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Dobalina last won the day on March 15 2021

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About Dobalina

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  1. You shady mofo, Shawn. Dope post homie!
  2. Welcome Kenny! Great post!
  3. +1 !!! Ctrl+X > Delete furniture and a snap feature please
  4. There should be more for all criminals for sure. @ShawnsBeard and I have talked about house robberies as sort of a Duos activity, where you could rob a scripted house at night and get small things like cash piles, jewelry to sell to a pawn shop, maybe even find small firearms like Pistols and SNS pistols. All of this in the consideration for new-player criminals or players who have a small group of friends/not interested in joining official factions. This is more of Shawn's idea, so definitely for a different post and time, but if this was implemented, then a unique scripted job for each individual official faction, we'd have a really solid progression in crime, starting at house robberies when you're new, moving on the store robberies when you're established, then on to banks when you're a professional. In between it all would be gun sales, drug cooking, car chopping, etc.
  5. I agree, there are currently a few options for money making for criminals. As I said in the original post, most of these activities require other players and still remain as good RP and good money, but there needs to be something in-between it all. There is a lot of downtime in our RP. Drug cooking on the other hand is painstakingly boring, time consuming, and way too high of a risk for the comfort of a lot of players, considering the amount of money that needs to be invested in a lab and the very likely possibility of the lab exploding. Personally, I don't think drug cooking is good RP as it's usually done alone. If things go awry, losing the equipment feels more like an OOC punishment than an IC punishment because of the amount of time and in-game money it takes to set one of these up. Cooking inside one of the northern labs is in no way a realistic payout with how long each drug takes and there only being two tables available. The northern drug labs, OOCly, are the place for PvP, as dictated by the rules: short term conflicts exist in labs, meaning if you're interested in PvP OOCly, these spots are the best place to do it rather than picking a gunfight at the pier or some other location that doesn't make sense RPly. So, I have no issues if people decide to hold a lab with good IC reason and plan to get in to shootouts. As far as the civilian jobs and the idea of not being able to be robbed is mixing. You should not be working a civilian job and thinking ICly "I cannot be robbed right now." That is ruleplay, not roleplay. Robberies doing activities like these can still happen as long as it's within the rules with risk/reward; they can even happen at your own discretion. As previously stated, I am apart of a high class criminal organization. Any of our members working civilian jobs such as any stated above still does not make sense ICly. If my character is a millionaire, there are few reasons why I would ever be caught driving a bus, taxi, garbage or money truck. Chop shops are out of the question for me ICly.
  6. Howdy! I think it would be super dope if there were scripted jobs for members of Official Criminal Factions. First, this would allow players who have chosen criminal roleplay to make consistent wages. Payment for criminal activity, at times, strongly relies on other players; whether it be gun sales, drug equipment sales, police population for banks, or store robbing. All of these being great roleplay scenarios, but not occurring enough to consistently provide a "job" to the player, considering the potential competitions and conflicts you may or may not have with other criminal organizations or law enforcement. Just to clarify: consistency is important, not amount earned, meaning these jobs do not necessarily have to be high payment, but just always accessible. Next, this idea would offer more for the player to do when the above work isn't available along with allowing them to benefit their turfs as an individual. Something as simple as an Illegal Weapon Delivery Driver, where the player would pickup a package from an NPC, deliver it to an address, then receive packaged money, allowing them to earn influence for their turfs and receive a payment. Although it would be scripted, the delivery package would still be able to RPly be searched by law enforcement to discover its illegal contents. This idea could be expanded upon tremendously, allowing the Laptop item to be used as an interface to access this work, possible implementation of scrap vehicles as the preferred transportation, or something as simple as making a new area on the map a hot zone for player interaction. I think Crim desperately needs something as an in-between activity amongst the sporadic timeline of criminality. Most importantly, this will immerse the player significantly. A lot of criminal players result to working a civilian job because of their payouts; bus driver, garbage trucking, and for the more long term: mechanics, reporters, and cab drivers. Using my own roleplay as an example, my character is a very wealthy, sociable, gun salesman, bank robber, and an Italian Food enthusiast. He has multiple properties, vehicles, and many weapons, but sometimes his preferred work isn't available. ICly, it wouldn't make sense for him to be driving a garbage truck around, picking up bags of trash, as that is seen as blue collar/middle class work. It would make way more sense for him to be doing favors for the Turf NPCs as opposed to getting ignorantly hired by the Money Trucking service, once again, just for him to quit a couple of hours later to go rob a bank. Implementing any or all of this could greatly increase the quality of life for criminal faction members as well as give non-faction players another perk to look forward to when considering joining an official faction. I'm going to continue to brainstorm this and may edit or add to this, so please bear with me! If you have any ideas yourself, please post them below. Please remember, this is only a suggestion, aimed to conduct productive discussion among all players who are interested in doing so... aka don't put me on blast if you don't like this. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Love, Frankie
  7. I'm here to find out more info about the doggy doo doo. Great post Ravyn!
  8. Back to the driving range for me. Great post, David!
  9. The Contender Contention ..We pulled into Vlad's driveway. He had an arrangement; a sale. Nothing out of the ordinary. Vlad ran inside his place as I relaxed in the truck. I pulled out my necklace, hit the pipe that was attached to it, and rolled down the window. I exhaled a large tetrahydrocannabinol cloud of smoke and as that cloud dissipated, I saw a man crouching along the corner of Vlad's building. "How high am I?" I thought. The man was dressed in black, masked up, and holding a pistol in his left hand, with his right guiding him along the building. After a few moments of disbelief, we locked eyes, and he took off. I radioed in the occurrence, instructing Vlad to remain where he was. The rest of us on the frequency made their way over as precautionary backup. A Mesa 4x4 pulled into the driveway, parking next to me in Vlad's Contender. He rolled down his window. "Zade, is that you?" He asked. I shook my head "You mean Zane?" I replied. "Yea, Zane." "No." "He's helping me become one of you." He said, confidently. "Who are you?" I asked. "Guka Galdavadze." I shrugged. "What about you?" He asked, fishing for information. I hesitated. "Frankie." Vlad was clear. This Guka guy wasn't here to fuck with us. He's just an idiot. Vlad came out. He hopped in the truck with his guns and we all pulled out of his driveway going separate ways...
  10. Date and time (provide timezone): 1:25 AM EST Character name: Frankie Valalero Issue/bug you are reporting: Player Desync causes injury on motorcycle Expected behavior: Other players models don't teleport randomly in front of you while you're driving Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://streamable.com/ad9c99 Vehicle license plate number*: AABJ7RNN
  11. Falling Apart/Clean Up Crew The Union was doing great. Jimmy and I actually did something right, with the help from Shawn, Lucas, Tony, Zac(?), Nick, Vlad, Aaran, and Spade. Let’s be honest, it was a group effort for sure, but hey, success is success. We lost a couple of those guys here and there, but the main core of our business stuck around, regardless of whether or not The Workers Union was “booming”. We got some funds raised from the top 1% of the town and we were steady. Ever since we got our connections, the business started sliding downhill. It was like an oiled up bowling ball on top of an icy hill, and we just couldn’t regain the friction to climb back up. We all started focusing on illegalities, rather than continuing the good path that The Union was on. Like I said, we lost a couple of guys here and there, but I didn’t think to lose Nick the way we did, just given our strong friendship. I was pretty blindsided by it, I'm not gonna lie. There I was, stumped with wondering how to save the business and I’m being told by one of my top Managers that he’s resigning and moving into the Police Department. A fucking pig? Really? After all the shit we’ve done? Fuck, I sold him guns. He sold those guns. We killed people. And he joined the Police? There was only one thing we could do. Nick had to go. We couldn’t just continue doing what we were doing with some dude in PD knowing all the shit we’re not supposed to be doing. I had a plan. Nick had one of The Union’s Mules. My Mule. So, naturally, I would want that back, yeah? I arranged a meeting with him to retrieve the Mule back. I arranged with the boys how we would do it: I get Nick to bring the Mule to our used-to-be office; oh yeah, we lost the office, by the way. I’d have him give me the paperwork and keys back from the Mule, then we’d bring him in the office, tie him up, and get rid of the little piggy. Where would we bring him? Well, the hotspot for [REDACTED] is over at the dam near Mirror Park. That’s where we used to throw bodies off all the time, so, we might as well add another to the pile. Everything went according to plan. Nick hit every beat we expected him to, just like the predictable little piggy he is. We tied him up, stuffed him in the back of my Novak, put a rag in his mouth and brought him down to the dam. At this point, I didn’t feel like I was about to kill my friend. I just felt like I was cleaning up a mess, just like I would do back in New York. I gave the guy a couple of last words and all he could mutter was “Tell my family I love them." We didn't. And "This is fucked up.” I threw his legs over the railing, over-looking the stream passing through the dam and we watched him fall. I've been thinking about those words every so often. I just think that was a shitty choice in last words. He coulda gone out with some wise shit, but predictable like a pig, he said what he said. (( Love ya, Nick. good luck at PD, homie. ))
  12. Yep, I regularly update out photos section and have been encouraging our members to post here as well. thanks!
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