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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Osvaldon


    A couple of updates are delaying the removal of snow, but it's already gone on our test server, sorry for the delay.
  2. Here is a package of planned changes: 1. Move new player spawn to a more populated and friendly area. 2. Increase the new player protection experience boundary. 3. Display the status of a new player in their name tag. 4. Scripted inventory and money protection for new players.
  3. It's a viable idea, we are considering this and a combination of some other small features to protect the newbies.
  4. Osvaldon


    It's concluded that snow will be removed after Christmas. In the future, we'll use it only for the holiday period.
  5. Nationality is of no importance if you can speak English and follow the rules.
  6. Osvaldon


    When should snow be removed, what do you think? How do you feel about the snowy weather?
  7. I have seen people abuse such a system, going into full out reputation wars with each other, I don't think such a system would be healthy, I support Xoza's post, if you don't agree with someone, oppose them with your own ideas and arguments, or make a poll.
  8. Ask a friend to log into your account and tell you if the issue persists, you can change your password in the game panel before doing it.
  9. If possible, try using a different device or Internet source (like mobile data). I suspect that data is not properly sent over to your client.
  10. A possible formula, that aims to solve problems mentioned in this thread.
  11. Osvaldon

    Loan Issues..

    Issue fixed for the next patch.
  12. If you say they can't, it's not intentional, it's an interpretation. I'm totally open to new rule formulas.
  13. Basically, the metagaming rule should ensure the following: 1. A fair gaming experience - telling your friends or allies a location and asking for help, so those around you cannot intercept your chatter is unfair and should be viewed as the most severe form of MG (it's just one example). 2. A better roleplay environment - it's much better to hear people talk to each other, than see them standing or walking around, but not interacting vocally. I have explained to some staff members that using your in-game name as your Discord name is not an issue. Streamers are a controversial topic, I personally support them, since it boosts our publicity and I think the streamer culture has progressed a lot since what it used to be 10 years ago, restricting them, would be an outdated policy.
  14. You can also make a player report, if the legal penalties are abused.
  15. Osvaldon

    Bug in mors

    This is not a server bug, try asking another player to move it or ask an admin to destroy it.
  16. You can PM me over Discord, you will need to re-enable your 2FA.
  17. I'll ask NBDY to work on the taxation system (he made the initial changes), as @Levi208 has correctly pointed out, a player shouldn't make significantly less money after reaching the next bracket and government employees shouldn't be discouraged to work legal jobs, because of the tax. There's also a problem with the base income, it's also cut and the remainder is taxed, but the base income was supposed to be part of the job salary, so it should have never been cut. In addition, Dwayne Smith has proposed a change to the tax system, so the tax is calculated based on your income, not total wealth. In other words, if you try to make significantly more money in a short period, you'll get taxed more, but if you're rich and your income is little, you will get taxed little.
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