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  1. -1 We shouldnt be removing things just because a few bad apples ruin them. Metagaming with the MDC is a serious rule breach and everyone in PD & SD knows it. As Aldarine said, it is also necessary for certain kinds of RP involving /ldo.
  2. It a simple clothing suggestion, add the ability to buy gloves from a clothing store and/or give PD the ability to do /gloves or something. It will add further immersion for everyone, either criminals doing crimes or PD handling evidence. There are already gloves available with rage mp. There should however be downsides. Apart from the timer to put them on (same as changing clothing) there should be longer timers to do other actions while wearing them, or something of the sort. This would be to avoid people wearing gloves at all times.
  3. Wrong place for post, also posted in discussions forum. Locked and Archived.
  4. Ive been actively playing on ECRP since September 2018 and from my experience its way easier to make money now than before, at least for a law abiding citizen. Everybody is a nobody or "random" until you make something of yourself. You cant expect everything to come to you and people to just want to instantly become friends with you out of nowhere. Scripted Factions are one of the best ways to increase your RP, meet new people and network some connections. Money is not a huge part at all. Personally I waste all my money on cool cars, then just scrap them when I get bored to save time before I can buy a new one. As a police officer I can confidently say 99% of people play only for the RP and fun, not the wealth that comes with it. There have been times where the script that allows us to get payed had broken, but nobody cared, tons officers still came online for long hours and played like normal. On this server you can walk up to a random person and start up a long conversation that can lead to various RP situations. Think of it like this: If you are a random person that just immigrated to a city where you know nobody, walk into the "hood" of people that look like gangmembers and try to speak to them, they will tell you to fuck off. Its not about money, they simply don't know you. There are lots of events where everyone is welcome, which are a great opportunity to meet people. The excuse that you cant start a gang because people don't join or care is also not very accurate. The most well known gang on the server started off with nothing and nobody (with less than 150 people online on average everyday), there are hundreds of hours put into these gangs by the people involved to get them to the level you see.
  5. The main idea was for it not to be just my clips, I tried to include as many people as possible.
  6. Thanks! make sure to like, subscribe and click the notification bell so you don't miss my next upload.
  7. -1 much of this can be dealt with ICly, There are things you can do IC to get officers there if they don't show up for long periods of time.
  8. The event team has some cool stuff coming soon
  9. Lets keep the discussion civil folks, please no unnecessary faction bashing or passive aggressive remarks.
  10. -1 Im just gonna leave this here: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewtopic.php?f=641&t=39670
  11. There are regular checks on PD members to ensure that does not occur. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, I believe people were able to drop guns without being un-cuffed first in the past. Either way this seems like a great addition +1
  12. If you want to CK then you should create a new character, this will eliminate the alias and metagaming issues.
  13. That video is looking real well made, appreciating the effort gone into it!
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