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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. It's a RAGE bug, I have established that with the female firefighter uniform. It will not work properly, if the drawable ID is above 255 (server says 254, because unusable tops are excluded, check RAGE Wiki for real IDs). I believe the top you want is 262 on the RAGE Wiki. I have already informed the RAGE developer about this issue. https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Female_Tops
  2. Those servers use a different client that supports a small number of players, we use RAGE, which theoretically could support huge numbers, but there's no NPC system.
  3. This topic reminds me of the Stronghold series. (jokes aside, the system does need work)
  4. Sorry, because of the very small number of people who can process refund requests, we do not grant refund requests for losses less than $25.000 in monetary value.
  5. If you press SHIFT+TAB while speaking in voice chat, you will crash, that is because voice chat doesn't like game freezes or lag. As I have said before, we have implemented counter measures to reduce the chances of crashing and those measures seem to have worked. RAGE developer promised that this issue will be completely eliminated.
  6. @trlton this is supposedly caused by the RAGE voice system. I've contacted the RAGE developer and I believe that he fixed it. Please let me know if the issues persists.
  7. You can report police officers for breaking the server rules on the main forum, the police faction have their own internal rules and for that you can make an IA report. If server rules are broken, I recommend to make a report here.
  8. Osvaldon

    Map bug?

    I'm unable to replicate this.
  9. The cause is known, chance to crash is much lower now, but not completely eliminated.
  10. I've replied to your PM and asked you to contact me over Discord.
  11. Ask an administrator to transfer you to the default dimension. (/report)
  12. Contact me over Discord and I'll resolve your issue.
  13. It's not a bug, it's a disabled feature. RAGE currently doesn't support the functionality that's needed for the flatbed script.
  14. @NobodyLTU is replacing the old voice system with the one RAGE implemented, if the new system functions properly, most of the existing problems we experience with the old system will disappear. I will forward the chopshop complaint too, but as long as the owner of the car pays more to get their vehicle back from Mors Insurance, then there should not be any problems to increase the pay. I could make a topic explaining what my current work involves, it includes warehouses, shipments, keypad locks and container construction. It will take me some time to implement everything properly, that's why I don't talk about it publicly, until I have something solid to show I don't want to raise peoples' expectations. I've also added a cooldown timer for bleets, because there used to be a rule on how frequent a player could message those, now there is no need for staff members to enforce it.
  15. Unfortunately, the issue is not that simple. The server has more than enough resources and the connection is fine too. All we can do is wait for P2P (peer to peer) sync that RAGE v0.4 promises.
  16. Osvaldon


    Which roughly translates into more shootouts and criminals being free to do whatever they want with little of consequence. Players have made some valid points in that thread that I've referenced earlier, if you're going to demand decreased jail time, you should also think about what consequences that would have.
  17. Osvaldon


    There is already a similar thread
  18. How do we determine if a player is allowed to roleplay their own death or not? As you said, there's a conflict of interest between the criminals and the police. Criminals wish to roleplay their own death, to avoid the consequences and the police want to punish them for their crimes. As a developer, I must say that death roleplay was never intended and I believe the concept emerged from the criminal players. There is also a problem, that players are not afraid of dying or fighting the police, there are cases where they actively seek out opportunities to shoot at something. Basically, all shootouts will result in one party being neutralized (injured). If the police allow such players to roleplay their death, then there is nothing to stop them, from going back to their home/vehicle and getting back fully armed to kidnap or rob someone, all within 5 minutes. If you think a staff member is abusing their power, or if you think the police are breaking the server rules, it should be reported on the forums. It's really difficult to discuss it, without the specifics of each individual case (evidence would be helpful too). Finally, I completely agree that criminal roleplay should be as much fun as any other kind of roleplay, however there must be balance, crime must have some form of consequences. Improvements to the prison could prove to be helpful, the prison should be a roleplay opportunity, not an OOC punishment. A prison faction and prison activities are already in our TODO list.
  19. I think the super car market is very healthy, thanks to their removal from dealerships. They have become rare and expensive, just they way they should be. We will introduce a limited number of new super car models in the future, these vehicles will most likely be sold at auctions. I understand that some people want to own literally everything the game has to offer, but for these players I'd suggest a change of priorities.
  20. There is at least one, possibly two gun stores, that could be put on auction using the 3 month mark, leaving just 1 fuel station without stock (temporarily). The way you worded makes it sound like the world is coming to an end, because the current 3 month mark is too much, but in reality, it's not that big of an issue. The vast majority of businesses are stocked and functional.
  21. Will archive this report, because it's a RAGE streamer issue, you should just avoid leaving your car under the roof if you intend to enter your house.
  22. Earl's is the only fuel station, that currently is out of stock, it's owner last logged in 4 days ago and I've found just two gun stores that are without stock, so I don't see how that accounts for "alot of businesses" @punched
  23. Have you tried leaving someone outside to watch it?
  24. Osvaldon


    ADMIN MARKERS mark the spot. I'll announce the map location in advance.
  25. Osvaldon


    It's planned to add more new houses, perhaps on the 25th October. There will be a separate announcement on our Discord server. I'd like to introduce a new pricing system, that will be put into place to combat abusers, who purchase large numbers of newly added property. It's basically like an auction system, but for the duration of this "auction" the price will be going down rather than up... Newly added houses will have their normal price multiplied by 10, which will continuously decrease over time until the price reaches it's base value (normal price multiplied by 1). This process takes 5 days for each individual house. What are the benefits? Instead of having fixed prices, players will decide the value of each house. It will be difficult for one person to purchase multiple houses and resell them for a higher price. While this system is more advantageous to rich players, this advantage comes with a higher price (literally).
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