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Everything posted by Bala

  1. I'm not in favour of just blindly raising the cap, it was instituted for a good reason. That said, I think if a faction has kept their nose clean and doesn't overdo the clapping, then I don't see why FM couldn't allow them more people. Having more people doesn't automatically mean something negative, it just increases the likelihood.
  2. Bala


    In a server such as ours which is voice roleplay, the function of text in RP is somewhat secondary. It's not what you type, it's what you say. I'd much rather have a good interaction with a faction in game, than see them posting stuff on their faction threads but that's nothing to do with me. It just does feel a bit like, who are they posting those threads for? I think if people want to use ChatGPT to generate certain things, then fair enough. The reason why we don't allow it in the LSPD for applications and such, is more due to us using it as an indicator of your ability to role-play. I'm not sure that many people stick to a character story on Eclipse, at least not to the point where their own personal lore is a driving factor in what they do every day.
  3. Well, the escalation is the person committing a crime and then trying to escape from being caught. Respect that some people calling it out that they are tasing, it's not something I'm going to do or something I believe should be enforced because we just open ourselves up to getting hung up on more technicalities and reports, if we do that, especially when VOIP is still ropey at times. I said it in a previous reply but we're using a weapon designed and balanced for GTA Online, with the appropriate effects for GTA Online gameplay and having these back and forth conversations about what is fair and what is realistic. I'll be honest with you, an endlessly reloading taser is on an RP server is bullshit because while you might fail to tase someone, you've got another go in 10 seconds and that's never ending. But at the same time, say we do limit the shots to 1-2. If the person can get back up after 5-10 seconds and keep on sprinting like nothing has happened, what's the point? Might as well pull out a handgun and use lethal force at that point. If the tased person was down for a longer period and had some sort of limitation in the immediate aftermath of being tased, then I'm all for a more realistic taser. Then if you get tased, you are almost certainly going to jail but if you dodge or they miss tasing, you have a better chance of continuing to run and get away than you do. The system ends up being more realistic for what actually happens and everyone feels like the taser matters then.
  4. The taser doesn't end the RP there because for some reason, it was decided that people didn't have to roleplay the effects of being tased and could just carry on running. I don't know what server you are suggesting for or playing on, but there are very small margins for anything resembling creative roleplay in these situations. It is quite rare, for something other than them putting their hands up or continuing to run. You might get the odd slur and get told to kill yourself but that's about it. The fact that you see it as something that is a W or an L sums it up really, cops don't really give a fuck about that. It's nice to catch someone but if you get away, it's a win for you, not a loss for us. We get paid either way and don't get paid more as a result. In fact, you could make the argument that someone getting away means that we can continue on to the next situation and that is probably more in line with what the server naturally is. It's not really set up for creative RP scenarios, it's about going from situation to situation in the most convenient and entertaining way possible. That's whether you are a cop or a crim. The actual problem, is that we have too many civvies that want to evade and act like this is GTA Online and cops firing off a taser that is literally from GTA Online. But, we're doing all this on an RP server. Taser is the go-to because we choose not to go with the LAPD force continuum in-character aka the realistic approach. Taser is the go-to because the tackling is not set-up for people running away from people and more or less everyone runs the same speed, they might as well be water pursuits for how long they'd last. If you want a realistic taser, that doesn't auto-reload and you get one or two shots at maximum, that can be done. Can make the taser realistic in the meta files for the stun-gun, that's light work. But you won't go down for 5-10 seconds like this is GTA Online if you get hit.
  5. Like we can all have a little meme around and shit but I really don't think that non-cop players are going to want cop players handling this the way it's gunna go if this continues to happen. These behaviours are simply trash roleplay and it's the sort of thing that happens on the sort of servers that get made fun of in the RAGE community. I don't come on here expecting everyone to be fully immersed in their characters all the time and write Shakespearian-esque detailed roleplay but at least pretend a little bit if you play here. I expect it from new players, but it's not even new players doing it, they just combat log. It's people that have been here for long enough to know better and for some reason this behaviour has been enabled. @Lewis @Dqniel @Osborn Whenever one of you or the rest of the admins need something from me, I get things done so, all I'm asking is to discuss this amongst yourselves because half your team is on the ass end of this like I am and I'm sure a reasonable accommodation can be reached where we keep the integrity of what we got going.
  6. I'll preface this by saying that I'm a cop on the server and I'm making this a discussion because I'm kind of sick of these things happening and they're happening with a frequency that would mean it would be inconvenient to myself, the admin team and the other people involved to report every time it happens. It's at the point now for me and I'm sure a number of cops now, where it's not even questionable roleplay, it's just sped-like behaviour. I don't think these are unreasonable requests and they also are not requests where it's taking away a criminal's ability to get away Low Wellness There are a number of players in the server that are purposely keeping their wellness at the lowest, so they die quicker than someone can roleplay medical treatment on them. We do not allow people to force their own deaths on this server and obviously when someone respawns at MD, they are NLRed so it ends a situation there and then. In some situations, someone dying is less hassle, I can't lie but it's really frustrating when someone acts like a dick-splash and then when you finally get them cuffed or whatever, they die because they are on purpose keeping their wellness low so they can get out of consequences. To me, there isn't much distinction between this and combat logging. Solution: Either have the developers force wellness to regenerate, regardless of things like eating and drinking, get rid of wellness altogether or admins create a rule where it's treated like combat logging. Something, anything to stop people doing this shit. Acting like Being Tased Don't Mean Shit Again, a number of players in this server get tased, get back up, keep running, get tased, get back up, keep running, get tased or they get tased, start trying to punch people, get tased, start trying to punch people. We have a discussion in another section of the forums about cops using their tasers too much, and while that's a discussion for another topic, the taser we have right now isn't anything for a player to worry about apparently. It's just rinse and repeat. I get trying to get away but there is a point where after the third or fourth time, you're just not roleplaying anything. We're at the point now, if you start trying to fight us and you get tased, then start doing it again, we start shooting you. That's not what we want to be doing, not really. It's not realistic on our part really for us to be doing it but when melee damage is as high as it is, it's the only way to reasonably keep control of it. Solution: Introduce a rule of three where tasing is concerned. You can try to flee after being successfully hit with a taser two times but on the third time, if you get hit, you gotta roleplay the effects or alternatively, add the taser I made that takes longer to reload, has one charge but keeps the person hit incapacitated for longer or just give us the beanbag shotguns the mod team made, so if you do start running, you get thunked. Melee after being Tased or while Cuffed This is the one where I'm on the fence about. Everyone knows that melee damage is over-powered and I think it's debateable that you should be able to punch/kick while cuffed because simple fact is, without your arms, you would have difficulty balancing and staying on your feet to be launching kicks at people. Seriously, put your arms behind your back and try and kick forward. Besides looking like an idiot doing it, 9/10 times you'll fall over. Solution: Just don't melee while cuffed or so soon after being tasered. if you are cuffed, you would lack appropriate balance. If you are tasered, in the immediate aftermath, you'll be like mom's spaghetti. - - - - - - I know how these threads usually go but I'll just be real honest with you, the more annoying you are as a player in doing stuff like this, the worse you are going end up being treated and if you're doing shit like this, you're going to ruin these situations for those that don't. I don't care about PD having an advantage, these things just cross over into shitty roleplay and behaviour and serve no purpose but to piss other players off.
  7. I'll keep it 100, I'd sacrifice Weazel News in a heartbeat for a cleaner chat-box experience.
  8. If we're not going to add anything new, like updating the Toys R Us phone with adverts or ticker tape then please; Remove the rule reminders for all those that are not new players. Increase the amount of time between Weazel adverts. Get Weazel to go easier on the colours, perhaps even sticking to specific colours to designate something is an advert. When someone puts up a new backup call/panic alarm, make it refresh their active backup call if they have one active so it doesn't create more. Add a shortcut to respond to the latest 911 call for emergency factions. Change the panic alarm text color to red. Reset 911 call numbers at 00:00 in game. Change the Impound Notification to be like the lottery, above the GPS, with the location of which impound it is. Add the option to toggle /b, unless an admin is talking to you. Add "adblocker" as a feature for VIP, with only the community events exempt from the block. I don't need to know if you selling your property, if I don't want to buy one.
  9. "As for the taser effects yeah people doesnt RP it often because its so overused" No, they don't RP it very often because they want to get away more than they want to do the arrest roleplay.
  10. But if you are drunk driving, going 40 in the city, what outcome are you expecting exactly? If you can't drive even the speed limit, you are not getting away so what difference is it going to make to you whether you have 2 people respond or 20? Your car is going get stopped and you going go to jail regardless. Maybe you're just using that as an example. In which case, let me put you up on why there are sometimes a disproportionate amount of police responding to a situation. We suffer, here in Eclipse, of short-termism and don't always consider the long-term consequences when taking decisions. Because some individuals in their wisdom decided it was a good idea, even without the numbers to properly support it, we decided to put a lot of emphasis on non-cop/criminal roleplay. What that did was dilute the pool that might be a criminal like yourself or a cop like myself and put them outside the pool, in their own little pool. Great for those that enjoy civilian roleplay but for crim and cop, ehhh. In short, the math don't math. It's really hard to balance out a faction's numbers when in some time-zones you have more cops than you know what to do with and in others, you barely have enough to cover the basic 911 calls. I was in game the other day, around about 5pm-ish and there was nothing coming in. No pursuits, no impound calls, no ATM robberies, no one even fucking up their car around a tree and needing us to step in for MD. We had like maybe 13-14 cops on and very, very few calls. I started doing yoga in Vinewood, for something to do, until a call came in. YOGA @Demonmit1 - I had to resort to passive roleplay! 8-10 units chasing a civvie that is evading isn't ideal, I agree. But, what else are you going to do in them time-zones where there's no crims. I could log on at 2am and be overworked to where I can't answer every call but then me and the rest of my faction are getting their shit pushed in by the hordes. The server needs a re-balance and some type of long-term strategy but good luck getting everyone on board for that, when everyone has their own self interests. Ask 10 different people what they want in ECRP and they'll give you 10 different answers. For me, I feel like the server is at it's best when there's all difference kinds of things popping off but it feels right now, the only place that seems to give cops something consistent to do, is Burger Shot and that place is a dumpster fire of RP.
  11. This should honestly have 100x more eyeballs on it than it does, as it effects everybody.
  12. I feel like I've seen this sort of thread before and I see we're looking to incentivize shooting at cops again, nice. We can go that route but I think it'd help with my realism if I get a portion of the fines you get charged when you go to prison or jail. I also think it would incentivize good roleplay if I could sell criminals personal items at the pawn shop. If you could also cap your speed at a more realistic amount in pursuits then we can all drive slower and more realistic. Also, when we do get into a pursuit with you and one of our units crashes, I'll need you to pull your car over and wait for them to return. Also, I think it would really help if I can just charge you again, without having to defend my actions through a bunch of out of game paperwork to someone that has less than half of the experience of LEO RP as I do. I'll let you into a secret, the people that actually genuinely want this to be a realistic RP server, cop or crim are in the minority on this server. Most individuals, both cop and crim either enjoy what is established or they don't care enough to say either way. If you wanna fix something important, fix the fucking bozos on this server that can't roleplay and comply after being tased a bunch of times, or the bozos that purposely leave their wellness low so when they start beating you with cuffs on and you react, they die quicker. Why is no criminal making that thread I wonder? Why would any cop role-player on this server, be willing to engage in these kind of restrictions when it's those kinds of morons that will benefit the most from that? I've been a cop here, in PD, for five years and while there might be a small number of cases where this doesn't happen, the LSPD is away and clear the faction with the highest standard of roleplay on this server and the one that cares the most about giving people a fair chance. Start making the PD about money and you'll soon be back on the forums making another thread.
  13. I agree with you Clank, in principle with how the chatbox feels at times. Not just the amount of stuff but the aggressive use of colour that looks like someone has just dumped a box of crayola crayons out in front of you. Regarding Weazel, I agree that the chatbox spam is intrusive as fuck but I feel like the adverts are most of Weazel's bread and butter as a faction, hiding them away inside an app, I don't see that being a good thing for them. Perhaps if we expanded the top of the phone some, where a dropdown advert from Weazel would be visible for a few seconds or even giving the advert it's own spot somewhere or even just going with something similiar to the lottery, where a Weazel advert pops up above the minimap, capped at like 2 max? I think the ads have to stay visible but for the love of god fuck them off out of the chatbox. I don't know about NGG, but how my old samp server used to handle the adverts was just a plain [Advert]: Advert text would be here in white with the [Advert] in green. so you identified it as what it was. Right now, it's like we've farted a rainbow. As for the random rule reminders, no person who isn't a new player needs reminding of basic rules like that or at least they shouldn't. If you got to remind people not to pause or stall roleplay, what the fuck are we doing lol?
  14. I actually legit forgot that I said that
  15. Don't worry, in a few weeks/months/years, it won't be a taser you get hit with, so there's no really need to change anything taser related, not like half the people you tase RP the effects anyway. THUNK.
  16. Since you are all about economic advancement, can I have a percentage of your fine's for arresting you? Individuals who successfully arrest or neutralize criminals in unplanned encounters could be reward, compensating them for the efforts. Especially since cops get paid for the hour regardless of what they do. Of course, the primary concern revolves around the potential for chaos and abuse. People will argue that this change would encourage extra charges and undermine the integrity of RP scenarios. I feel that profiting off of your arrest would enrich my RP experience by fostering more nuanced interactions and strategic gameplay. In all seriousness though, it's not about RP at all, it's about incentivizing shooting at cops and there is absolutely nothing in this for PD. As for the Casino, bro, no one is forcing you, leave the blackjack table alone LMAO. It makes little sense for criminals to fight police period, but it has to happen sometimes for it to be interesting. Monetising that though, under the current system would be an absolute dumpster fire. The reward for downing cops chasing you, is you getting away. Not believing that people would start DMing PD is very naive.
  17. It was good in the past for metagaming when people you liked/disliked were online but since that got removed, there is literally no good or bad reason for a leader board anymore.
  18. My bad I'll sort it out.
  19. There isn't enough work to support staying at the desk especially when stuff is always going on outside, so.. Add Server generated orders that are a dependable supply but earn you less than a player order, to keep people busy. The amount of server generated orders would scale based on the amount of people on duty. More workers = more orders. Add food litter spawns to the restaurant, that workers have to clean away. The server generated litter spawn would scale based on the amount of people on duty. More people = more litter Radius reduction on how far away from the counter you need to be to get paid.
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