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About tigerpet15

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  1. The realism is one part. The other one is the fact that pd have ultimate i win button which criminals have no way to counter And its severaly overused. There are other ways How to make suspect comply and doesn’t have to be tased right away.
  2. Exactly I love tho point of view
  3. One of the LEO requirements is to have microphone And use voip. Its in the ooc requirements feel free to check it up on gov forums. So yeah if you are a cop you have to use voip And saying 3 times taser before tasing someone is nothing. I think why a lot of Leos are mad is the fact that they will loose I win button.
  4. Irl tasers have two shots. They gets used after the suspect is consistently resisting like 20 minutes for example. Have you ever seen bodycam footage from irl cops who use tasers And How long they should Wait… Also they have to call an ambulance after someone being tased. So yeah the way the system works is unrealistic. If cops d use other methods of stopping a suspects than instantly tasing them with no warning what so ever (irl cops have to scream taser taser taser befor shooting it) criminals would be way friendlier about it. Like 90% of Střeštík on my crim character goes the same i get tased cuffed put into cruiser the end no interaction what so ever. And I believe Thats poor quality RP
  5. I think the system should be inspired by rust inventory where you have interesting possibilities of splitting stacks
  6. Big +1. I actually thought of that idea of having automated impounf after timer is up
  7. This is a VOIP based server so it should be a problem.
  8. Like yeah. Even if you wanted to RP fun way How to resist it would get killed by getting tased
  9. Actually one of the points I wanted to include was the economy of LEOs - that they dont have a budget or anything like that. I decided noto to cause that wouldnt be accepted by the LEO community. As for the criminal roleplay. I had a long brake from playing on the server and came back with plenty of cool RP ideas. But I get soo burned out just from getting arrested with boring roleplay Ive experienced million times. Also yeah the criminal roleplayeres are toxic ID say they are more toxic than LEOs and I think this may be actually the reason you loose too much to gain so little. And from me trying to give server interesting roleplay becomes doing robbing bs RP which I dislike to have at least little bit of chance of gaining something.
  10. Yeah I think the limit of dropped /fdo commands is a problem. I love to Roleplay sprapainting ovver cameras etc. But yeah the limit of 5 /fdos is too low
  11. Well you certainly make really understandable points. Me personally I main a criminal character And never played for LEOs though I want to try that out at some point. Well I took a rough road of being banned twice to find out what RP I enjoy. I hate roviny people because most of the time its like boring RP. I really really enjoy planning high quality RP scenarios which gives to the server And try hard to have rp over winning mentality. Honestly I think I want to do the criminal RP because those players has lesser oversight than LEOs who have to have higher rp standards. And think I can try to shift at least the other players I RP with to quality RP. But often come to see planets who does have the win over rp mentality. And since Im criminal I often RP with cops. Well there are a lot of decent Roleplayer cops I love to RP with And who give to the server. But there are a lot of them who want to win over rp. And I hate when during the arrest he barely talks to me. I believe there should be sort of balance. And as I said I dont have the other point of view cause Im not RPing a LEO. As for the cops not dropping guns. I see where the problem is. There are a lot of criminals who would clap them for their guns. I wouldn’t do that but a lot of people would. Honestly I don’t like clapping people. I like prolongued escalation leading up to planned shooting. Like finding persons apartment and ambushing him in front of it with planned escape route. WELL THANK YOU FOR THE IMPUT ANYWAYS. I really appreciate the detailed explanation and honestly I can say that I mostly agree with you. thank you
  12. Big +1 I have so many RP ideas which are just not doable because I have to grind money.
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