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Everything posted by Bala

  1. You are basically asking OOC for us to allow you to break an IC law though? What is it exactly about parking in the lot, that ruins the experience so much for you?
  2. I'm not sure that hashtags and insults is the right way to go on this, so let's not go assigning blame on people. Now that being said, I did think perhaps losing the Zetas might shake things up a little bit, but I don't know if I see the same kind of presence from the newer factions than the older factions. I would love to see that change. That being said, hopefully when Osvaldon drops the upcoming update, people visiting and posting on this thread will have more of a positive outlook!
  3. I've been experiencing this as well.
  4. I didn't notice an FPS drop on the test server before the UI changes, so I'm not sure it's the phone.
  5. I think this would be a reasonable solution to the metagame issue. Criminals were concerned we used their IDs to metagame via the MDC and that was removed. I think being able to tell if you are currently wanted or not when you wouldn't have that information is unrealistic and it should be removed.
  6. In terms of the robbery, an unfortunate side effect of people not being able to rob in public places is that they will take the opportunity to rob people more in private places. I do feel a little sorry for you, because that seems like really bad luck lol.
  7. Someone ordered a fax? If you're a better criminal, you are harder to catch. If you are harder to catch, you will be caught less. If you are caught less, you won't spend as long in prison and get as many charges. If you don't get as many charges and do not spend as much time in prison, you will have more money and more freedom to do other things. But instead what will they do? Shoot at cops when they're arresting one of your friends, even a minor charge. Wear the same clothing and display the same colours openly to show that you are at the very least some kind of organisation. Drive in excess of the speed limit on purpose, even in the presence of the cops. Continue to shoot at cops but then also, file internal affairs because you got slapped with a charge you don't agree with. Drive around in large convoys of vehicles. Have recruitment policies that are one step below placing a Weazel advert in game. Openly display your weapons in public for all to see. There is a reason why server staff had to add robbery rules. There is a reason why faction management had to step in and create more structure for the gang wars. Neither of those were on the Police Department. Some of you get criminal role-play so twisted in my view. The aim is to try and do your criminal shit but avoid the attention of the police, not wear a sign around your neck advertising you are a criminal. No point using the real life argument either. Law Enforcement should be OP, otherwise there would be even more anarchy on the streets. If they can get Pablo Escobar on a rooftop, they can get you. Rather than another "Nerf PD" thread which is just a slight variation on the last one, maybe try looking at the overall quality of criminal factions and the criminal role-play scene in general. Yes, cops are over-powered but it has to be that way, because people on the other side don't seem to be able to limit themselves voluntarily.
  8. Here is the thing, if you are going to compare the two, you are always going to see imbalances between the two. I don't want to belittle your point of view at all, but I feel like six weeks isn't long enough to form a complete opinion on one side of the argument. I wouldn't presume to know the struggle of the criminal, I only really know the cop side because I've been a cop for almost 16 months now. Want to fight PD? Alright. Each of you put 30+k worth of guns on the line, 6 hours OOC in prison time, with the reward for actually winning and outplaying being a . The simple observation i had is that PD have a 150+ (Plus SD which is 100 odd more if i remember right) member faction, unlimited free weapons, double health of criminals, free vehicles that are faster & better than almost any car a criminal can get, and on top of that they have alot of intricasies to the rules that heavily work in their favour in a scenario featuring a potential rulebreak. To be completely honest with you, there are a lot of criminals on here that don't operate very smartly. To the point where we have had to introduce robbery rules about where you can and cannot rob someone because people cannot seem to make those decisions for themselves. These things are free for us, because they do not belong to us individually. We don't own a cruiser, we don't own our service weapon and even our uniforms are rented. We don't lose them to criminals for the simple reason, they're not ours to give away. As for vehicles that are faster than almost any car a criminal can get. There are a number of vehicles that can outrun police vehicles. In terms of the high speed and the air units, they require special training and have restrictions on them to use. As for rules, the nature of our factions dictate that we have a slightly different interpretation of some of the rules. The reason for this is that our goals are very different to yours. We are not trying to kill people, we're trying to arrest them. We're not trying to rob someone, we're trying to confiscate any illegally gained items. We're not trying to get away, we're trying to keep up. TLDR? I think Law Enforcement on this server on general is very overpowered, and there are a hundred and 1 ways to nerf them without changing much RP and making it so criminals can stand a chance. Expecially since each criminal faction may only have 40 members, now is defo the time to see some nerfs to PD, and i'll add that in my nearly a year on the server now i have not seen a single nerf to Law Enforcement, but have seen plenty of Criminal balance changes. Quite frankly, if you didn't see in six weeks why PD needs to have bigger numbers, I'm not sure what you saw. Like Medics and DOC, PD is a reactive faction. We rely on criminals to be be criminals in order to do our thing. When we have someone detained and you show up in your vehicles, that first move is always yours to make. PD is not going to be firing the first shot, we'll be reacting to you shooting. Sometimes even with the bodies we have, it still isn't enough to get the job done. We might not share the same rules verbatim but we have an entire different set to follow. What to do in a chase, what to do in a shootout, how to arrest someone, when to arrest someone, we have to learn, follow and obey the IC rules and still keep the OOC ones too. - - - As a long term cop, I have to say that a lot of you make it REALLY easy to catch you doing something you shouldn't. You all dress in the same clothes, paint your vehicles one colour, hang out at the same place, do your dirt in public and bring an unnecessary amount of heat on yourselves and those you affiliate with. People don't play it smart, they play for the clout. If you don't want to get caught, be a better criminal. PD may be OP, I don't know, not for me to say but some of you make it really, really easy for us.
  9. Bala

    More furniture

    Stay tuned boys..
  10. The prison suffers because it's something different to every one. The devs could really get into the prison and code all this good shit for it, but I think the fundamental flaw is that you are there as a punishment. You aren't able to be doing what you want, as a consequence of getting caught. There's less consequences to acting a fool in prison than there is outside of it. You're already locked in. I don't think we should support AFKing in prison, because it is a role-play server but I think perhaps maybe we should accept that the prison is a bit of a lost cause. It's probably the second hardest place on the server to RP properly (first being the bank). I don't get satisfaction of sending people away for hours, I get the satisfaction from catching them. So recapping prison times wouldn't bother me. I do think that fines for the serious crimes should go up though if that happens.
  11. Bala

    Theme Park NCZ.

    With the new robbery rules, I don't see any reason to put more NCZs into the server, particularly in the spot suggested, given the activity around it at the moment. It's not an area that really you should be robbing in now.
  12. At a guess, the RNG placement was put it to aid the interaction system, otherwise you'd just have a pile of boxes to interact with. I'd suggest keeping the RNG placement but just lowering the radius in which it drops away from you.
  13. It doesn't fix the issue, it's just a way around it.
  14. Date and time (provide timezone): 16/JUN/2020 7:58 pm BST Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: When inside the furniture store, it says you should press e to leave the interior but it's an auto-teleport. Since the table is near the door, using the new interaction menu to leave/enter might be a better idea. Sometimes its easy to go in and out by accident because of the teleport. Expected behavior: Either you need to press e to leave, or the text needs to be removed. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Go inside the furniture store. Look at the text by the door.
  15. I like the suggestion. But i'd like to extend onto it if I may. Add the option to tear up a note, a parking pay, weazel newspaper or any kind of paper to use as rolling paper. Add the option to strip a grown marijuana plant, which will give you a small of cannabis in your inventory. Add /rollblunt if you have rolling paper and cannabis in your inventory to make a blunt. The blunt would be similar the food/drink items, where you'd have like 4-5 uses before it becomes nothing anymore. In your inventory, it would be referred to as a blunt with 4-5 uses left. It would be a half smoked blunt at 2-3 and at 1 use, it would be a roach. Add /passblunt [id] to ask another player if they want your blunt. Smoking it would increase your health a little more than it would decrease your hunger. In terms of legality, Possession would be legal with a license for it up to a certain amount. Possession without a license would be a fine, as long as it's under a certain amount. Possession without a license and over a certain amount would be a misdemeanor.
  16. My favourite part is you despite having little to no proof, you still accuse cops of meta-gaming when they type your ID in, instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt. I've been in PD nearly 15 months and I can't remember a single time when a cop has been found guilty of using the MDC and meta-gaming this way. The reason why you get caught, is because you are obvious. You drive the same vehicles, wear the same clothes, hang at the same places and commit public acts of criminality that brings unnecessary attention. These days I have to watch what I say, but maybe you need to be less obvious in your dealings?
  17. If someone is using a player ID when they don't know their actual name, that's meta-gaming and it's a server issue. When you whisper someone in game, do you type their name or do you use their player ID. Same thing applies.
  18. Nice idea in theory, I can imagine the reality. No thanks.
  19. God damn it, WCA was always a good topic to make music about!
  20. Bala

    Flatbeds Crashing

    Date and time (provide timezone): 09/05/2020 Character name: Dezzy Bala Issue/bug you are reporting: Deploying Flatbeds seem to cause more crashes. Expected behavior: The vehicle should deploy normally and not crash people. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: PD spawns a flatbed, users seem to crash if they're in the vicinity more often than not.
  21. I can understand you being frustrated but I think your comments are both unnecessarily rude and a little bit ignorant. This is an in-character issue and as such, belongs in-game. That being said, since you've taken the time to aim baseless insults at my faction and the people in it, I'll answer. Your biggest mistake there was assuming that your word on something is enough to convict another person or persons of a crime. Just as you claim they broke into your RV, they could just of easy suggested you forced them in their at gun point as well. If there's no CCTV recording or a law enforcement officer doesn't personally witness it, it's not enough evidence to convict them of anything. LSPD is usually around 15-25 people on a 400-500 person server. Do you know how busy we get at times, especially if there is a big pursuit or a shootout? As a newer person to our community (judging by your post count), I'd like to recommend that perhaps you learn a little more about how things are done in Eclipse before getting on the forums and accusing people of not doing their RP correctly.
  22. To me, NBDY created this new system to be THE system. The static labs are still in there for the independents/low tier criminals to take a chance cooking. Anyone that is organised is going to be using the new system. If the static labs were better, there might be more of a split which doesn't make sense. You now have the benefit of being able to cook drugs on your terms, with that convenience, you lose the risk of getting caught slipping as much at static labs. So in order for there to be some risk, you have to be able to be caught in your own property. It's like getting robbed at the clothing stores before, if you got caught slipping then that's kind of on you.
  23. I think attacking someone for having a certain coloured vehicle is poor role-play. You wouldn't see a crip shooting at a car just because it's red in real life would you? It's also counter-productive to not getting caught by law enforcement. See a bunch of red and black vehicles? Oh hey that's Triads! I think the distinction however should be when it comes to uniforms because it becomes impossible to tell people apart otherwise. If someone is wearing a Triad mask for example, fair enough, force them to take it off and rob them if you got to. But simply attacking someone with a red/black vehicle or red/black clothing, it's poor.
  24. I'm not sure throwing accusations at staff members is the one to be honest. Think you're out of pocket and it's the sort of behaviour that we don't need.
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