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Everything posted by Bala

  1. It's almost like we're government funded.
  2. Bala


    It's one of those things where you have to decide exactly how real you want the server to be. For me, the cut-off depends on two factors. One, whether you have a chance of defending yourself and Two, whether you have a chance of retreating or escape. If you are unarmed and someone has a gun on you in close proximity, you've gotta give it up. Same goes if they have heavies and you don't. Same goes if they are more than 2v1. Otherwise though, it's just practical to let people duke it out.
  3. Bala


    I think when it comes down to it, when it's not actually a part of the role-play and it's just something that someone is saying to troll and/or be offensive, it should be against the server rules. Think the best way to approach a topic like this is just simply to give the player the right to say no to someone using it. Approach it like ERP, you have to get someone's consent. In the case of IC racism or homophobia or anything like that, assume it's fine but if someone objects OOC to it, you gotta stop that part of the RP. It's not essential to anyone's role-play to use them kind of phrases anyway. Maybe that's a little snowflakey but end of the day if you are making someone uncomfortable OOC because that stuff, it's no bueno.
  4. At this point it would be like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. People have them already in numbers, people have a lot of them and maybe long term it would alter things but I don't think it's worth the aggravation in the short term. However, I think perhaps we could do stuff both IC and in the rules to keep things within acceptable margins. In-Character Add in the motorcycle licenses and specific offences in the penal code for crimes committed using a bike. You'd probably still need a valid driving license but if you want to legally ride a motorcycle, you gotta get the license. If you lose it and continue to ride, you recieve a slightly stiffer penalty than driving without a driving license due to the use of bikes. Start allowing both the Sheriffs and Police to passively deploy the high speed motorcycle units, for those trained in their use. Simple fact is, we have high speed bike units but by the time a pursuit with a Hakachou starts, you hardly ever get in a position to use them to pursue anyway. Out-of-Character Add something in the rules that prevents motorcycles abusing game physics to go up inclines or jumps that would otherwise cause them injury or not actually work in real life. I think the biggest frustration for PD is not losing bikes in normal pursuits but them hitting the off-road, going up mountains like nothing and they vanish like David Blaine. The key part about the rule addition is you still want to give people the option to escape, but i'm talking about the 'to do this would seriously fuck you up' kind of actions. If I were a criminal, i'd probably use a high speed bike too because if you know how to use them, they are strong vehicles. I don't want to people restricted to what vehicles they can drive, I just don't want them to be used unreasonably.
  5. I'm not a fan to be honest, it's not access that's the issue, it's what people do with the weapons they have.
  6. On a practical level, I think it has to be on a case by case basis. If someone is getting all these charges or they're being questioned in regards to a complex case, then you know what, even as a cop, I'd welcome lawyers into the roleplay because it makes it interesting. But part of the reason why it won't work universally is that most of the arrests we do are short sentences or the crims/cops just want to get on with it.
  7. I don't know about anyone else, but I find the whole system of purchasing and selling vehicles to be irritating at times. When you go to buy a car, you are frozen, sat in the vehicle and you have no idea how the vehicle handles or how fast it goes or it's trunk space or basically any of the important things besides the cost. When it comes to selling it, often there aren't any spaces at high end or you aren't quite sure how much to sell for or no one wants to buy your vehicle. It's frustrating. So, in terms of making selling vehicles a little easier, my suggestion is to allow you as a vehicle owner to sell your vehicle off to a foreign exporter. The car will be erased from the database, you'll never see it again and you'll receive a portion of the amount you bought the vehicle for back. Case and point, I bought a Marquis for 770k when the whole boat/island thing was a thing. I've used that boat like twice and I want to sell it. I've tried selling it for 700k, 600k, 500k but no takers. Now with this suggestion, I could trade that in and to be honest with you, i'd quite happily take a 25% or 50% hit to get rid of it at this point. With this suggestion, it's not going to deny players the chance to buy used vehicles from other players as people still want their money back when selling usually. It's more for the vehicles you just simply can't shift/sell and you want rid of. Money is still coming out of the economy as well. Plus, you have at least some kind of safety net knowing that if the worst comes to the worst, you can always trade in your vehicle and make some of your money back.
  8. I'm just trying to turn a NBDY to a SBDY and get a great suggestion into a great script for a great server.
  9. I dont mind on here to be honest, i'd rather @Tomvd682 expressed his colourful personality on here than in-game.
  10. The danger with something like this is that, the more people that toggle it off and leave it off, the less impact Weazel has as a faction. Perhaps a compromise would be something like a Weazel App on your phone. - If you have a phone and it's switched on, you receive the news bulletins AND the adverts. - However, there could be an Ad Blocker option the Weazel App to toggle the adverts off for different hours, say 30 minutes.. 2 hours.. 4 hours and if you got VIP, permanently. - You wouldn't however be able to hide the news bulletins, because often they do contain information relevant to the city and it still allows Weazel some relevancy without the ads being forced down your throat.
  11. Unfortunately, the rules can be interpreted in different ways and I'm not sure that anyone could make a video that encaptures the rule enough to make it worthwhile.
  12. This. I feel like we should keep the lines between being on-duty as a cop and being off-duty as a civilian (who is employed as a cop) as clear as possible.
  13. Has it? I mean, a good idea is a good idea no matter who comes up with it. But yeah, if there's more roleplay ways to get of these items than just dumping them the better.
  14. Something that seems to happen quite a lot is that people are carrying multiple items of clothing, quite often sometimes items they don't want anymore. Then inevitably their inventories get full and as a result, they have to dump the clothes somewhere to make room for items they need. This ends up with those items literally the inside of interiors or on the streets, sometimes in large quantities. Don't know about anyone else but that sort of stuff fucks with my immersion, especially since it comes with it's own text label. So the idea is really simple, there would be a couple locations on the map where you could submit clothing items to those locations for a small amount of cash. Possibly at the most popular clothing stores for convenience. Just an example of the payouts.. Masks - $375 Tops and Pants - $325 Shoes - $300 Accessories - $250 It's not a lot of money but if you are trading in your own clothing items, that's like a quarter/third of your purchase back. You also then have those people that can pickup discarded clothing items and sell them on as another way of making money. It would be ideal for people new to the server that perhaps aren't in factions or don't have a lot of money but want to try and make money in different ways. It clears some of the clutter from the streets and it's a balanced way of making money.
  15. Bala

    Theme Park NCZ.

    +1 to moving a bunch of stuff there but -1 to the NCZ.
  16. Cant force someone to charge someone with something so the same logic applies to forcing people to remove charges.
  17. +1 because it's a great idea and obviously whoever came up with the original idea is a lowkey genius.
  18. Bala

    Criminal Update

    4. It's a double standard, if you choose to see it that way. The roles are accurately defined in the police handbook as you well know. The higher up you go in PD, the more broad and general your responsibilities become and less and less so about the in-game stuff. There are going to situations where going to the impound would be operationally unacceptable. Case and point, Callum James was kidnapped today and almost every cop in the LSPD was at that scene. The exception was a Sergeant who was involved in another TAC situation. That kidnap scene lasted for 35 minutes and under your suggestion, if we didn't pull someone off a kidnap scene or from the other TAC scene to go and release vehicle's from the impound we wouldn't of gotten paid for that hour. Our primary role in the server is to preserve law and order. To prevent loss of life, to actively pursue and detain criminals. Your suggestion was unsustainable and draconian. I can only hope that you felt as passionately about the department's responsibility to un-impound vehicles when you were in the police department as you do now you are not. Not to mention, I guarantee there would be people that would go to the impound and do /buzzer just to try and fuck with the police. 5. I'm sure it has most likely happened unfortunately and the simple fact is that unless people are willing to make the reports to stop it, that behaviour will likely still occur. Changing the Rules of Engagement to allow criminals to shoot more freely though isn't going to help anything but the frustration they feel when they deal with cops. You would like to know how come it's different? Because the aim of a police officer aiming their weapon at you is completely different to the aim of a non-law enforcement officer. We will put you down if we have to, but there is a strict protocol of when we're allowed to do that (or at least supposed to). Non-law enforcement aren't bound by the same code of ethics, so the DM rules aren't as confined to reflect this. It is a gun and it can still kill you, so yes, you have to respect the fact that it has the ability to end your life and role-play accordingly. But in a roleplay sense, you still have some control over what happens next. If you comply, you won't be harmed. It's only through your resistance or violence that the situation would become dangerous. If Joe Schmoe is aiming at you, in a roleplay sense, you have absolutely no guarentees that he's not going to end you. The server rules are OOC, so you still have to proceed like it's real, but the objectives are apples and oranges. That's why it's a distinction with a difference.
  19. Bala

    Criminal Update

    4. What I can't understand is that you were a cop for about 9 months and all of a sudden because you leave the faction, you have amnesia of how things are handled. Sometimes cops take it upon themselves to go, sometimes they are told to go, sometimes either through active situations that require attention or through a lack of people on duty at that time, the impound gets ignored. Is it the High Command's responsibility to manage the impound? Nope. Is it a IB's responsibility to manage the impound? Nope. So why would you punish them for something that isn't their fault? Let's be real here, people don't want to wait two minutes for their vehicle, let alone two hours. But then also, police officers aren't parking attendants. Your average cop in PD will go to the impound if they have to, but they aren't going to sign up for it. What I offered in my reply were practical solutions to help the problem, that also made role-play sense. - If someone is doing desk duty at Mission Row or they're near the desk, they can just hop on the MDC, check the license and release the vehicle from there. The guy goes to the impound and collects his car and goes about his day. We're not cutting out RP because no one role-plays working at the Impound. That is a lot less inconvenient for on-duty cops AND also, you will get those that are lurking around the station either about to log on or off that will jump behind the desk to release a car. - If your vehicle has been securely impounded, really it's not for a criminal reason. 9/10 times it's just that it's been stolen and used in a crime. There's no reason why someone couldn't just pick up their vehicle and leave in that scenario. As for 5. No, because in an ideal world, criminals would want to avoid the police at all costs. In Eclipse, they see the cops as a challenge and the antagonists. Rather than run away from danger, they go directly towards it. As far as I'm still aware, the server is tagged with roleplay when you connect and that rule at least keeps things reasonable in that regard. That also goes towards protecting you too. If that rule got changed and the frequency of cops getting shot at increased more, the PD and probably SD would likely have one of two responses. Either, you would get less cops logging in because you know that people would take that as an excuse to shoot at cops for any reason they could think of OR it's quite likely that we'd just start fucking you guys up. Like if we're constantly going to be threatened, you can bet that SWAT and SED are being deployed constantly and those prison sentences would get biblical as a result. Neither of those outcomes lead to better interactions between cops and criminals and neither helps the roleplay. The only thing I could really offer you in some way of a positive solution is that we've just this week brought on 3-4 new investigators for Internal Affairs and you yourself know from your own experience how seriously IA does take complaints when they are made. So, if you feel that cops are breaching the force continnum and using excessive force, you know exactly what to do and we have the manpower to make sure that those incidents aren't as frequent as perhaps they might be. I can't really say that they happen a lot or they don't because i'm on the other side of that barricade. I don't see the same things that you might do. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. If you can go out robbing people and killing people, masked up in groups, then you need potential consequences for when bad things happen to you too. When we respawn, we lose everything on us. We spawn with empty inventories. Anything that we've had prior, be it radios, food, clothes, bobby pins.. whatever gets lost and I'm sure likely stolen. Our cars and bikes aren't chopped because they aren't personal vehicles. We borrow them, we don't own them. Again, the vehicle isn't mine, it's the governments. The weapon isn't mine, it's the governments. If I want to use my radio, I have to go and buy one, same as you. If I want to use a GPS, they still cost us, same as you. If I don't want to starve to death, I have to pay for food again, same as you. If I want a fishing rod or to a bag to store my items in, I have to pay for them the same as you. So, you saying we don't lose nothing is a lie. The only difference between you dying and me dying is that I have less stuff to lose than you. You have the freedom however to act exactly how you wish to act in the server. No one is forcing you to get into shootouts with Police, that's a choice you make. Police have to act in accordance with rules and regulations. If we don't, we get into shit for it. If you honestly think that PD win every single battle then you are again very misinformed. We do not win every shootout, we do not catch every criminal. Most times yes, most times between manpower and resources we 'win'. But we do not win every single battle at all, in fact I have a punishment appeal pending that will tell you we don't win every situation.
  20. Bala

    Criminal Update

    I'm crying because your shitty suggestion infected my tear ducts. Having armour with a reasonable price is unrealistic because outside of law enforcement and school shooters, how many fucking gang bangers do you see going around dressed like they're extras from Rainbow Six Siege? Not to mention that if you allow it to be imported, every single person that can use it WILL use it and they will use it all the time like masks. I might be a cry baby cop, but least I have some common sense, ignoramus.
  21. Bala

    Criminal Update

    Good, keep it that way. There is a huge disadvantage between cops and criminals in the fights because we're trying to arrest people and preserve other people's lives and the criminals are trying to kill us.
  22. Bala

    Criminal Update

    I'd also like to add a couple suggestions. Prison Sentence Cap I thought the prison cap was ridiculous when I first got into PD, but in all honesty, I feel like removing it has impacted PD negatively in the sense that there isn't so many calls anymore. Although criminals being a little more careful about what they do is a good thing in a roleplay sense, that combined with people going back to the school, there are periods where there aren't a lot of calls and it's.. well.. boring. I don't want to go back to two hours, but I think there should be a conditional cap. Unless you are going to prison for the most serious felonies, I think the prison time should be capped at 180 minutes (3 hours). If they have the most serious felonies pending then fair enough, keep the unlimited time. It still gives some weight to the big crimes but also, it doesn't punish the criminal too heavily for doing what they are in the server to do. IB in PD can still build their cases and make the arrests, but for the armed robberies, the grand theft autos etc.. you do kind of want that kind of crime to happen because it's not directly destructive and as PD it gives us something to chase and roleplay around. - - - - Jail / Prison Limit In PD, if you are being arrested and getting 45+ minutes, it's prison. Under 45 is jail. I'd like to see that reduced to 30 minutes so we can get some more activity into the prison. Department of Corrections are back on their feet with the new Warden and their new team and I'd like to see them get a little more activity. The roleplay opportunities in those jail cells at LSPD and LSSD are very little, the prison is a lot better equipped for that stuff. - - - - Disposing of Bodies The body system in theory is a good system, that adds to the RP element of situations. But when you have more than a couple bodies for example, it becomes a fucking chore to deal with. I'd like to see criminals be able to dispose of bodies in various different ways. For example.. The Ocean - Use the same parameters for fishing and allow people to throw bodies in the ocean to get rid of them. Foundry - Similiar thought process, but using extreme heat to get rid of the body. Burning - Use either a jerry can or a campfire to light a body on fire and speed up the rate of decay of the body. Acid - Using some of the Sulfuric Acid that you can get from drug labs could speed up the rate of decay for the bodies. Burying - I had made a suggestion about this a while back but allow people to bury bodies in certain areas of the map. I've seen a few of @CallumMontie 's Triads screenshots where they've disposed of bodies in RPs and I think it would add to criminal RP if you could have varied ways to get rid of evidence like that. I'd also like to see if a person has their license on them, that it show up on their body unless it's taken from them so it helps with identifying who was who.
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