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Everything posted by Bala

  1. I think if you are in stable employment (legal factions) in game, you shouldn't get it. Why would you need it? Normally, i'd say that probably best to remove it from people who committed crimes but at the end of the day, they can't get hired for those jobs so they need some kind of safety net. Hard out there for crims. +1 with certain conditions.
  2. Idea When you receive a misdemeanour or a felony charge in game, you get both an amount of time the charge holds and also, a fine that you have to pay. What I propose is that similar to how tax effects your salary based on your current assets, we apply a similar discount modifier to the standard fine that a person receives depending on their assets. There isn't necessarily a lot in this suggestion for established criminals to be honest, but they have the benefit of already having the money, where as coming up as a crim in the server is at times unnecessarily punishing and difficult. The Problem We will use Murder as an example. Currently, Murder comes with a 90 minute jail sentence and a $14,000 fine. While the practice of fining people for their crimes might help regulate the economy, it also does not take into account how much a person has. We will look at an individual charge, because I don't wish to over-complicate the suggestion. $14000 to an established criminal with plenty of assets might be a permissible loss. They know how the prison system works, they are fully aware of the consequences and they can take the hit. $14000 to a petty criminal, who is just starting out is going to be quite significant. While the IC motive is to deter crime, crime is also a part of the server and I feel like in this scenario, the server is more punishing to someone who might not know how our prison system works than to someone who is clued in and knows what is coming. The Solution My idea is basically to apply a tiered percentage discount on the fines depending on a person's wealth for all misdemeanours and felonies. Citations are for the most part about the price of a change of clothes so it's not really that significant. These amounts are placeholders and would be subject to fine tuning at the discretion of whoever implements this but something along the lines of. Also, to be clear, this is not a suggestion to increase fines, only to decrease them based on the appropriate level of assets. I'm not trying to encourage DM or anything like that. Assets > $2m = No discount. Murder would still fine the person $14,000. Assets between $1m and $2m = 10% discount. Murder would fine the person $12,600. Assets between $500,000 and $1m = 20% discount. Murder would fine the person $11,200 Assets between $250,000 and $500,000 = 35% discount. Murder would fine the person $9,100. Assets below $250,000 = 50% discount. Murder would fine the person $7,000. You can probably buy a pretty good car for about 300-400k in our server (35%). You can buy a 2g for about double that. (20%) Not only is this scale a little more fair with the smaller time criminals, a realistic outcome of this is that it might encourage the criminal factions to encourage their newer members to be the ones committing the crimes, which mirrors a more realistic approach. By the end of Scarface, he's not the one doing the small time drug deals is he?
  3. This is what I'm talking about getting boring. You've instantly made this criminal v. PD. In the example you mentioned regarding robbing stores, if you play it safe with lookouts and robbing the stores on the quiet roads, you can be gone before anyone even gets there most of the time. Perhaps instead of looking to engage police with six people, focus on playing it safe, doing your dirt and getting gone before cops even show up. Most people get caught slipping because they are sloppy. Be a better criminal. As for the super car and the Carbine and such, we're a reactionary faction. Our response is based on your actions. If you start shooting at cops, we're going to get grumpy and bring the tools out. If you insist on driving the fastest, the super car is going to be coming out. Again, make it hard for us to arrest by using your head, not clicking your mouse. PD needs to do better on driving. If I'm being honest, we probably crash a little too much and have too many vehicles in pursuits when we don't need them but we're in no way allowed to be toxic. It might be easier to follow rules when in PD, but we don't have the same freedoms that non-PD do. I think while the new jail may offer up a different kind of roleplay experience, I think the fines that people get on top are too punishing for criminals, especially criminals lower down the food chain who have less. 15k for someone might an inconvenience to a expert crim but it might be nearly everything to someone starting out. See, I'm capable of being upfront and honest about where we could do better.
  4. The main problem is, everyone wants something different and we're all trying to move the community in different directions. People want more realism until it doesn't suit their argument, then "it's a game". People want more roleplay until it's no longer convenient for them to be in a role-play environment. People want to rob as much as they possibly can until they themselves are getting robbed. People want to put criminals in prison so badly, until they don't have any one to chase and then complain there is nothing to do. Every week one of these threads gets made and while there might be some good points raised, it never goes anywhere and these state of the whatever threads become a bit of a meme. I can't be arsed seeing another 51 of these this year tbh. It's not massively complicated. Get everyone together that matters on this subject. Developers, senior admins, FM leadership, leaders of the relevant factions. Establish a proper long term plan that covers both how factions should behave/operate from now on and an outline of potential script support that encourages this, for both legal and illegal factions. Make sure that those people that will be subject the plan will have some kind of influence on how it's set out. (Most people don't have to have things their own way, just feel included in the process) Share the plan with the community so even if things aren't immediately added, the server knows they in the pipeline and implement it. (No one likes surprises and if you leave people to come up with their own conclusions, they'll usually assume the worst) Fuck anyone off that doesn't get with the program for the betterment of the server. (Better to have 200 good players than spoil the population with those people that don't actually give a shit about a better server.)
  5. When it comes to Alliances, I can understand why people would do it. I always did feel that when previous factions were so closely grouped wasn't necessarily good for the criminal side of things and to a certain degree, it seems a little boring when one hand is washing the other. They're gone now, but that kind of thing still exists. That being said, to me if I'm making a faction, the goal is for that faction and that faction alone to reign supreme. To be the number one faction both in role-play terms and the faction with the biggest clout and reputation on the server as well. It ain't top dogs, it's top dog. Which of the following is more complex and exciting for all involved? Faction A/B/C v. Faction D/E/F Faction A likes Faction B and Faction C. Faction B likes Faction A, Faction D and Faction E. Faction C likes Faction A, Faction E and Faction F. Faction D likes Faction B, Faction E and Faction F. Faction E likes Faction B, Faction C and Faction D. Faction F likes Faction C and Faction D. I think it would be better for the people in these factions and also, the server if the faction wars were single faction affairs from now. Not only does the reason for the conflict become more personal, on a rule level, it becomes a lot more fucking simple to remember who you can and cannot shoot at. It's very simple in PD, we have strict protocols but for you guys on the criminal side, it's a nightmare. It is no wonder so many people play to the rules but also at the same time, end up breaking them to be honest. It's hard to keep it all straight in your head 100% of the time.
  6. The text colours for responding to a report is also similiar to the reports coming in and colours used for other things.
  7. To be honest, I've been in PD for like 22 months now and I barely use my cars or my house. Money for me isn't really a motivator being in PD, getting paid more is nice but if I don't, I don't. It's just collecting in my account. That was the case as a Police Officer I after about 3-4 weeks in the faction. If we increased salaries, then we'd inflate the economy further and things would likely have to cost more. Real life arguments aren't as valid, because you don't get paid 7k an hour IRL or having to spend $500 on a chocolate bar.
  8. I'm not really a fan of it personally, I'd be fine with removing it completely rather than changing it.
  9. Lowkey blown away by all the love. Glad I put so much into it now.
  10. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Random Promotional Video - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What is this? With Rockstar doing their largest update ever, we have an entire island off the south-east coast to play with. I'm proposing that we incorporate the island into our server, both with modifications to existing systems and also, adding exclusive script additions to the island to add a new element. This is primarily with criminal role-players in mind, although there is stuff for civilians to do there. With it being it's own island it does also open up a different avenue for law enforcement participation as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So what could we do? Hunting On Cayo Perico, there would be several animal spawns. There would be Boars and Deer, as well as rats, pigeons and rabbits. The meat from Boar and Deer would pay out more money, as those animals are specific to the island. In addition, during the night time on Cayo Perico, there would a very small chance of the infamous Perico Panther spawning. Selling this animal would give you a very good pay-out. You should proceed with caution though, as melee assaults on the panther or simply getting too close while it's alive may cause it to attack (scriptly). Travel Adding in the Island would increase the usefulness of boats, as personal transport between the island and the mainland. This is especially helpful given the improvement in sync in 1.1. In addition to this, you would be able to organise travel (a teleport) from Los Santos International and Sandy Shores Airfield to Cayo Perico's Airfield and back, with flights leaving every half in-game hour (00/30). If you miss your "flight", you'll have hitch a ride in a boat. Aviation / Piloting / Flying License The idea here would be that there would be certain characters that would be qualified to operate commercial aircraft, under strict operating procedures. These aircraft would be the Velum, Velum 5 Seater, the Maverick and the SuperVolito. They would have to apply and purchase for a Pilot's License, through City Hall and undergo training for use of these aircraft. Think a similar process to the gun licensing but with training and such. Similar to all the tow-trucks having CB Radio, each operational pilot be it commercial, MD, PD, SD would have access to the air traffic control radio where they would have to state what area of the map they are currently operating in. They could fly between the Los Santos International Airport, the Sandy Shores Airfield and the Roberto Airfield in Cayo Perico. They would however not be permitted to fly over populated areas of the city or below 1200 ft. This is in part due to people disconnecting mid-flight and also, the emergency service helicopters operate at a lower altitude. They would also lose their license if they knowingly helped criminals evade police, so there would need to be regulations and ID checks and such. Additional Boats There would be additional boats available from the oceanic dealerships. Jetmax, Tropic, Longfin and Tug. The Tug would be like the Mule of the Sea with a large storage. Island Vehicles Every character would get a single vehicle slot for an Island vehicle, for free. Cayo Perico would have a rental shop of cheap, select cars that are suitable for travelling on the island and as they are limited to the island, they would have twice the fuel capacity of regular LS vehicles. You can return your rental vehicle to the rental place for your deposit back. If you do not return the vehicle or it gets broken, you lose your deposit. Island Chop Shop With the increase in the use of boats, there would be the facility to be able to steal a boat and chop it for $$$. Island Drug Labs There would be two drug labs scripted on the island for use, that allow the character to create Cocaine, Ecstacy and Mephedrone. All the items needed to create the drugs would be provided on the island, similar to how the drug labs worked. They would be sellable to the NPCs by anyone in the city for $$$. Freelance Sailing Job With a new purpose for boats, you would be also able to use boats to deliver fictional cargo from Los Santos Docks to various different seaside locations, not just Cayo Perico but also, other locations in Los Santos such as Paleto, Catfish etc.. for $$$. You would be able to buy your own boat out-right or rent a boat for a fee. When you take a new delivery, you can specify the distance and the legality of the cargo. The longer distance a job is and the more illegal, the more money but each delivery will require a certain type of boat. Criminal Faction Import There would also be additional faction drop locations added to Cayo Perico Island. Freelance Tropical Fish Catching If you fish on the shoreline of Cayo Perico, you might end up with a regular fish normally found in Los Santos or you might end up with a Tropical Fish. These fish are slightly heavier than their Los Santos cousins, but they will pay out more when selling them off. Freelance Shrimping Job The state of San Andreas (north/south/east/west and the Island of Cayo Perico is surrounded by water and in those waters, located at sea are troupes of Shrimp. If you use a boat in these areas surrounding the islands, you can fill your boat up with shrimp and sell those off. Law Enforcement Involvement There is no Police Station on the island and it is off-shore. The island is very much out of sight. That being said, with the criminal attention the island might have along with the shipping and the drops, there might be some room there for law enforcement to run some boat patrols. As it is not Los Santos or Blaine County, there could perhaps be the opportunity for there to be a shared jurisdiction here as it's technically, international waters. Communications As the island is isolated, you could only use your radio or phone in certain areas of the island, where it would make sense to do so so like the areas like the Airfield, the Compound etc.. due to the poor signals. This would add a new element of danger when using the island as you wouldn't have accessible backup at the flip of a switch. Freelance Coca Plant Picking There is a giant field on Cayo Perico of coca plants. The idea here would be that coca plants would grow in the fields and you'd have to pick them. Plant growth could be sped up by adding water and fertiliser, which are available on the farm. Once you couldn't carry anymore, you'd take them to the NPC in the field and sell them for profit. Passive Roleplay In addition to the nefarious uses for the island, there are some nice areas for wedding roleplay, as well as romantic getaways and picturesque places for screenshots for fashion. Food, Drink and Entertainment Similar to the painkiller system at MD, players would be able to buy exclusive food and drink at the Cayo Perico tiki bar to replenish their health. This would create a social hub around the bar. Like the toll booth system in Paleto, a player would be able to take over as the bar's DJ and use the bar's speaker systems to play music through (when the speakers work). The bar area itself would be an NCZ, but the rest of the island would not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In conclusion Obviously there is quite a lot in this suggestion and people will have different view-points on it. I just feel that we've been given this extra location to use and we should milk it for all it's got. The way I see this, it's not for law enforcement really. It's for both established criminals and low-life criminals looking to get their foot in the door.
  11. My favourite crim faction on Eclipse right now. Keep up the good work in 2021.
  12. Each vehicle now has a fuel tank size comparable to their real-life counterpart where as before that was not the case. Each vehicle also has it's own individual MPG from their real-life counterpart. I know this as I was one of the people that provided the information for the tank size and the MPG. That being said, the issue isn't necessary tank size or MPG, it's the frequency of when the fuel consumption is called in the script. I'm not a developer, so don't take my word for it, but I would imagine that the fuel consumption will be addressed if it's unbalanced. There are just a number of bigger issues that take priority. The values may change but the thought process behind the system won't. The more fuel efficient and bigger the tank on a vehicle, the less time between refuelling. The maths might need revisiting but the logic is solid.
  13. I'll be honest, in a more realistic setup I'd absolutely agree with you. But then you have to consider how many of these stores would continue trading when they get robbed of their cash on a daily basis or how many banks? If you can rob as many stores as you want, whenever you want, you gotta take the rough with the smooth.
  14. Unfortunately when it comes to the robbery rules, there is some what of a contradiction at work here and what I'm about to say is with no actual insider knowledge, this is just how I personally see it. The robbery rules brought in by the administration team were necessary at the time. This is because of the increasingly bad robbery culture on Eclipse, that first started developing in the second half of 2019. Criminals are unhappy about this and it's understandable, but what you have to consider is that how hard done to, you are feeling now is how the law abiding civs were feeling when they couldn't do anything in the server without getting robbed continuously. The majority of the robberies came from small gangs or random groups of 2-3. That is in part because of the big factions flexing on them. The biggest cause in my view for the increase in the robbery culture however was the lack of criminal content in late 2019/early 2020. It was there regardless, but I think it got worse because of that, more than anything. There is always going to be people robbing people, but you can only do the same two things for so long before you get bored. Then with the mobile labs and the changes to the chop shop, it becomes more difficult to do it, so everyone doubles down on the one avenue still open to them, robbing people. Like I said in an earlier post, chop shop and labs aren't just money makers. They're hubs for interaction for criminals in a setting where to be there, you have to be a some sort of criminal. There's no innocents at a drug lab, the game is the game. I have what I think is a great suggestion that a few people know about changes to the robbery rules and I'd love to post it but I find myself wondering what exactly is it that criminals on Eclipse want? Is it a system that allows them to do anything they want or is it a system that allows them to do things that make sense and fit within a roleplay community. Because they are not the same thing. The robbery rules probably are a little too sanitised but I think we also have to take ownership of why there had to be a change in the first place.
  15. These are just some ideas that i'd like to see implemented, even as a cop. Alliances While partnering up with other factions might seem like a good idea, our factions lean too heavily on it. Being a faction should be all about YOUR faction being the main faction. It should be about the prosperity and advancement of your members. Your faction and an ally shouldn't be in some sort of human centipede relationship where no one knows where one faction starts and the other one ends. When it comes to conflicts, the alliances seem to be born out of a do anything to win mentality and it doesn't seem that interesting. What would be more interesting is that each faction on the server has complex relationships with every other faction. Instead of Faction A/B v. Faction C/D -- Faction A having issues with Faction C, but doesn't have any problem with Faction D immediately makes things more complex. For me, factions having business relationships makes sense but constantly grouped up does not and that's something that faction management should perhaps look to work towards. Chopshops This was one of the core criminal past-times for both civilian criminals and also, criminals in factions in the past. Chopshops used to be a social hub of sorts for criminals. Obviously not like the Pier for legals but you'd only really go there if you were breaking the law. You might get your stolen vehicle stolen, you might get held up and robbed but at the same time, if you knew the right people or you paid the chop tax then you'd make a pretty decent living. The important thing here though is that criminals of all shapes and sizes were interacting with one another in a way that wasn't just an organised gang meeting or a shootout. While I can accept the timed vehicle despawn was implemented to help with the congestion of vehicles on the roads, it has really killed off what was a good revenue stream for upcoming criminals AND a half decent place for criminals to interact. If we increased the amount of time it would take for a vehicle to despawn to say 4-5 hours and added in frequent spawns of a few ownerless abandoned vehicles to the map for poor players to drive and criminals to steal then it would help the chop-shops immeasurably. In addition, I recommend adding something along the lines of Simeon's vehicle requests from GTA Online. You'd text a number and you'd receive a list of 10 possible vehicle models. If you managed to steal one of those vehicle models and deliver it to the location, you'd get paid more than the average chopshop. Drug Labs Personally, I think the implementation of the home made drug lab was pretty sweet and offers something different BUT like the chop shops, the drug labs were a place to interact with other criminals. In it's current state, the drug labs are still usable but don't offer the same experience that they used to. I think similarly it provided PD and later SD with an extra string to their bow also, when they were called to these locations which was nice. That being said, because of their endless supply of materials and also, their static nature. Metagaming, even unintentionally happened quite a lot and it just didn't really make sense the way they were setup. Static Labs Overhaul - Home Made Labs would still produce the most expensive/impactful drugs, to keep that system going. - Add additional static drug lab locations to the map, in other areas where it makes sense to add them including a couple in the poorer areas of Los Santos. - The static labs would be set-up and maintained by the official criminal factions. - OCF would have to buy a static drug lab setup and install it for $$$. Perhaps add it to the Imports? This would include the materials and the apparatus. This would take a couple minutes to setup. - OCF could claim ownership of any static drug lab, provided they had three of their members present at the time, so it would require close guarding. - The people that wanted to cook at the lab would have to buy the materials needed to cook the drugs or use their own. If they bought from the lab, 95% of the money would go to the stash of the lab which the controlling faction would be able to withdraw as their payment. - OCF and Law Enforcement would be able to destroy static drug labs. Instead of shooting the equipment, it would be an action bar that take two minutes to complete. - When a drug lab is destroyed, a new one could not be set up there for two hours after it's destruction. - The static labs would also have a couple new drugs added. - Once a lab had no more ingredients, it would need to be reset. So what this would do is establish a hierachy. You have the big criminal faction running the static lab, with other criminals doing the work. The faction is making money but in a way that is also allowing others to make money as well. The incentive there is to get people to cook for you. You actually wouldn't want to rob them, because they are working for you. Great way to make new members and money. Drug Delivery Service In 2020, we have a number of food delivery services. JustEat, Deliveroo, DoorDash etc.. but it seems to me in the age of consumerism, drug dealers would deliver to their clients instead of the other way around. - Originally, we had the drug drop-off locations but it's the same dropoff locations every single time. - The idea here is that you'd send a message to a specific phone number and in response, you'd get an order of what drugs the person wanted and also, the GPS co-ord of the home. - The bigger the order, the bigger the payout. - Either you'd have the drugs already made or you'd specifically have to go to a lab and make the drugs to fulfill that order. - We have like 2-3 delivery jobs in the server, they're really simple. This is essentially that but also, involves you having to also get the drugs yourself.
  16. I wish I was, not gunna lie.
  17. Bala

    Human Meat

    No it doesn't. It's salt water.
  18. Bala

    Human Meat

    Because there is supposed to be some semblance of realism in the server. I can't see a Crip running around South Central with a Blood's liver in his bag, can you? Organs when they are severed from the blood supply have to kept on ice to avoid too much lasting damage. No one is going to want a pair of lungs that have been in someone's bag for 45 minutes. It was a foolish idea to begin with, I'm glad it's gone and I hope it stays out of the server.
  19. While the car despawn timer being lowered was done to try and control the clutter, inevitably a vehicle spawns in anothers spot and the cars end up littering the streets, like at LSPD. Also, less vehicles left idle makes it a lot harder for criminals to steal them which is another area that criminals have lost out.
  20. Bala

    Human Meat

    It wouldn't make sense, because the vast majority of criminals don't chop bits of evidence off and try and sell it to the local abattoir. There's no rational defence for it lmao.
  21. Bala

    Human Meat

    To be completely honest, I'm not sure that an organ-fuelled economy is supposed to be sustainable. While I can agree with some of your other points, there is one less way for criminals to make money than there was before, bringing back the human meat drop-off isn't it. I'm sure there are a bunch of other things that could be added in place of this, things that don't even need to be that complex.
  22. I've been in prison on an alt and the sum of my experience there was mining stamps monotonously and being chased around the general population area by two greebos who wanted to punch me for no reason. Script support doesn't force roleplay but it sure would help. Half of the problems that I can see stem from boredom. If the Prisoners are more engaged and well-behaved, the DOC guards can interact with them and that improves their faction and the overall roleplay of the place. My hat goes off to @Kat and her team for getting as much juice out of that fruit as possible and making it a half decent experience. If you want ideas, just play prison architect for half an hour.
  23. It's a difficult one, because a lot of times from what I have experienced assisting on the reports, you have to focus primarily on facts and rules. What x has done to y. I think first, we have to accept there is going to be a certain amount of shit-talking and disagreement, regardless of any measures. People are going to argue and disagree, people pick sides and things get tribal. That being said, I think we have to establish whether we are a role-play server or a role-play community. If we are a role-play server, the only thing that matters is what happens in-game and the experience in-game. The forums and discord would not be as relevant. If we are a role-play community though, we've got to really cut down on the toxicity. The whole 'see you on the forums' meme is basically a passive-aggressive threat. It's schoolboy shit. It's basically saying "I'm going to tell the teacher on you!" If you are going to report someone for something, just do it. No need to start with the SAVE POV meme either, if people don't record to back themselves up, that's their problem and it's none of your concern. You just report the potential rule-break and get on with your day. Get rid of the downvotes on the forum altogether. It's meme-y and it's basically an easy way to troll without having to commit to a post. If you are using meta terms like the ones @FrankieP suggested, you should be getting a metagaming punishment in my opinion. Not just for mixing IC/OOC, but again, factoring the rules too heavily in your role-play. People start getting punished for that, it'll cut it out real quick. In terms of factions, if it was me, I'd be issuing fair faction punishments for factions who have members that encourage or add to the toxicity in the community. Either you cut them loose or the faction gets punished. If you can't keep your members in line, you probably should not lead a faction on Eclipse. The majority of the faction leaders, official or not, do a great job of this but there are exceptions and of exceptions, one can make examples.
  24. I think we have to be a little bit realistic about the level of involvement your average joe is going to have on the decisions in the community. People would obviously like to have some sort of say in their community but if you listen to too many people, it becomes a little bit like the inmates start running the asylum. In terms of criminal stuff, if it was me, I'd task each faction leader of the main crim factions (official/unofficial) to speak to their faction members and come up with lists of what issues afflict the criminal scene, then dividing them up into sections; Issues that can be fixed without script support i.e. rules. Issues that can be fixed with script support i.e. features. Issues that cannot be fixed. Issues that are not really issues. Even if you can only fix a couple of the problems on the list, you send out the message that you're not just open to conversations but also actively working with those factions to improve things AND you have less problems than you had before. The problem with threads like these is the inevitably they go off in all different directions. Either someone goes off on a tangent or someone brings up issues that aren't specific to the topic. There are some well-known, well-respected criminal role-players in this community with both great ideas and perspectives that if they were indulged a little more, could really help that side of the server.
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