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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Sounds like more reasons to kill someone besides roleplay to me.
  2. Bala


    At the heart of things, it's cops and robbers that bring the the excitement to the server. In order for someone to be a criminal, there does have to be a victim and like in real life, it's the every day average job that often pays the price for that. Script support isn't the best for civilians admittedly, but the environment isn't going to adapt to you, you have to adapt to the environment. Simply expecting people to leave you be because you're not in a gang is the wrong mentality. If anything if you aren't part of a group, ANYONE can mess with you because they don't have to deal with the fallout from it. Criminals get caught a lot, they serve a lot of time in prison and pay a lot in fines. Their cars get impounded, they have to pay to get them out. They lose their weapons and their drugs, both of which cost.
  3. The only speed cameras that NEED to be in the server is the ones at the Bank. Since we're besties @Osvaldon - Can we get the Pillbox one removed since MD is no longer camped there. The dropoff from the highway to a normal road is ticketbait.
  4. Hey, if you want to add trains to the server, you can script in a station at my heart and stop there anytime.
  5. Isn't it a bit non roleplay to be driving in train tunnels though? If we don't PIT vehicles in the city because of the fictional population, wouldnt there be a fictional train running through there too?
  6. Just make them official already. Got the RP standard and the presence. Known Alex for many years and he takes his roleplay/factions serious.
  7. Turn down your Post FX, OP. In hindsight, it probably would of been better to add the snow this weekend and keep it until Christmas but we might as well keep it for the next couple weeks now. That being said, I'm kind of bored with it. It was a novelty but it just colours everything white with no variation, you should try flying a heli in it. It's like flying in a map editor.
  8. In my head, the best way to answer a suggestion is by asking two questions. One, does it make role-play sense to do this thing and Two, is it going to keep people entertained and logged in for longer? People want to talk about PD wanting to win, if we've caught you and you going to prison, we win. How long you stay there? Not relevant. If you going to go away for a couple hours, come back and do the same thing then we'll arrest you again. The key difference between real-life and Eclipse is that in Eclipse, you don't want your criminals giving up their life of crime.
  9. Bump for Osvaldon the Bug Fixer, First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men.
  10. I completely agree about there being clear guidelines and it being publicly available information, like we have with the penal code. The idea would be that certain charges would be cap triggers and having them when you go to prison, would mean that your prison time is going to be uncapped. I think perhaps my original post insinuated that High Command of PD would be changing the cap on a case by case basis, but what I meant is that High Command could change the cap limit but that change would apply to everyone that goes to prison and be changed rarely. From a system point of view, it makes more sense to have it adjustable than hard coded.
  11. I mean in fairness, to get 6 hours 20 minutes, you obviously did some really bad shit to get that time. This suggestion isn't meant to go easier on people, but to keep them engaged in the role-play no matter what they are doing in the server. Prison isn't admin jail, you're there in-character so there should be an environment that should support role-playing in, which I don't think the current prison and the current sentencing supports. People might say that prison shouldn't be "fun" but that doesn't mean it can't be interesting and make you want to role-play. There would be very little point in having a cap if it was six hours. To be clear, with my suggestion it would be a two hour cap with the provision for the high command of PD to increase the cap for specific players depending on their crimes. If someone is a mass murderer, they can't just get two hours, either from a practical standpoint or an RP one. But if someone is going around robbing stores, from a practical standpoint, that's a victim-less crime (no player gets harmed) and they don't need to be out of the main world for that long as a result. What I would say is create an alt or even just go and sit with DOC for a couple hours and you'll see what the experience is like. It's not good and it's not the sort of experience that makes people to log in, even with only 3 hours. I think the mentality of 'rewarding good roleplay' in Eclipse is a little fucked up to be honest. You should expect good role-play from every one you meet in the server ideally. Now if someone is going to role-play exceptionally then maybe you can ask the admins to take some time off the sentence but I hate this idea that you should be rewarded simply for doing what you should be doing anyway. That amount of time should also be a universal limit so you don't have 1 cop giving you half your sentence and 1 cop giving you a quarter off. A murderer might roleplay well when caught by PD, but it still doesn't change the fact they've murdered someone. They need to answer for that, good RP or not. You're a bit of a curious case Bonnie, because ultimately, you'll go to prison a lot regardless of the system. I think short of making the prison unbearable, it's not going to be a deterrent for you. But I do think with your frequent visits, your feedback for improving the prison itself should be considered. Devs only need to take a quick look at a game like Prison Architect to see the sort of things a prison could use. Not to the same degree, obviously but the idea of people using pickaxes in prison to mine for things seems like lunacy. This isn't the suggestion thread really for improving the prison itself but having a drug-lab type system with food ingredients and having random meal orders to prepare, being able to make license plates for vehicles in the prison workshop etc. As for the non-rp behaviour in prison, think it comes down to a lack of incentive with no process for sentence reduction for good behaviour and no ability for DOC to increase time for bad behaviour. I ask myself if you are already in the spot for doing bad shit, why would you concern yourself at all with doing more bad shit, you're already in prison? Completely the wrong mentality I know but you can see why.
  12. I've been debating whether to make this or not, as often these kind of threads end up with people taking sides rather than discussing the suggestion or issue. But I feel quite strongly about it so I thought I would say something. The Problem I was pro-uncap back when this was first suggested, for a number of reasons. I felt that it would lend weight to people committing crimes, I thought that it would add weight to investigations and I thought it would lead to a better role-play standard and subconsciously, I probably just wanted to fuck over the criminals. I was adamant that this would be for the best. Now, we're a number of months on and even with more or less the same amount of players. The criminals haven't had a real criminal update for quite a while but as I'm not a criminal, I'd like to discuss my perspective as a cop. I feel that the excitement and unpredictability that makes being a cop on role-play servers has been significantly reduced. There is significant periods of time where there is little to no 911 calls for police. We're now in an environment where we have TWO law enforcement factions and between them they have around 140 people in them, but I don't feel that there is enough to do to keep them entertained. There is only so much passive role-play that you can do, only so many streets that you can patrol before you feel like it's groundhog day. We're getting too many units constantly responding to calls when they do come in because they've spent the last 10-15 minutes doing nothing. For me, I log on to be entertained. I love the 'anything can happen' nature of being a cop and even now when the brown stuff hits the fan, I think to myself, that was good. Win or lose. But it's not just about shootouts and pursuits. Crime is the currency of being a police officer in Eclipse and plenty more crime does also bring plenty more role-play. People talk about the cops and robbers trope but there isn't really anywhere near the same level of interest or support for civilian roleplay, for the most part you are either a bad guy criminal or you are a good guy cop. That is the foundation for GTA roleplay servers before now, currently and will be in the future. Ask yourself, who is the main enemy for the Zetas and the Triads? The cops. Who is the main enemy for the cops, The Zetas and The Triads. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that either. We also have the problem of the prison times themselves. The idea of uncapping the prison times is that it would push more people to role-play in prison. DOC, has it done that? It seems to me we have a massive prison interior and every time i've been there, I can count the amount of inmates on one hand. We have at least 20 cells! Let's be honest, if someone has a long sentence in prison, how much % of the time do they spend role-playing? I've heard stories of people watching Netflix while in prison and just tabbing in to beat the AFK timer. Who does that really help? Doesn't help the people in prison, doesn't help the guards of DOC. All it does is lock people in an area of the map for an extended period of time. Mission Row/Paleto Station jails aren't conducive to roleplay either. You are locked in a 5x5 cell for the duration of your sentence and that's it. Finally, there is also the mentality of people facing prison. This I think is where the biggest problem lies. We've gone from not enough of a deterrent to too much of one. We still get some crime, yes, but it's not enough to sustain two PDs with a player base of 200-250. Whether it's the reality or not, the perception of cops is that we're stack happy on the charges and want to fuck you over with the amount of time you're going to serve. The idea of a limitless amount of prison time also fuels the notion that cops have unchecked power and can throw you in prison for as long as you want. Most people still go to prison for less than the two hour cap we had before but a lot of this problem is about the lack of trust criminals have in the PD OOC. If they have a limit, they know at the very least they'll do x time. Otherwise it seems to often provoke one of two responses, either the criminal decides that it's not worth committing crimes hardly at all because of the punishment OR more toxic, they become more and more unreasonable OOC and try to make situations are difficult as possible to resolve. Ultimately, I feel that prison sentences should not be a crutch to hold up the role-play standard of criminals, that's for the rules and the players themselves to self-enforce. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My Solutions I would like to see the threshold of going to prison be reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. This adds a little more travel time to a cop's shift, but ultimately it's going to allow more people to role-play while incarcerated, which in turn is going to help both DOC and the other inmates. However, VIP would take less of a percentage off sentences less than 45 minutes to cover the transport and processing time. I would also like to suggest re-capping prison times back at 120 minutes (2 hours) with the option for High Command of PD/SD/Commissioner to be able to adjust the cap. The High Command of the Police Departments or the Commissioner would be able to raise the cap in-game if there were certain circumstances i.e. a significant investigation into an individual that outweighed the time they were going to get or an individual with specific charges on their account pending. This is very dependent on the charges they have. If someone has murdered 3 people, that's 180 minutes and really, it's one of the most serious crimes and deserves serious punishment in kind. Crime should mean something but not at the expense of not being worth it for the criminals to commit it at all. But for example if someone has a combination of the lesser more common crimes like 1x Armed Robbery, 1x Felony Evading and Carrying an Unlicensed Firearm.. that's 150 minutes right now and they're actually pretty common charges and also, victim less crimes if they use their vehicle and rob a store. I don't think you need more than two hours for that, at all. This suggestion re-encourages some of the low-level/mid-level crime but still allows for a clamp down on the serious stuff. Fines however would not be capped so persistent offenders would still get punished and there would still be significant financial cost to the criminal for getting caught. This would hurt some criminals more than others, clearly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the end of the day, we all just want to jump on, have some good roleplay and enjoy ourselves. There has to be consequences for actions, but I just feel like being a little more lenient on those consequences will lead to a better balance and a more harmonious environment for everyone that plays.
  13. The server is the best role-play server on Rage MP. If Rage is for you, Eclipse might be too.
  14. It falls under non roleplay, so it's more a server thing. The less of those timers, the better.
  15. I think them initially spawning with a few items is fine, but being mollycoddled as a new player doesn't prepare you for the harsh realities of life when those stabilisers come off.
  16. In theory, this sounds like a great idea. In reality, even if people fly more seriously than they drive, you really want people code zeroing over Los Santos and planes/helis dropping out the sky?
  17. Let's not make inflammatory statements like that about other factions fella. ---------------------------------------- I agree with @CallumMontie - People already take dying out of character too much as is, not a fan of any suggestion that supports that further. If you need to know who did what for a forum report or whatever, then you can contact the staff.
  18. Makes a lot of sense and it's not really something too crazy to script either.
  19. I find our current clothing system a little limiting. We can for example, take a mask off but to put it back on we have to first go through our inventory and select the piece of clothing. What I'm proposing is adding a toggle for all the different areas of clothing, so you can put on or take off clothing items simply by bringing up a menu. For example, you do /clothes and you'd get a basic menu and toggling the item of clothing off and on would be as simple as clicking a button. Mask - [] Glasses - [] Top - [] Pants - [] Feet - [] Accessories - [] Watch - [] Right now for most of those types of clothing, we can only swap, we can't remove entirely. I think you should be able to take off your hat yourself, rather than having to rely on someone punching you in the face to achieve this.
  20. Bala

    Los Calaveras

    LC was the first faction I joined on Eclipse, so it would be nice to see it back in the server, even with different people leading it. I hope that you guys do a good job and I look forward to seeing you guys in game.
  21. Date and time (provide timezone): 04/12 - 19:54 Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: On the menu at the bank cashier kiosk, it says "wire tranfer" instead of "wire transfer". Expected behavior: Spelling errors aren't really bugs, but as it is an english speaking server, I figured you might like to know. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Go to Bank. Go to the Kiosk and bring up the menu in there. Look at the Wiring section and you'll see tranfer Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  22. Date and time (provide timezone): 04/12/2019 - 19L51 UTC Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: The ideal keyboard setup for flying the helicopter includes the Q key to roll left. This key also controls the siren in vehicles that have sirens. However, a Police Helicopter does not and should not have a siren. The dialog repeats itself and bleeps every time you want to roll left. Expected behavior: Well, the dialog should be disabled from coming up when in a helicopter, as it's not relevant and it's annoying if anything. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Take out a PD helicopter, lift it into the air. Press Q a few times and it'll repeat the dialog. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
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