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Everything posted by Bala

  1. It's an IC issue. Personally though, I think it's important there are genuine long lasting consequences and a dividing line between law abiding citizen and criminal. Is it even possible to buy an firearm you aren't allowed to from the gun store?
  2. I'm not a fan of the idle despawn thing to be honest, mission row looks like beirut at peak times and to me it seems worse than when they don't disappear because cars are spawning in the same positions and then getting pushed out of those spots.
  3. Bala

    Court System

    The biggest flaw as far as i can see for a court system is time. The amount of time it would take to setup and to do the roleplay, there are very few instances where it would make it worthwhile. The same argument can be made for Lawyer RP. There would need to be changes to the amount of prison time offences get you and to be honest, that in itself is already a minefield of a topic. That being said, if there were server events involving court rp, I could perhaps see it. Like PD trying to put a faction boss in jail for a long time and there being a prosecution and defence with a judge. Ultimately though, who do you get to be the judge? Pretty much everyone that is high up in the admin team is in law enforcement so there would be the accusations that it's cop biased. You could get someone that has significant legal experience but for most of us, the extent of our knowledge about the law is what we've seen in movies or on TV. Personally, I think it'd be dope but this ain't the server for it and I don't think it ever would be.
  4. Bala

    New Vehicles

    No one is ignoring anything, just there have certain functionality that the modview doesn't support yet. Better to add them when it is supported.
  5. Bala

    New Vehicles

    I was told that there are some issues with the new vehicles that would require some modification of our current car system to function correctly. I'm sure given their previous record of doing so, the devs will add more vehicles when/if it makes sense to once those issues are resolved.
  6. As a player, I'm in favour of this. We don't get a massive amount of chatbox space as it is. As a community member, I feel like this would defeat the purpose of the news faction. Perhaps exploring other methods Weazel could run their adverts that would still make it worthwhile to use might be a better solution long term.
  7. Car Speakers are a nice addition, but I have to say, i'm not really a fan of the whole drag and drop installation/uninstallation of them. You can't just yoink a car speaker out of a vehicle in real life in no time at time, anymore than you can install one just like that. My suggestion is a brief timer to add or remove a car speaker to a vehicle AND you cannot remove the speaker while the engine is on. Seems a little bit silly for example if you are driving in your car and your passenger can just pop the car speaker out and instantly pocket it.
  8. We have the board of commissioners for that. Considering their experience IC and their positions on top of our admin team, they are likely to be the most suitable.
  9. At the end of the day, you guys are out there wearing the same clothes, driving the same cars, hanging at the same places with the same people, wearing the same masks doing the exact same thing every day and you wonder why it's easy to find you. There's no script solution to a mindset problem.
  10. If they can re-capture El Chapo and take down Pablo Escobar, what makes you think they can't catch you?
  11. Greater variation in text in this way would be a good idea.
  12. I don't know about you but if my cruiser goes 220 I'm buzzing lmao. How fast do those vehicles accelerate? Let's be honest, there's a reason why they're the vehicle of choice lol. We literally have helicopters that will top out normally about 230 and they have to fly at 700m+, at which point if someone lags, good luck playing guess which way they are going with the desync. Furthermore, those "supercars" not only have their own rules for their usage, they also spawn stock and are not comparable to some of the vehicles being driven by criminals in the server, especially with 'outside' help. Why would you? You aren't in the faction? If it's IC, it's usually handled internally and if officers need to get suspensions or discharges, they do. If it's OOC, they have to abide the same rules as everyone else. I don't know anything about how your faction chooses to police it's members so I won't comment about it on a public forum. If someone is breaking fear roleplay rules, then they should be reported, cop or not. I make $4k after tax my guy, if you think i'm going to buy my guns like it's a round of Counter Strike then you are very mistaken. Like I said, if a cop breaks fear roleplay rules, report them. Since you are so big on accountability, I'll pay for my guns when criminals can get character killed for murdering a bunch of people. You know, since ya'll love realism so much. If you want to take it to that place, walk with me.
  13. The LSPD is one of the factions that is held to the highest possible standard on the server and while on occasion, individuals might do things that let themselves and the faction down on occasion, ultimately the standard of our role-play is among the highest in the server. You want to talk about realism, but only when it backs up your own grievances with the police factions. Half of you posting don't give two fucks about the role-play standard, you just want more freedom to play the game you want with little to no impunity. It's always the same in these threads, criminals shaking it like a salt shaker. Perhaps if some of you had a little more credibility yourselves, you'd be taken more seriously. Consider that first incident for a second. That vehicle that was blown up, was an armour plated Baller. The only one on the server and it was located on a scene with the largest concentration of cops i've seen in months and yet a criminal decided to steal it and take it for a joy ride. Special circumstances require special measures. It's not like an Insurgent shooting a .50cal at a bulletproof car on a highway is an every day occurrence. It's happened once. Talk to me about realism when you're not driving around on a drag bike 200km/h+ in the city wearing pyjamas with an AK on your back and a song in your heart all day.
  14. You may have to consider why faction management needed to get so involved in the first place. I saw the mention of the Council v. WCA/Dojin conflict, but the issues go quite a bit further than that. I'm talking about factions, official factions, being chased out of the server completely by others. Factions having members whose only participation is logging on when there is a shoot-out. Large convoys of vehicles chasing after one vehicle through the streets. Law Enforcement being unnecessarily targeted. Full scale shootouts that turn parts of the city into a Call of Duty map. Faction wars being as much about the report section, as what is going on in game. In my opinion, the reality to me is that faction management has had to step in because the leadership of those factions previously had failed to control their factions in a healthy way for the server. Instead of looking at the bigger picture and promoting some of the more healthy aspects of faction roleplay, it was simply about scoring points. Faction Management wanted factions to focus more on giving themselves an identity. The Triads for example, have the ceremonial masks, the drags and such. There is a defined identity there but some of these current factions, they might as well be Street Gang #125.. Street Gang #126. Only using a particular RGB color to distinguish themselves as something different. Their means of recruitment, the obviousness of their activities, the quality of RP in their faction, the attitude of their members.. I don't agree with every implementation Faction Management made, but at the same time, if faction leaders had been able to control their factions in the way the server needed, there wouldn't of been any need to step in. It's all fine blaming the regime, but there comes a point where you have to be accountable for your own actions.
  15. I'm good. I'd rather see a reduction in fines, so I'm less likely to get asked for my badge number for doing my job.
  16. Well, how about if you can drive them when they're turned off, you can't remove their GPS since in government vehicles, you could assume they're more well integrated into the vehicle than a standard GPS. If you wanna steal a police vehicle that's fine, but there needs to be a downside, otherwise you just get people stealing cop cars for the sake of it.
  17. We don't have it on the server, that function is performed by IB in the LSPD. I suggest if you enjoy the RP, you join PD and work your way up to that.
  18. It's no simp september, respect it please.
  19. Add in Vehicle Insurance and if you have it, you get your car quicker and cheaper.
  20. It's always going to be a little awkward because characters don't die, they respawn but their "corpses" stick around for the purposes of RP for those that were on the scene. I'm not sure there is a straight-forward answer that makes any kind of sense? I guess people not role-playing it as death but going into a coma and them having selective amnesia.
  21. An area of the server that I feel gets over-looked is the vehicles. Once you buy a vehicle, nothing about the vehicle is persistent apart from the fuel level and the only costs of the vehicle are purchase, parking, impound, mors and mods. I feel that by deep diving into some more RPG-type areas for vehicles, we could not only increase the importance of our mechanic factions, we could also get some more money out of the economy and add some extra role-play and consequence to owning and using a vehicle. > Vehicle Tax and Insurance Vehicle Tax would basically be money that a vehicle owner pays as part of the cost of using a vehicle on San Andreas roads. RPly, this goes towards the maintenance of the roadways. When you buy a vehicle, you would get the first 28 days tax included but after that, you would either have to go to the DMV or use the phone to update your tax on your vehicle. The pricing of the vehicle tax would depend on the class and value of the vehicle, so if it was 2% tax, a car worth a million would cost $20,000 to tax a month. That's $240,000 a year. The vehicle tax date would be visible to law enforcement, if you were stopped within three days of it expiring, you'd receive a fine and a time to pay your tax. Any time after that, your vehicle would be impounded and you'd be fined. Vehicle Insurance would effect the amount of money that it costs to retrieve your vehicle from Mors Insurance and the Impound. By keeping this updated, you would save money on those areas. Additional, if you had this when you visiti the Mechanics, they'd reduce the amount the work costs on your vehicle by a percentage. Vehicle Insurance would be cheaper than the tax, as essentially it would be a perk. > Vehicle Trunk Storage Having purchased a V-STR recently, I was a little bit disappointed with the storage space on offer. To me, it's a reasonable big vehicle but the trunk is so small. The idea here would be, that in addition to vehicle mods, mechanics could install different size storage for your vehicle with Small - Medium - Large options available. For example, the V-STR has a limit of 20. If I took my vehicle to the mechanics, I could get a medium storage of 35 or a large storage of 60. The amounts would depend on the default for the vehicle, so if it had a 200 trunk for vehicle, it would be different numbers to if I had 20. I wouldn't want the amounts to get silly, but if you can add spoilers and hoods and neons, why not more trunk space? The offset of this would be that a bigger storage would make your vehicle less fuel efficient. > Vehicle Fuel Storage Like the storage of a vehicle, the fuel amounts in the vehicle would be independent to the model of the vehicle. But in addition to storage, you could have mechanics install a larger fuel tank into your vehicle for extra $$. This would allow for more fuel, but would reduce the amount of storage trunk space in the vehicle also. As you run up more miles on the clock of your vehicle, the fuel consumption would increase as your engine becomes less-efficient. There would be three stages of fuel; 1. A good amount of fuel will have no effect on the vehicle. 2. Fuel starting to run out would cause ignition problems. 3. No fuel in the vehicle at all would cause the vehicle to be un-driveable. > Vehicle Oil This would work a little bit like fuel, but over a longer period of time. When you open the hood of a vehicle, you would be able to check the oil status of the vehicle's engine. There would also be a display on the hud if you needed to top up your oil. There would be three stages to this; 1. A good amount of oil will have no effect on your engine. 2. Oil starting to run out would cause engine problems including damage on ignition and the vehicle stalling intermittently. 3. No oil in the vehicle at all would cause the vehicle to be undriveable. You could go to the mechanics and get your oil topped up cheaper, or you could buy the oil from the store for more money. As you run up more miles on the clock of your vehicle, the oil consumption would increase as your engine becomes less-efficient. > Vehicle Engine The more you use a specific vehicle, the more miles you clock up. The more miles you clock up, the less your vehicle performs as efficiently as it used to. That being said, if it got to the stage where your vehicle's performance was a problem for you, you could go to the mechanics and have a new engine installed for a good amount of money. > Siphoning Fuel You would need a tube and an empty petrol can to perform this. Similar to the pick-locking system, you would approach the vehicle and CTRL-X. If the vehicle is unlocked, you would start siphoning a portion of the gas from that vehicle into the jerry can. That being said, for game-play/trolling reasons, you wouldn't be able to siphon off all the gas in the tank. You could siphon off all the way down to 10%. > Law Enforcement I realise this would effect civilians/criminals a lot more than vehicles, so I think that it would be fair for the legal factions to have to contribute a certain amount of money per week from their budget towards vehicle maintenance of their vehicles. The /fspawn system doesn't allow for persistent vehicles which is unfortunate from an RP standpoint and would make the above impossible but I think a reasonable contribution every week from the legal factions would suffice.
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