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Everything posted by Bala

  1. I like the uniform formatting of the screenshots throughout the thread, no matter who is posting, it's a nice touch.
  2. To be honest, I'd rather we removed the bank robberies in their current format from the server altogether. In my opinion, they expose the worst behaviours of our criminals and law enforcement. Playing for the meta/timer by robbing the banks at the EXACT same time every day. Driving by all the bank locations and upon spotting someone, immediately call it in as suspicious because there is no other reason to use a Fleeca bank than rob it. Take a hostage at a bank robbery every single day. The banks are robbed daily and Fleeca is still in business. They have no cameras access, yet the convenience stores have 24/7 access. I'm all for a hostage situation, when it makes sense and it's every once in a while. I'm all for criminals having more ways to commit crime, when it makes sense. I'll all for PD surveillance when it makes sense. I'm all for criminals making bank when it makes sense. None of this makes any sense. If need be, I'll make a full suggestion on improving both the bank robberies and store robberies but in short; Add some of the other stores as robbable (i.e. clothes stores, gun stores, barber shop) - More locations = less likely for them to be patrolled. The payout from robbing a general store to be affected by what area it's in. Add in banking functions for Fleeca so it's not just about robbing the thing. Remove the cameras for the general stores, unless purchased by the store owner. If they are broken, they will need to be fixed by the store owner. Perhaps adds the opportunity for an Electric freelance job down the road. General Stores being robbed, takes them out of action for an hour so they cannot sell anything. Add breakable cameras to the exterior, bank teller area and vault. Banks are usually robbed by more than 3 people so it's no big deal. Add in the Union Depository Vault in Pillbox for each official faction to rob once a month, provided enough cops are online. Then would need to use tools to access the vault - each with their own drawbacks and positives, load a suitable vehicle full of the money and take it somewhere to unload. With the money transport job being altered to involve the job picking up the money to deliver to the ATMs from there so it's not just a location for robbing. Add the Savings Bank in Paleto and Pacific Standard Banks as robbable, with extra amount value and a more twitchy alarm system. I do not see the value in those locations being no crime zones any longer. The bank isn't really the popular hang out spot it once was. The only people it essentially protects is those people dodging tax by getting money from the ATM and handing it over to someone else. Make the amount of money that a bank has also dependent on when it was last robbed. The longer without being robbed, the more $$$. Just off the top of my head.
  3. With regards to your attitude about reports not fixing anything, I mean all due respect, if you have that attitude then nothing positive will happen will it? I can't understand what the motive is for the post really. You won't make a report because nothing will happen, but then you will make a post and a bunch of subsequent replies to said post? As for your summarising of the clip, I would be inclined to agree with you to an extent. Challenging two people robbing a store with no backup doesn't seem like a very smart thing to do. Although that being said, you don't take cover yourself either so..
  4. In terms of the mods you linked, all with the exception of the Sons of Anarchy one wouldn't sit correctly on your character as they are sized for other peds. The mods I've linked below would in theory work for the male and female freemode characters. In terms of supporting factions with custom clothing beyond the law enforcement factions, I think you have to judge each case on it's merits. It's easier to justify putting in special clothing for say PD or SD or DOC or MD because they've been around for at LEAST 18 months and they're not going to be going anywhere. The same goes with say Weazel or DCC or Bayview or LSC. They are all institutions. Now if you compare that with the non-government factions, a faction's official status is always of course, subject to review. What is here today could be gone tomorrow. Putting in clothing mods in terms of putting them in is a simple process, but things might not work out and then what do you do with the clothing slot? Do you replace it with something else? Do you put it into general circulation? I think you could definitely make a case for both the Lost MC and also the LSMC to have something, because they've been going since August, I don't believe they've gotten themselves into trouble and adding specific clothing makes sense in terms of their RP as bikers gangs/factions do wear those cuts.
  5. I'll be completely honest, the two least things I personally enjoy getting involved in as a cop on the server are bank robberies and hostage situations, inevitably one leads to the other a ridiculous amount of times. From my point of view, it's fucking miserable. Whether it's select groups setting off the alarms like clock-work at a specific type every day, people taking their friends hostage, making unrealistic demands, all running off in different directions with packed money that takes ages to open, an entire group of police officers all huddled around one bank for 30 minutes while other calls go unanswered, the inevitable admin involvement and reports that follow the scene as well. The idea of bank robberies is absolutely fine and I'd hate for us to remove another source of criminality from the server, but the current set-up and the meta surrounding it is really frustrating. I think there are a number of ways that you can flesh the bank robberies out and make them both a little more interesting and a little more role-play, for BOTH sides. For me, it's not about criminals easier to catch or anything like that. I just get the vibe that too many of these encounters lead to both sides feeling pissed off and frustrated at the end of them. I'd rather not deal with it and maybe that's a me problem, but I doubt i'm alone in feeling this way.
  6. I'm not going to comment on the specifics of your post, but I'd like to remind you that this is an in-character issue and should remain as such.
  7. Furniture Item Name: Necklace Issue: Incorrectly attributed to the Doors.
  8. Furniture Item Name: Elena Rose, Mary Rose Issue: Crash.
  9. Aside from the regular formatting that should be used in the other threads in this section, please post the furniture items that have issues in here, so that they can be amended or removed. As I am responsible for adding these items, I also feel it's my responsibility to ensure they are working as intended. Please respond to the thread with the following. Furniture Item Name: Issue:
  10. If you've had many situations where a hostage situation has gone south, what does that tell you? Does it tell you that we're doing something wrong or that you are? From the other side, hostage situations happen too often and are rarely executed with good role-play. It's either someone has got caught robbing a bank/store so they take their friend hostage or they expect that taking a hostage means they have some sort of invisible forcefield around them. Maybe there are other roleplay servers that make hostage roleplay "fun and fair", but there might also be other roleplay servers that don't have a hostage situation every time a bank gets robbed. If I had my way, people would only take hostages if they have special roleplay permission to do so. You know.. so it's "fun and fair" for everyone.
  11. It's not really an in-character question, it's a script feature. There is certain drug equipment you can install in a property to manufacture drugs. How you acquire those tables or what you can make with them is something to find out though.
  12. As with all things, there is probably a compromise to be had here. I think the light situation with interiors needs to be resolved as a matter of most importance, because it renders them pretty useless. Having to direct connect to fix the lighting issue is not it. I think the idea behind it is interesting, but it should add to the experience of playing, not take away from it.
  13. -1. I've seen too many examples of people struggling with activity and impartiality when they have the ability to be a part of two factions, adding more isn't going to make that any easier. I feel like changes like this would serve the player, more than the character to be honest and while there might be some circumstances where a certain combination of factions makes sense for a player's character to have, allowing extended faction slots for more people would not be a good idea. I was at one point, in both the LSPD and DCC, even as a Police Lieutenant. It made no sense for me to do that and was an example of putting me the player over me the character. I'm not sold on people working two government jobs either to be honest. A popular combination for some people in PD is PD & MD. Both of those factions are full-time jobs, so where would your character have the time and energy to go be a paramedic by day, then a police officer by night? Personally, I think in general, players of this server need to flesh out their characters more fully in one faction, let alone giving them slots to go join this, that and the other thing.
  14. It would be perhaps better to go through your faction leadership with these kinds of suggestions.
  15. I'm not in a position to speak for anyone, but at a guess, it's partly a time issue. By that, I mean what free time the guys have to devote to developing is spent developing, not talking about what they're going to do. Could they do a road-map? Perhaps, but then also, would they want to box themselves in for months? As soon as you promise something, there is an expectation to deliver then. If it doesn't happen when they say it will, they get killed for it. Sometimes issues come up or things become available that mean other things go on the backburner. I think also sometimes, some of the community can be quite disrespectful with their feedback and I'd imagine that can make you not want to engage with people. I'm sure you guys remember the tab name thing and the (( TABBED OUT )) feature that was added a couple months back. That was put in, it wasn't very well received, they listened and eventually removed it so they do listen, they just can't listen to everyone, all the time. I agree, there are some areas that feel a little stagnant and in need of work. I'm a full time cop on this server, don't really use my alts but the criminals definitely need some love. I hope they do get it at some point. But, I think we also need to be a little more tactful in how we give our feedback.
  16. I think there's a way to be critical of something, without getting yourself yeeted from anything. I think in all honesty, you have to temper your expectations when it comes to the suggestion forum. This is not a project in the construction phase where it's about building what the server is, it's about maintenance of the old with some implementation of new systems. I say this as someone that's made some pretty well received threads on those forums, but while something might be a great idea on paper, there are reasons why the majority of those suggestions don't make it to the server. it's not that they are shunned by administrators, the admin team doesn't decide what is implemented and what is not, the developers do. Those are the same developers that founded this community and created it's script between them. Considering the popularity and longevity of the project, I'd say they've done pretty well and deserve some respect for that. They also have the right to choose what goes in and what does not. I don't take it personally if my ideas don't get added and to be honest, I've spent a significant period of time over the past couple months working on spec to add some things to the server. There are no guarantees that that stuff will go in, but that's not the point. Because I've approached them in the right way and been respectful, they're more open to the ideas I might put forward. There are bugs in the script but show me a server that doesn't bug fix and I'll show you a server that doesn't develop anything. Like you and me, the developers have lives and responsibilities outside of coding. It's subjective really. You might look at the development tab and not really see anything to you but for example, adding the police vehicles opens up the server to adding additional custom vehicles down the road. Not just for government factions, but other parts of the server too. Adding the EUP uniforms to the server might benefit the government factions but it's also the first step in adding custom clothing to the server. Since you have brought up Furniture, I personally spent the best part of 12 hours collecting those two lists of furniture. There is currently a final list with about 350 objects to be implemented as we speak, but that extra furniture has afforded people of all areas in the server to customise their homes and businesses. Yes, you know what, I think it would be fantastic if we added the Cayo Perico idea I suggested or the Criminal Overhaul suggestion thread. I think it would likely improve the criminal side of things significantly, but if it doesn't go in, I'm not going to make a thread about it. Eclipse is not perfect, there are things that could definitely be improved but I wouldn't play anywhere else for GTA V. You just have to decide whether you can play in the server the way it is. If you can, great. If not, I'm sure you'll find enjoyment somewhere else. What I don't like is those people that do not enjoy the server, but rather than go elsewhere and find enjoyment, they linger like a foul odour and try to ruin it for other people.
  17. Absolutely not. It wouldn't be used in the right away and asking for admin intervention to approve the RP is good in practice, but in reality, most requests would likely not go through.
  18. Added a song to the suggestion thread, it's short but this is a short suggestion thread. @alexalex303
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