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Everything posted by Aldarine

  1. Aldarine

    ATC Radio

    It still wouldn't solve the issue of just another thing clogging up the text box. It may not seem like a big deal to some people but when you're a medic on scene with a million things going on at the same time, it's already hard enough trying to find /me and /do. This would only make it worse.
  2. Let's work towards getting this done IC! This sounds like a fantastic idea.
  3. Aldarine

    ATC Radio

    -1 The only thing I could see this doing is making life incredibly hard and confusing for people who fly government aircraft. Not only do they already have normal radio chatter to deal with and sort through but this would just add more text. In EMS when you have a lot of text based RP, the last thing needed is even more to flood your text box. This would also create essentially double the work as the flying party would still need to make their normal radio calls to their department dispatch on top of this.
  4. I really do understand the convenience but I still just don't see the realism in it, I really don't I'm sorry. To me it would be so immersion breaking to see a nice helicopter land on a small run down hospital in the middle of an incredibly run down and seemingly impoverished area of the city. The heli-pad across the street doesn't relate to a heli-pad at the run down hospital.
  5. Kind of on the fence for this one. While it would be convenient for some people, it really doesn’t make RP sense for the Sandy hospital. The hospital in Sandy is small, run down, and looks like a small clinic that is the only form of medical treatment for northern residents and this turned into a hospital. Looking at the hospital visually and the environment, it is true that a helipad wouldn’t make much sense. Realistically, helipads and medevac are stationed in highly populated central areas at state of the art hospitals equipped to handle the traumas that come from calls requiring medevac. Sandy just doesn’t fit the bill and I tend to lean on the side of realism over convenience.
  6. I wasn’t around for snow on the server but one thing that would be nice is some weather implementation aside from just rain. It would be nice to see rare snow (considering geography of Los Santos). I’d like to see it taken a step further where perhaps we have actual temperatures listed daily. It’s kind of weird walking around and seeing some people bundled up and others in shorts and a bikini top.
  7. -1 As stated by previous posters, all this would do is create the sport of hunting cops which is something that is absolutely not needed in this server.
  8. -1 Even though it is purchased through OOC means it crosses the OOC/IC line once it becomes a physical presence in the server (the car is imported) and thereby is bound ICly (even referenced as a special bitcoin import to further bind it IC). Also think about this - how would two people who do not know each other, have full access and ownership to the exact same vehicle? If said vehicle is parked at a personal residence, how does a stranger have access to the garage?
  9. -1 I'm all for civilians getting things and improving the server but this one just isn't it. Not only is desync an issue but then you're also looking at air traffic control not being possible, aircraft being stolen by criminals, obstruction to the flow of emergency aircraft, etc. The aircraft in the server are not for fun - they are emergency vehicles that respond only to emergency situations.
  10. I'm just going to go right ahead and tip my hat off to you for stating all of this! I would absolutely LOVE to see more drug roleplay. If more effects are added to entice people to really use them instead of grind money (which I mean, go ahead make money but still) it could open the doors for so much roleplay potential.
  11. +1 I absolutely love Weazel but I agree they need a phone app or anything else for advertisements as opposed to mixing it in with text chat. Depending on the number of ads and timing, it can completely take over your text box and push text based RP interactions out of view so fast.
  12. I do not think there should be a prison sentence cap due to the abuse that comes with implementing it as well as the fact that realistically there is no cap (people can be sentenced to prison for multiple life terms). What was stated before by another poster regarding the abuse of the 2 hour limit is absolutely true. There was nothing stopping a criminal from going on a rampage after they know their crimes sum up to the max prison sentence. That being said, I do think that the prison system needs some heavy work and to me it's a combination of 3 things - criminal players mentality, prison activities, and DOC involvement. 1. Criminal Player Mentality - When criminal players (not all) get arrested and jailed they like to complain (it's pretty evident on the forums especially on threads about prison sentence caps). They are very quick to state "it's an OOC punishment for something IC" "I'm just going to sit in my cell and AFK" or something along those lines. This mentality needs to change. As players on a roleplay server, we have to find ways to create scenarios. Stuck in prison for a few hours? Round up some inmates and play dice which secretly recruiting them into your gang. Make some new connections for when you get released from prison. There is a lot of RP potential with inmates alone if the effort was put in to create these scenarios. 2. Prison Activities - There should be more scripted activities in prison such as laundry duty, library duty, etc. I do think the stamps system was a good call but it needs to be heavily reviewed and adjusted. 3. DOC Involvement - I am not speaking bad of the faction in any way, shape, or form, but I do believe that members of the DOC faction do need to step it up. There have been countless times where I've seen groups of DOC members fooling around outside the gates, hanging out outside the prison entrance, etc. when instead they could be inside the prison watching over inmates. Yes, guarding the gate and everything else is part of their job too but when there are so many doing it, it raises the question of how much attention is given to the inmates and increasing their RP enjoyment as well. As I am not a member of DOC, I cannot speak to how their internal structures/guidelines are set up nor their full job duties but I do think some balancing needs to be done to ensure that the internal area of the prison is properly staffed for the inmate population along with potentially scheduled rounding and RP scenes involving moving prisoners from one area to another for things like lunch, showers, etc.
  13. 1. Storage items have been implemented so that point is null 2. I'm on the fence about new interiors that you can purchase. While this would be nice and all, you can already renovate your home. Nice purchasable interiors would potentially take away business opportunities from players and thus reducing RP possibilities.
  14. Couple things on this one: 1. Super cars should not go on the credit car list. They should remain solely purchasable with in game currency through auction with very limited quantities. 2. Special limited time additions to the credit store would be nice (ie: when the Sultan RS was added) 3. There is actually a fairly long list of cars available in the server but it's hard to see it due to "meta" that comes up and therefore you end up seeing a lot of the same vehicles. However, I'm all for "discontinuing" some vehicles and adding in replacements that may add some variety to the server.
  15. +1 I would absolutely support this if it was set up as a request/acceptance like duo animations so that your passenger can’t just randomly change the waypoint for you but instead you accept it to your GPS.
  16. I'm confused on your quote of my comment. If you want further elaboration, I would be happy to provide if that's the reasoning behind the quote reply.
  17. If somebody is placed into admin jail it's because they broke a server rule that they are expected to know about upon entrance to the server. Those players shouldn't be allowed any leeway whatsoever (ie: allowing them to continue RP for ~5 minutes).
  18. -1 As stated previously, this is something that can already be done through current server functions (player business license).
  19. +1 if this would not cause significant performance and rendering issues for players
  20. I pretty much agree with Osborn on this idea. I would not be against a lengthy system of expungement for non-violent felonies. However, as the server currently stands, it would be impossible to implement something like this until we have a fully functioning judicial branch which will take a significant amount of time. The expungement process would have to be well thought out with multiple layers and at the end of the day be decided by a judge who is unbiased. If something like this is implemented justly far down the road, I could see this opening up the door to great roleplay and redemption arcs for people who truly want to change their lives.
  21. -1 to the ESC voice chat suggestion. I'm pretty sure this is a Rage thing especially since pressing ESC opens more than just the map, it also opens up game settings. -1 to passengers being able to set waypoints. Some people do not use waypoints as they know their way around the map and giving passengers the ability to effectively edit somebody else's UI even if it's just a marker on their map is very intrusive. +1 to being able to set a time on how long your text box stays open
  22. +1 There really is no logical way to conceal these weapons and still be able to run around town as many do. The only form of concealment of these weapons while moving around should be in a bag.
  23. +1 I think there should be better property lines for each home. What is the point of having a decent amount of outdoor space at your home if you can't furnish it nicely?
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