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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Will be fixed in the upcoming update.
  2. It's a game glitch, not a server issue.
  3. A point marker has gone missing for some reason, NCZ is now fixed.
  4. A point marker has gone missing for some reason, NCZ is now fixed.
  5. You have not paid your loans fully, at least that's what I see in the server logs
  6. Will be fixed in the upcoming update.
  7. System is restricted to vehicles owned by the house owner, which means you cannot park vehicles that do not belong to the house owner.
  8. System is restricted to vehicles owned by the house owner, which means you cannot park vehicles that do not belong to the house owner.
  9. Will be fixed in the next update.
  10. How did you enter the vehicle? Despawn timer should be reset if a vehicle is occupied.
  11. Thank you for the report, we're currently updating the panel and we will have a whole new faction page.
  12. You should be able to find your car now, type /vehiclestats in-game for more details.
  13. It's a RAGE problem, because they have disabled the mod, however, it can be circumvented. A modding update is in development currently, all known issues will be fixed after it is released.
  14. Seems like the server calculates the total price a little differently, than the client does. A modding update is in development currently, all known issues will be fixed after it is released.
  15. A modding update is in development currently, all known issues will be fixed after it is released.
  16. A modding update is in development currently, all known issues will be fixed after it is released.
  17. Will be working properly after a server update.
  18. It's unlikely that the server will be moved to NA, unless there's a huge demographic change in the community, also, please remain patient while we attempt to resolve the current issue.
  19. @37hh I didn't change the prices, but they must be based on the value of the vehicle, what kind of vehicle costs 30k to repair exactly?
  20. The rules don't say the entire block, also, the whole NCZ areas are scripted now, it's not an NCZ outside the scripted area.
  21. There's a code line that puts the player in the default dimension, are you sure the bug is still there.
  22. This is not a bug, seems like default functionality.
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