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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Hell no, I actually like roleplaying
  2. Or possibly just 'freeze' certain items in your inventory while jailed so you can't use or drop them. Having to store all a person's inventory for when they get out wouldn't be practical script wise but a toggle for jailed players would be a lot simpler.
  3. I think this suggestion is certainly unnecessary. Perhaps if the criminal factions didn't insist on holding each other's hands, the server would be more interesting? Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  4. It could just autoswitch you from being on job duty to faction duty surely?
  5. I mean you'd have to work pretty much every single minute, where as DCC, you only need to be on duty and by your vehicle to get paid.
  6. Bala


    People will pull guns on cops even more (so cops will shoot them) to avoid further roleplay. Big -1.
  7. Um what? Senior Drivers alone make 6k in DCC. He makes $4.7k according to his post.
  8. Since the speed limits are all in incrimants of 10, they could add like L and Arrow Left to reduce the cruise speed by 10 r L and Arrow Right to increase the cruise speed by ten. Having to do /cruise every time you wanna change is inconvenient.
  9. Bala

    New Cop Rule

    Well it's a bit of an awkward situation where it's constantly in a same places but we have to forget they are there. If we get a call about them or stumble across them doing something else then we can destroy them. I did make a suggestion that might change that
  10. If we are PD/Legal, we have to operate within the law no matter what. You put yourself out there when you decide to be a criminal but it's purely your choice. You said it yourself, after an hour i've forgot all about you so why is keeping you entertained my problem? I'm not DOC and i'm not a fellow inmate. See, I think people like you and actually probably a number of the criminals in this server are so used to the safety blanket of two hour prison sentences and it's spoilt you. Now that you have actual consequences for your actions, you can't handle it. You want it to be one way, but it's the other way. This is a game but there are winners and losers. Your aim is to do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it. My aim is to stop you from doing those things if they are illegal. If you avoid prison, you win. If you go to prison, I win. I can understand that you'd like me to empathise with your situation but what about the miners that get robbed or the people that get murdered? I doubt your thinking about their fun when you're ruining their time on the server. But that's how it goes. The strong pick on the weak. You only have a problem with that when someone else is the farmer with the shotgun and you're the rabbit. You want RP in the prison? You and your FeelsChromosomeMan buddies need to be creating it. Don't look to DOC or PD for the answer to your problems, we can't roleplay for you. If the sum of your efforts in jail is watching Netflix and doing the afkmath, then you're the problem, not us.
  11. Bala

    New rule

    AFAIK, you have to do a /me when interacting with a dead body and you also have to do a /do asking for any resistance when interacting with a live person in this way. If people aren't following it, they're breaking the rules.
  12. This seems a reliable, unbiased discussion about the prison times. No doubt the usual suspects will post their rhetoric. Let's face it, arbitary screenshots or not, you still almost certainly did something to deserve that time.
  13. If i leave your radio on someone, they can communicate with the outside world. If I leave a bottle of vodka on someone, they can use that bottle to try and kill somebody. If I leave a fishing rod on someone, that's frankly just ridiculous. I get it, things can be expensive and it's annoying have to rebuy things but maybe dont carry what you don't need or don't get caught by the police.
  14. Doesn't hurt at all, adds a little extra flavour to things.
  15. It was added but it's for Weazel, as it should be.
  16. The frisk and cuff timers make sense. The vehicle lock and the eating/drinking timers are AIDS though.
  17. Bala

    Police Impound

    So, there were too many cops online for your faction to break you out but stealing back your car is some how a worthwhile endeavour? If we're talking about realistic behaviours, I think we have to acknowledge that's a bit of a double standard. If we're talking realism, there would be hundreds of police officers in a city this big with special towing units. PD has 125 people and usually about 10 of those on. It's not always practical to go and get a tow-truck. Most times we will use a tow-truck but when an issue is time sensitive or it's a bike for example, we'll take it ourselves. As for the PD officer driving at excessive speeds, that sounds like the sort of thing that would be an in-character IA report issue, not for a suggestion forum. I also resent the implication that the PD wants to prevent role-play with anyone, I think that's actually slanderous. We do have a set protocol when impounding vehicles, thank you very much. I would like to see you guys not use masks to hide your identities constantly but I doubt that will happen. Think you have to perhaps accept the practicalities of the situation and not make a mountain out of a molehill. IPPU, we coming for you. You didn't suggest an alternative, 9/10 times it's a towtruck that is responsible for a vehicle getting towed.
  18. We've got the DCC and for the most part, I think it works. There aren't always enough fares for 2-3 people as is, so adding more transport possibilities isn't a good idea to me right now. -1
  19. I guess trying to solve it through IC means isn't really working because we can't watch the Farm and the Mine and this and that 24/7. It's also not practical to make the farm a no-crime zone. I think an ideal compromise would be making the wheat player specific. You could still do your job, but you could still be robbed of your other items. Then it becomes about having stuff on you when you are working, not about them stealing your work.
  20. I don't want to presume to know how you choose to play but sometimes it seems like people think they have this protection bubble around them and in reality, if you are alone and/or unarmed you're going to be a target for those in groups and/or armed. That's just human nature, the strong preys on the weak and so forth. You can't really escape it completely but if you keep your wits about you then you are less likely to get caught slipping. Carry a gun, keep surveying your surroundings. Paul's Farm, the Mine and the Foundry are all pretty secluded or far out locations so it makes sense it would happen there.
  21. Doing what you suggested wouldn't necessarily stop you from being pulled over. -1
  22. Fair enough for taking a stand and not just complaining about it, I think there is probably room to joke with people when sensitive subjects come up with friends because not everyone finds the same things offensive but obviously if it's a complete stranger then it's different. Best of luck.
  23. Didn't really know you much apart from my Punishment appeal but reading what you put was rough man, sorry you had to even go through something like that. Hope your mother is doing a lot better, that's some heroic shit right there.
  24. Someone went to prison today for 27 hours. They weren't gang affiliated, they were not a murderer or an armed robber, they recklessly drove a lot. The cops didn't apply those charges, the server did but because of the amount of charges they amassed decided they were getting that amount. So, when stuff like that happens, even on a rare occasion, to me it exposes a massive flaw in this change. It genuinely seems like the big picture gets ignored. PD and Gang relations are on a knife edge at the best of times but you have the perfect insight into just how bad it is in this thread. Gangs don't fight each other and they have even less incentive to do so now because if they get caught and naturally in a gang war, it's gunna make noise and cops will see, it's going to result in hefty prison sentences. For what? The gangs aren't gaining anything, they either maintain the peaceful status quo or they lose out. How's that good for encouraging Gang RP? We're cats and dogs at the end of the day but there has to be some respect and understanding between at least the leaders of each faction or it splinters the community. This change is the equivalent of not being able to get enough salt out of the salt pot, so you unscrew the top and pour it out. It should of been increased to a more reasonable number like 5/6 hours then see how things go from there. Baby steps, not a long jump. Personally, I'm not comfortable sending someone to prison for more than six hours so if it's solely up to me and they roleplay, i'm gunna be asking admins to set less time whenever possible. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and I feel like it's important PD is seen as being reasonable and fair, else we can't really expect the same from the crims can we.
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