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About kR00kEdTV

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  1. kR00kEdTV

    No Map Bug

    Everything is great except when I press escape my map is blank only with the cursor there.. Anyone know how to fix this? **update: Found out it had to be purchased although I've had always had it. **
  2. Microphone and camera animations so we can have the ability to interview people for our own shows would be great for RP
  3. Thanks. So '/anim blunt' I'm guessing? I really hope there's an actual blunt and not just fingers but hey id still be grateful if not lol. Appreciate it thanks for the help
  4. Are you saying there's a blunt animation and to use that or are you saying that's the animation they are suggesting to make? (Sorry)
  5. Thanks. Any update on it?
  6. Can we get a new smoking animation? The current one turns you around 180 degrees and you continuously smoke your fingers rapidly. It's the worst lol my character is a chain smoker and I can't even do the animation without regretting it. Not even a Cigarette is visible.
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