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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Bala

    Il Syndicato ~SN~

    Can a mod archive this please. Not the right time to do this, will come back to it at some point.
  2. With any luck we might see one or two of these in the donators list next refresh and also, maybe a couple added for non-donators too.
  3. T20 tops out at 200, in pursuits, the cruisers go past it after 10 seconds. I've drove a stock Massacro and a fully modded Massacro, there's significant different in everything. Don't see why the T20 would be any different when it comes to mods. The 811 and the Zentorno like the T20 are unmodded, stock versions of those vehicles. For the record, we did not ask for the LSPD cruisers to get buffed. A certain developer was playing SD and remarked how slow their vehicles got and it got a buff as a direct reason, we benefited by proxy. Neither SD or PD asked for it. How about we keep the cruisers the way they are and make high speed units, high speed again so they can travel the same speeds as some of the other fully modded super vehicles that people use in their criminal activities? Police Departments in real life have cruisers that travel competitive speeds with most vehicles on the streets, in the case of the high performance vehicles, they have specialist units for dealing with those kind of pursuits. Then again in real life, we don't have gang-bangers driving super vehicles so i'm not sure we can use real-life as a reference.
  4. In my post, I think there is a bunch of reasons for what is going on right now. I talked with Gamble a few days ago about this war and he laid it out for me pretty much, what it's all about. But also, even from a cop point of view, I can see that you guys are starved for real competition, starved for script updates and starved for reasons that matter to do things. I'm not a Triad or a Zeta or a Wanted. I'm pretty much as neutral as I possibly can be in this discussion. I do think a lot of the more questionable behaviour that comes from factions.. comes from a place of boredom. For PD and SD, this war makes confiscating stuff so much easier but we're not the UN, we're police departments. I think these wars would be a lot healthier for all the participants and the role-play would be better if there was not only some regulation about them, but also, something to aim for besides in-character pride. The hand-holding attitude for me is pretty simple since I don't have a horse in this race that I want to win, I just want as many people logging into the server. From a server point of view, if you hitting a faction so hard that they don't want to log in then there is a problem. From a server point of view, if factions are in no crime zones to avoid getting hit, there is another problem. Obviously you guys have your points of view and I can understand that for you guys, you feel slighted and you just want to look after your own factions and preserve your own faction's credibility. This war is in part to all factions getting equal opportunities, but all factions not being equal. If we had a more dynamic, faction controlled system like I suggested below, then at the very least, there is an objective and it's for something. Because what is currently happening does seem from the outside, to just be a war of attrition under the weaker side decides enough is enough. With my suggestion, it's very likely that zetas and triads would monopolise the criminal enterprises in the city as they kind of do right now but there would be actual stakes to it. The gun delivery system is server owned, the chop shops are server run, the drug labs are server run. You can only really roleplay you run them and tax people, but if they get destroyed, there's no consequence to that right now. It gives other factions the chance to be opportunists and for things to happen with a little more structure. If the devs/admins took some time to invest time and resources into improving the criminal side of things, things would pop, for sure. I've been in PD for nearly nine months and if there was more to do as a criminal, i'd even consider picking a side but right now, it just seems a little aimless and random.
  5. I think there is perhaps some truth to the 'opposing faction has nothing better to do'. I think that also ends up pushing factions at least in part, to fight the cops more also because PD/SD are the only factions equipped enough and with enough numbers to provide something resembling competition. Is it good for the criminal community that they two most powerful factions are close allies, with unbreakable ties? No, probably not, but it is at least supported by months of roleplay by these factions to those ends. You can't force them to fight each other if they don't want to, because it's like voiding all the roleplay that came before it. There are some negative behaviours, that ideally you wouldn't want the official factions to do, but then if you leave your dog at home all day with no stimulation, it's going to bite holes in your couch and piss on your carpet. Criminals have been neglected for months from updates, updates that would give them something to strive for, something to work for. So they look for any kind of fix of excitement, to keep logging in. There is only so much standing around, talking that a criminal faction can do. They need to be criminal and right now, frankly, the script doesn't support it well enough to justify three factions with 40-60 people. The certain war that @alexalex303 referenced, has come about because partly because of boredom but partly because each official criminal faction is given the same tools but they are not equal factions, either IC with their clout or OOC with their numbers. There is a very clear pecking order. The current situation is unfortunate, because I like The Wanted a lot, in my experiences overall they have been on average the best role-playing faction of the three official but they're also probably the most passive. This war is a little bit like two jock bullies kicking the crap out of the fat kid. The strong will always prey on the weak. Where I think perhaps we are failing though is that we have an environment where the victim is resorting to sticking to safe areas in order to be logged in at all AND the attacking units are overwhelming in numbers and aggressive to the point where the victim can't breathe. If it was me, I'd do two things. Firstly, I'd tell people to stop using No Crime Zones as ways to avoid IC punishments. Secondly, after significant events such as a big shootout between warring factions, i'd have a timeout period where the aggressor members of the event can't attack the victim members unless they are provoked by them. The timeout period, how significant an event was and whether it's provocation to attack them while on cooldown would be at admin discretion. The reason why is just so people can role-play normally at least for a little bit amongst themselves. It is still a roleplay server and as much as wars might be IC, if you're being hunted like a dog 24/7 it's going to kill your motivation to play.
  6. You're not going to have a map tell you.
  7. Why? Boredom is a massive motivator. There is not only a lack of support for the criminals, there is also a lack of support for civilian roleplay.
  8. Very simple. If you die in Blaine County, you should spawn at Sandy Shores MD. If you die in Los Santos, you should spawn at Central MD. (or Pillbox, whichever).
  9. Chop always moves around, between the same static positions. This is still technically static positions but there are a lot more of them. You don't need to go to the same chop anymore but if you are using one gangs chop and another gang has a chop too, they're going to want to do something about it because you're messing with their money. There's literally conflicts in the server about that kind of thing right now lol.
  10. Eeeeeeh, I feel like people already don't focus enough on their driving as is.
  11. It seems to me that the fines are in position to help keep our inflated economy under control, but there isn't a consideration for players that don't have dispensable income. I think having some kind of fine modifier, that works on a similar basis to the income tax when picking up your salary would be better. Personally, i've never liked the idea of giving someone a fine and also jail time, it should be one or another. I say this as a cop. "Maybe don't do crimes and don't speed?" -- From a law enforcement standpoint, that's no helpful solution, you want to encourage criminals to commit crime smarter yes, but you don't want to encourage them not to commit crime at all. I'm pretty sure most people don't read the penal code to find out how much the fines are so they only find out a) that they are getting fined and b) what the fine is when they've been placed in prison already. You don't just lose the money that you are fined, you lose the money that you could potentially be out there earning when you are locked up. New players aren't looking to build connections or to network, they're looking to make money. They can't do it legit because they'll get run over by the gangs so they end up having to turn to crime themselves, then they end up with a problem like the OP. The only speed camera that should be in the server is the one at the bank and that is because there is a high concentration of people/vehicles there where cars driving out of control becomes a potential cluster-fuck. The one at Pillbox for example is some hokey BS. You have to slow down quite a bit before going under the bridge so you don't set the camera off. People still speed there now, it hasn't fixed the problem. It also mixes because it gives you IC consequences for OOC actions.
  12. One chop does make it some what of a bottle neck in terms of police knowing the location. It's adding up to 2, its not adding two. If you are running one and your enemy is running the other, you can go and shut them down.
  13. I love the amount of effort you put into this man, +1
  14. Appreciate the feedback on this, feel like particularly with the current tensions between factions, this would give it some structure and purpose at least.
  15. Bala

    New custom cars

    There are a whole bunch of Diamond Update vehicles that can still be added for purchase, but as for out of game vehicles, they always end up looking different no matter how good the mod is.
  16. I get it, but apparently you do not. Regardless of whether it's 10k, 40k or 100k. If it's how you describe then it's useless. Either buff it like @Hoxton_Curry said and keep the price or remove it entirely if its kept like it is. I wouldn't pay 5k for it, under them conditions.
  17. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/11/2019 - 18:00 GMT Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: When you have your speed limiter on in your vehicle and you use a menu, i.e. the 24/7 menu and you get back in your vehicle, the vehicle limiter is no longer functional. Expected behavior: Well, if the limiter is on, then it should be regardless of whatever else you do in the server, until you switch it off. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Place limiter on in a vehicle. Leave vehicle and go use a menu like the 24/7 Menu or Clothing menu. Go back to your vehicle and drive.
  18. You just said that the armor doesn't save on logout and you only get a small amount of it. Reducing the price to 10k still makes it a terrible purchase.
  19. I mean then probably better to remove it altogether than reduce the price. If there's no point to it, might as well not have it.
  20. Could do it that way or could use the (( )) so you know it's IRL minutes. Maybe the thinking behind it being OOC time was that server time is less used than ooc time?
  21. Haha, good one. You want some rocket propelled grenades to go with that as well, maybe some sticky bombs? In terms of a 75% reduction in price, absolutely not. If they wanna reduce the price by like 5-10k then fair enough, but most of the gangs these days are millionaires anyway so what is 40k to them?
  22. I'm not an angel by any means, in fact as far as OOC conduct goes, i'm on very thin ice. But I don't think any cop looks at that video that you posted and thinks that it's acceptable, at all. Even though it's in-character, there's no place for stuff like that in my book. As for his position or place in the faction, it's not my call and selfishly, I just worry about myself and what i'm doing. On the subject of Reefer, you don't have to worry about Internal Affairs if you report Reefer, because IC and OOC he just answers to Ballin. The concerns raised about IA and how they handle reports isn't present with Reefer. Like any of us, if you submit evidence of wrongdoing and it's legit, then people get punished. Reefer did something that broke an OOC rule and got punished for, I believe by Ballin, OOC. It's pretty simple. This might be off topic but indulge me in a Dr. Phil moment. I can't understand why we don't get the faction leaders of each faction that matters together, in one place and discuss issues OOC, like adults, with the higher administration and how best to resolve them. Instead, we make threads like this or we report each other and we draw the battle lines throughout our factions, every time a situation happens that one side thinks is bullshit. Lets be honest, no one ever really learns anything from those outcomes and nothing really ever changes, does it? How many of these threads do you see on the forums every week? PD complaining about criminals. Criminals complaining about PD. Criminals complaining about Criminals. You can't fix every single problem, but we could save a lot of time spent pissed off if we took responsibility and worked together to not only improve faction relations but also the roleplay standard, which frankly across the board isn't good enough. I come on Eclipse to enjoy myself, not to forum report people or feel like i'm wasting my time.
  23. k. Lieutenant Shadow - not corrupt. Lieutenant Sanchez - Probably annoying for zetas, but not corrupt. Lieutenant Adams - not corrupt. Captain C. Shelby - not corrupt. Captain Hamilton - not corrupt. Commander Bacon - not corrupt. Deputy Chief York - not corrupt. Deputy Chief Blake - not corrupt. Assistant Chief Donnelly - likes christmas too much for november, but not corrupt. Chief Reefer - got punished ONCE for using the sniper, not corrupt. Commissioner Freeman - not corrupt. Commissioner Carter - not corrupt. What i'm trying to get at, is that you didn't see graphite on the roof because it's not there. Maybe Palmer and Reefer RP was too much for some of you. But the KGB PD is a circle of accountability. I have bosses, those bosses have bosses and those bosses have bosses. Ultimately the PD isn't lead by Reefer, it's lead by Ballin. The same Ballin that is ultimately responsible for all of us. So if corruption still isn't allowed and those people above are still in their positions, then surely we should trust the person that is responsible for all factions ultimately to decide what is legit and what isn't, no? I know i'd be more comfortable taking the word of someone that doesn't have any agenda. You completely misunderstood my point about other factions. PD is held to a high standard but the factions that WE have to deal with, don't share the same passion for fixing THEIR faction issues that they are come on the forums with about PD. Again, I hold my hands up and say PD needs work, but who from the other factions is doing the same? I'll gladly sit here reading people criticising my faction, even the cheap shots, because some of the criticism is correct. But I cannot and will not in good faith, agree with anyone that says Reefer is corrupt or the PD is corrupt, because Reefer shot a sniper on a mountain two weeks ago.
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