reporting this bug, it's quite serious. It has been fixed and hopefully will not repeat itself.
  4. I will lock the topic, since no reply has been received for 10 days. If anyone is having the same issue, try using a VPN. It is known to help people, who experience data loss.
  5. Serthon's method should work 100%.
  6. Farms are reset after ~40 minutes since last stage change. I changed it, so performing other tasks would reset the timer too. Bug has been fixed.
  7. They are set to be collisionless, so should not cause such problems, however I think that RAGE fails to synchronize that attribute, hopefully it will not be a problem in RAGE v0.4
  8. It might be so because vehicles no longer despawn immediately after their owner disconnects. I will have a look at it.
  9. Have you spawned the vehicle yourself or found it spawned by another player?
  10. When a vehicle is deleted, the RAGE client does trigger an event, that's why the the HUD remains. The issue has been globally fixed. Thank you for the report.
  11. UPDATE: Character should not be refunded. Assets have been sold by the owner (suspected rule breach).
  12. Okay, you should be allowed to plant now. If there are any other problems, feel free to report them.
  13. I might have broken it earlier, will fix it soon.
  14. Have you tried using a VPN as suggested before?
  15. Are you sure those are not female clothes?
  16. Will be fixed in the next patch.
  17. The object glitch has been fixed and so has the grammar mistake.
  18. Thank you for the report. The bug has been confirmed. I will attempt to fix it (assuming the error is caused by our script).
  19. Just to clarify, you will be able to get your ETR-1 from Mors Insurance at a later time, the vehicle is not lost indefinitely.
  20. Hi, your vehicle was sold, but your new bank balance failed to save. You will be refunded $40.000. If you do not receive the refund, you can PM me on Discord rather than starting a new thread.
  21. Osvaldon

    No login box.

    The error says, that the libcef library file could not be found. Try deleting your GT-MP folder and installing it again.
  22. Ask the police officer for a compensation, I don't think that developers should be refunding players, if they die not because of a game bug, but other player's fault.
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