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Glubu last won the day on September 11 2018

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98 Excellent

About Glubu

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  1. that feeling when you get banned from Eclipse discord

    1. Denni


      Same bro! 

    2. Reevesy202



  2. Will this include orgies, party and play etc.? Free poppers? (asking for a friend)
  3. I've been in the MD way back in early 2017 and even then the same issues persists as HaminLord stated. It's not about the EMS itself, it's about the other community members that don't bother. Fully agree with HaminLord.
  4. Reduce the prices of consumables from the general store. In my opinion the prices of the consumables are way too high. They add to RP, however because they are so stupidly expensive no one really bothers with them unless they just want to heal themselves and they can't find a medic. It would allow players to have cheaper/easier parties with lots of alcohol etc. without going absolutely bankrupt. Reduce the prices of the consumables by a large amount, I'd suggest 50%. A hotdog should not take 1/5th of your welfare in my opinion. (Slightly biased suggestion from a hotdog saleswoman who wants more RP)
  5. Glubu

    Less rain

    As the tittle suggests. It rains way too often at the current rate, in my opinion. I'd love to see it be reduced significantly. Not much else to add to be honest.
  6. That escalated quickly 

  7. Oh... you're THAT guy!

    1. Chirlon
    2. Serthon


      Hey Joey, I like you a lot. I think you're really cool.

  8. +1 Hell I'd even go on fishing trips off-duty every now and then.
  9. Glubu


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