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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): Any time. Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: Calling 911 and specifying Police, only mentions LSPD. Expected behavior: When you specify Police, it should also mention the Sheriffs Department as they see the 911 calls too. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Call 911 Specify Police instead of Medic or Both. Watch for the reply. Vehicle license plate number*:
  2. More transparency for rule breaking would make a look of sense, particular for those that have a previous history of punishments. I have Non RP #1 myself, and I didn't get jailed. So, I'd only be assuming that if I got Non RP #2 then i'd be jailed.
  3. Bala

    Anyone Else?

    Personally, I think the biggest gangs in the server being so friendly with one another is bad for criminal roleplay overall. You don't want all out war but at the same time, don't team up like you're the Avengers to kill a 10 man civilian faction. That being said though, if you hold onto your top spot by playing nice, why would you risk it? If Triads and Zetas geniunely get along with one another then you can't force roleplay upon them to fight. You can maybe encourage them to fight by adding the turfs in or whatever but even then, if they were content with how things were for them personally then what can you do? As for shooting at cops, I mean, bippidy boppidy. If people are shooting at cops to get away with murder or robbery, I say fair game. You've got to let a gang be a gang, end of the day. What does tend to annoy the fuck out of me is when people shoot at cops just for the fuck of it, i've been shot at over Reckless Operation charges before. I ain't trying to die for no Speed Camera. As for the RP standard, if I had to class it by SA:MP roleplay server standards, it's probably a low level server. There are some great role-players in the server, but your average player here doesn't believe in character development. Voice chat gives an extra dimension to roleplay but then it can also fuck with your immersion, especially if someone hasn't got their setup right or they are playing a hardened criminal with a voice like Michael Jackson. The over-reliance on /do is irritating. I don't know about criminals but when I'm arresting someone, I have to keep asking them if I can do something. Like if you want to resist motherfucker, resist. State in a /me how you resist to me so I can respond back. Constantly having to ask if my actions are doable or a success is shit standard roleplay. There should be more /me's and less /do's. /do should be for descriptions of what's happening. Don't even get me started on the '/do s/f?' noobs.
  4. I like the suggestion but I have to question whether it would make any difference to the server right now. I've made threads and posts before about the 'Council' and how it's bad for the overall criminal faction scene for the two biggest factions to be in bed with one another. As a result i've been called a snowflake and all this other shit. I realised that those on top are quite content with being on top and don't want to do anything to risk that. In hindsight, I get that and I can see why, but then I see a suggestion like this and wonder, would a turf map or turf war system make any difference to this current setup? I just see the two biggest factions agreeing on this stuff, carving up the city and then it's the same thing just with more scripting. IF it gets done, then you need to remove the static chop shops and the static drug labs and incorporate both gang setup chopshops and drug labs into this as well. Have the turfs as neighbourhoods i.e. Davis, Chamberlain Hills etc.. and each neighbourhood has certain characteristics which determine it's value. You could set up a chop shop in one neighbourhood but not in another if it didn't fit the area. You wouldn't get a chop shop in Vinewood Hills for example. You'd have to pay to set the labs and the chop shops up, and other factions could destroy them. So you'd have to maintain them and guard them to a certain degree but the key element here is that only one faction would be profiting overall from it's use. Maybe Triads would be happy using a Zeta run drug lab for a bit, but then maybe they'd want 100% of the profit for themselves. Maybe The Wanted don't like Triads running their own chop shop when that's more their thing etc.. As for like gun smuggling, even as a cop, I hate the illegal dropoff thing. You scramble to get people together and drive to a spot where you think it is then wait there for x amount of minutes, someone comes by and sees you and runs so you move in only to realise you've wasted half an hour on a suppressor. I think personally a black market gun store would be a better idea. You've got the convenience of a gang run and defended location to buy from, but there is also the danger that other gangs or cops are staking it out. Criminal shit like gun pickups, drug labs and chop shops need to be dynamic and fit what's going on in game. Not just the same spots all the time.
  5. Bala

    Criminal Update

    Said it before, but more unique ways to dispose of bodies. It's fine when there is a body or two on a scene but sometimes you rock up and it looks like a war crime. Use some of the drug lab chemicals, use a pickaxe or something to dig a grave. use the jerry can to burn the body. Also think adding the ability to parole someone with up to 25% of their sentence left for good behaviour or add on 10% of their original sentence for bad behaviour would help out DOC and also make it worthwhile for criminals to act half way reasonable in prison. Right now, you are already in there and unless you breakout, you aren't going anywhere so why not fuck around? If we ain't getting gang run drug labs, then take some of the lab locations from Blaine County and put some in the city. Same goes with the chop shop locations. I don't know why the scrapyard isn't used for this to be honest. Impound NPC, so if your vehicle is secure impounded, you can get it no matter what. If you have to pay the impound fee from a general impound and you don't have a misdemeanour/felony pending then you can get your car yourself. Add in some other weapons to the mix if possible. Call me selfish but I want a Thompson machine gun. Cigarettes/Vaping. I know we have drugs but not everyone wants to smoke the magical herb and cigarettes or vaping are a casual way of smoking, not just for criminals but everyone. Vehicle locks being damaged the more times they are bobby pinned so they are more likely to open. The better the car, the more bobby pins it takes but eventually you'll get in. Add a Burglar/Thief job to the server that allows people to rob houses. If someone was breaking into your house, you'd get an alert similar to your car being broken into. They take "items" from your house and sell them at a pawn shop for $$$. It also means you'd have to be careful with your house inventory. To combat this, you could buy various different kinds of house security like CCTV, a guard dog, stronger locks etc.. Add in a lockpick for cops and official criminal faction to be able to get into cars easier than bobby pins. Cops have to open vehicles to search them all the time and official criminal factions are supposed to be full of master criminals. Give new factions a couple weeks grace period on paying non-aggression tax, to allow them to get situated. The big factions aren't going nowhere, killing something before it starts seems bad for faction business. Secret vehicle storage. You'd be able to have a location within your vehicle, that you could set where you could hide items from prying eyes, at least temporary. You could specify like /vehstorage glovebox or /vehstorage sparetyre or /vehstorage driverdoor - Then when someone searched your vehicle, they'd have to go through all the locations inside the vehicle to try and see if you had items stored somewhere. It's not a fool proof system, if someone has time with your vehicle then they can search everywhere but it's at least better than being in a car and pressing I. Use the Vinewood Self Storage to rent out storage space for a few precious items. These would have a pass-code that you could share with other people and the size of the storage would depend on how much you paid to rent it. This would be more secure than a house/car in theory, but if someone knows your pass-code or IB/PD Command get a warrant to search your residence and vehicles, they can look inside too. Its in a shady part of town behind Mors on Alta Street. Add a tip-off chance to your phone if you are being traced, so you'd be able to tell if you were being traced. Perhaps look at making the darkest window tint illegal but this would act as a "mask" for every single person in the vehicle, whether they are wearing a mask or not. Cops could use a tint meter on a traffic stop to determine the amount of light that can pass through and it's a citation. Add bleeding to being shot/stabbed. Bleeding would cause a gradual decrease in the person's health bar (like no food/drink) until they got some kind of medical attention. This could either be by going to MD, someone with BLS, bandage themselves or being bandaged by someone else (depending on the wound severity), taking drugs/drinking to temporary stem the effects. This lends more weight to shootouts/stabbings, both for cops and criminals. The bleeding wouldn't effect the injured, because they are already hurt but if you aren't injured. You could buy bandages from the 24/7 or use clothing items for example. Hell if you want to go further, black market morphine production maybe? Remove all the speed cameras but the bank speed camera. Speed checks should be done by actual players. I can accept the camera at the bank because we get so many people there but everywhere else, not needed and the cameras are there for OOC reasons with IC consequences. Not a fan, even as a cop. A buff for the store robberies. Believe it or not, cops really like attending these and I wish there were more of them. It's a race against time to get there before you guys flee and I think people don't do them because they aren't financially rewarding. When chopping a vehicle, allow the chopper in the vehicle to bribe the chop shop with a percentage of the money to go faster. Say like 10% of the money they'll get to go like 90 seconds faster.
  6. Bala

    Social Media

    If you want an honest idea of what this would be like, go and stand at the bank when it's full for 10 minutes.
  7. Bala


    These suggestions are all good suggestions, but it's one of those things where you have to ask yourself, who is really going to get this amped up about fishing? Also, it's fine expanding the world, like they did with adding all this stuff to Paleto but the server population hasn't increased to reflect it. We've spread people out already, adding more things in the ocean for people to go out there, i'm not sure if it's the right play. You want people encountering each other more, not less. I actually kind of miss static fishing, although you were a target for getting robbed, you were still connected to people. I'd rather they just put Vinewood Lake and Del Perro Pier as the two fishing spots, maybe one out in Paleto Bay too.
  8. Ehh, I don't know about this. The Zeta store for example, it looks fine. They sell fruit inside, they got fruit stalls out front with a chair. Some walls in the alley etc.. Then you've got some exterior furniture setups that look like absolute dog-shit and ruin the immersion. I'm sure you know the spots i'm talking about. I think if it's moderated by the staff team and it makes sense for the environment around it, then sure go for it.
  9. You know what, speaking as someone that is always ticketing vehicles at the bank and towing them.. I think there is a genuine number of people that either don't realise they have to pay for their parking or it's too inconvenient for them to do so. Adding a command to create a parking permit, would likely make this a lot easier i.e. /parking [location] [duration] - /parking bank 10 Take the price down to like $25 a minute and for the price of an illegal parking citation, you're covered for 20 minutes.
  10. Bala

    Cash Safe Furniture

    I wouldn't mind it, but there is the OOC issue of trying to keep the economy from getting any worse. I think perhaps with a reasonable limit on how much it can hold, that makes it both worthwhile and also doesn't cut out that tax process, then sure why not.
  11. I agree with the overall idea of the suggestion, but perhaps not on the specifics. I think doing away with 'Low End-High End' would be a step in the right direction, but I think it's better to maybe have less cars but in more locations across both Los Santos and Paleto. There are a lot of parking lots in the state which would be perfect for a car market. I think grading the vehicles by class is an excellent idea. If you're looking for a bike, you aren't really interested in a Cheburek are you? I also think for the more high-end vehicles, we could extend the selling time to a week as well to give the pricier cars time to sell.
  12. I'm just coming up with the same kind of nonsense as "cops if they die should lose part of their salary".
  13. You don't like that idea huh? But but but realism?
  14. I will gladly support this suggestion, but in return I would like the following realistic features to be added. When you are caught for weapon related charges and you own a gun store, you can no longer own that business and it's seized by the state. Three strike policy for violent offenders and their offences, before they are given life in prison and/or a death sentence. For persistent vehicle offenders, they have their driving licenses revoked permanently and are no longer legally able to drive in the state of San Andreas. The vehicles that you use to evade police and conduct your criminal activities, when seized by law enforcement are put back up for public auction to help fund our government. You call for realism when it suits you.
  15. Bala

    Outlaws MC

    Seen a few of you guys riding around, the /do's are a nice touch to draw attention to your MC. I like to see different kinds of factions and think the server's crying out for a proper MC. Look forward to seeing you guys more in game.
  16. I mean the timing of doing these things can always vary, but the jist of my suggestion was to add more of an actual framework to the store robberies. People shoot the camera for example, but it was recording up to that point. People take the video tape, but does the store use a tape in 2019? They access the files on the computer and delete the footage but are they master hackers? Just would add answers to some of those questions and if they balanced the time, it'd be good, especially in groups which seems to be the norm for store robberies now anyway.
  17. You're already caught on camera anyway, least this way you have the opportunity to get rid of the evidence without power gaming recovering the evidence against you. If it's barely worth doing for you now, then you don't really need to share your opinion on it because it's not for you anyway.
  18. I don't often agree with AlexAlex303, but in this, I can agree. The rain looks nice visually but it causes too many problems and is far too frequent. I know global warming is an issue but fuck, it's supposed to be California.
  19. Bala

    Outlaws MC

    Putting a lot of effort into your thread is always a good start, keep up the good work.
  20. Bala


    While you might not take offence to that, other people of arabic descent might in that situation. They might have to put up with it a lot in their OOC lives and not want to hear that sort of thing in a gaming community. The only people the suggestion would effect negatively, are the ones that are using racist insults to troll.
  21. Bala


    I mean if they have to voice their objection OOCly then they can't?
  22. I'd like to propose some changes to the store robbery system, as I feel as it currently stands, there is quite a bit of room for improvement.
  23. Hell no, prison is already the worst place on the server for the way people roleplay, don't make a bad situation worse.
  24. Bala


    We have this in the rules right now. Sexual, torture, or extremely gross roleplay is allowed only if all involved parties (participants and witnesses) have agreed to it in OOC text chat, prior to the actual roleplay being performed. Does that limit roleplay? Yes I suppose that it does if all parties don't agree. But it also helps everyone feel more comfortable OOC doing IC actions. We're all from different backgrounds on this server and as a result, we all have different attitudes towards topics like racism but I think with my suggestion, you can say it but if someone is offended by seeing that OOC then they should have the right to not have to sit there and listen to it, any more than they should have to take part in torture or sexual roleplay. Using racist words over text and voip isn't necessary for a good roleplay scenario and unfortunately some of the knuckledraggers amongst us, use it to try and troll/upset people. So I'm gunna tag @FatherOsborn and @Lewis in this because I feel that the rules need to be amended to reflect this.
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