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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Honestly, I think just having it as an app on your phone and be able to do it anywhere makes the most sense. In 2021/2022, I'm sure governments or DMVs would let you pay online 100%.
  2. I agree with these suggestions, the building system has gotten better but it could still improve. I'd throw in the following though. Being able to purchase extra interior objects for your builds up to a certain point with $$$. Maybe your build is set to like 500 objects max, at that point, adding an extra 25.. 50.. 100 objects isn't that deep. /removelastfurniture I'm assuming that each piece of furniture in the server has a unique ID. It's simple, check the ID of the furniture and whether you have perms for it's associated interior, if you do, you can delete it if you are inside the interior. Some pieces of furniture, you can't access. Being able to purchase furniture from inside the interior, removing the furniture store. Honestly between the distance, fuel consumption and the inventory weight, it's an unnecessary inconvenience buying furniture in bulk and people don't roleplay/interact at the furniture stores anyway. Additional Tabs for the Furniture Store The unfortunate part of when I added so much more furniture was the tabs, especially misc got very full and objects get lost quite easy. Categorising the misc objects further would help.
  3. Bala

    Shenzhen Dragons

    You guys always put a lot of effort into your stuff, respect.
  4. Isn't it like 300-400k currently though? That's chump change in our economy for a car. Not really sure why you'd need to auction that cost of car.
  5. Well, we've not got much of December left so the trees will be gone before that big ass signature of yours Vex.
  6. +1 to an extent. Just think you could get a sound if you're in proximity to the front desk. The bull pen on the other side of the door often has officers doing paper-work in there so a little audible queue would be better than more spam for the chatbox.
  7. Bala


    Appreciate the amount of effort you put in, but I think there is already debateable justification for the police factions we have. Adding a third one wouldn't be a good move.
  8. Bala

    2022 | Mass Unban?

    What? Yes, let's once again surround ourselves with people that negatively contributed to the community in the first place by unbanning a bunch of people, so it looks like we have a full server again. That is a move you pull when you absolutely have no one left and we are not at that point yet where we need to get desperate and make those kinds of choices. There are a number of contributing factors that have lead to a deprecated player count which I won't go into but this isn't the way forward, it's a way to end things quicker.
  9. When it comes to gaming in general, I think people are becoming more understanding when it comes to transgender people but only really from a male to female transition. It certain seems much more common or at least people are more open about that so by proxy, people who are not familiar become more comfortable. That being said though, it's already an ask for people to change their view points on male to female transition or males playing as female characters but female to male isn't really that common from what i've seen so, it's perhaps more difficult for people to adjust their view points. When you throw in roleplaying a pregnancy as a man, that is a hard ask I'm afraid for people to get their head around. I've been trying to be certainly more open minded to alternative life-styles but I don't know how to feel about it and I don't know how i'd feel about encountering that situation in-game. I don't know if I'd be comfortable in truth. On the one hand, more power to you for fleshing out a character but at the same time, it's out there as far as roleplay goes and I think resistance is probably more understandable because it's certainly less common, i don't think we're quite there yet in 2021. This is a VOIP server and a server where people don't necessarily play characters but themselves, quite a bit. VOIP can do a lot for RP but it can also take stuff away. Sometimes it's hard to put character and voice together. Think of a teenager with a squeaky voice swearing at you and trying to rob you. Can you say you'd honestly be able to take them seriously? I think you've got a number of options from a pragmatic point of view. One, you continue to roleplay the character you want provided it doesn't break any server rules. If you do this, you have to understand that people are going to push back against your character and it will go OOC. If you feel that their behaviour violates rules, you should report it but rule-break or not, people are still saying things to you. You have to decide for yourself if you're strong enough to deal with that and supported enough to deal with it. Two, you remain here but only use text to role-play. You probably don't get as much harassment but you also sacrifice using VOIP for that. Three, You go somewhere else where you can express your character freely, without any harassment at all. This one isn't ideal but the reality is, ECRP isn't going to change over-night and VOIP is going to always be there. As much as I'd love to tell you otherwise, maybe a text based server would allow you more freedom of expression than a VOIP server. I know it's a delicate subject but I don't think there is any point in pretending or sugar coating things. There doesn't seem to be any real option that doesn't have a downside but to be fair, I respect the fact you're open about yourself. Wish you good luck with your decision.
  10. It's a big no for me. I'm all for punishment expiration and an overhaul of our current rules but this is just the same system with more chances to get away with not being banned. You might have liked seeing 600 players in the server but I sure as hell didn't. It was a bunch of non rp driving bus drivers, people jumping on cars and it taking an hour to get a report called. The fast decline on the player count is in part because of the lack of updates. People get bored with the same old same. But it's also to do with the time of the year as well. Don't think we end up with a better server by giving rulebreakers more opportunities to break the rules and I'm certainly not inclined to want to give people that have left the server on bad terms the opportunity to come back if things improve. Fuck that, let them sit on the outside and rue their foolishness. Groups like the TRCC are as much of the decline in 2021 of Eclipse as a lack of a criminal update. No thank you. Hackers should be permenantly banned with no appeal. Combat Loggers should be permenantly banned with no appeal. People leaking personal information should be permenantly banned with no appeal. You don't build a house on unstable terrain or with shody materials. You build solid foundations first, then ad dto it.
  11. Inconsistency is inevitable when you have server rules that border on being arbitrary at times. If our player base has difficulty in working out where the line is, it would make sense that our staff members would have issues with it as well. Staff Members aren't mythical creatures, they're players with an elevated level of permissions and responsibilities. Some staff, be it support or higher, probably are better suited to helping people rather than issuing punishments. At a guess, the ideal staff member is someone who isn't swayed by public opinion, who takes their own personal opinion out of the equation and also has enough interest in both rule-making and other rulings by other administrators to be able to give a consistent decision. But then you could have a report decision perfect but it does then only take a couple of reports before you on a similar topic to go a different way and you look like you don't know what you're doing. It's probably a thankless task and I don't mean the lip service thanks that people give when responding to a report "thanks for taking my report.", because the report section is public, it's up for public debate every decision you make, which will inevitably lead to the weaker staff members making a decision because it's popular than it being correct. No one wants to end up on one of those dumb videos on youtube at the end of the day, just for doing their job. If consistency is an issue, then you gotta change the report system and the rules but until then, to an extent, it's a roll of the dice.
  12. From what I saw on the patch notes, Rockstar altered stanced and low grip tires to no longer give high top speeds to tuner vehicles. This isn't an issue with Eclipse, but something that Rockstar have taken upon themselves to change.
  13. I have more chance meeting people to roleplay with at my place of work, than I do at my house. No thank you.
  14. The amount of inflation in the economy dictates that things have to be priced a certain way so they are not too cheap. Don't think too much about whether or not it makes sense because we have that Venezuelan economy.
  15. Improvements to our clothing system is something that is in the works, which includes being able to mix and match all available GTA online clothing with less restrictions and more choice than the current system. I don't have an ETA on it, but it's something being actively pursued.
  16. I think that showing a license being something you need to ask for is more important, because right now, you can just show it to the person without them necessarily agreeing to look at it. Same goes with /showbadge. It should work similar to /duoanim where you ask for the other players permission. As for the suggestion, I don't think six different commands is necessary. You could group driver, trucker and pilot into one. You could group firearm approval and firearms license into one. You could keep the medical license seperate. Or, like Percival suggested, just specify the license with the command. /showlicense [playerid/name] [driver/trucker/pilot/medical/firearm/all]
  17. From what I understand, what you have linked there is the game affecting props with weather changes such as snow or rain. It's not an MLO as such, it's just a space out in the world with a giant box prop for us to fill up with whatever we want, so I'm not sure how viable it is to fix. I'm also assuming the weather isn't specific to the client but to the server, so I don't think you can specify exceptions. I may be wrong, but yeah.
  18. On the one hand, more customisation is great and I commend the suggestion. On the other, what Cactus said rings true. At a certain point, too much in one area is bad for performance. Also, this mod costs €63 currently, it's very expensive and I'm not sure that the cost of which we would see paid back in it's use. It would be a little bit like buying an interior for Vinewood or Vespucci PD at the moment.
  19. Nevermind, seems the SP version will be released on christmas day which may potentially allow us to use it.
  20. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they are only supporting FiveM, in part due to the new DRM that Tebex has worked out for it. I would highly doubt that RAGE-MP will get a version to be honest, which is a shame.
  21. You know when these threads get made, does anyone actually ever wonder even if some of these things got approved, when would it actually get scripted? We get it, PD OP, PD Devil, PD Nerf. We get it. But honestly, real talk, which one of the development updates do you want to sacrifice to make this happen? Do you want the criminal update to be a bunch of negative changes to the PD? I'm sure that'll really get the blood flowing from your ivory drug lab apartment. Maybe you want to sacrifice the clothing update? Who needs new clothes, new hair, all that shit when PD can pay for their guns yay! I'm sorry but what are you trying to sell here? You can create a drug super lab in a $400,000 apartment, which you then blow up and don't have to pay any repairs for. You rob a bank using a BF-400 then drive up a hill to get away. You dress as your favourite hex-code and paint your vehicles to match then complain how it's easy to find you. You wear masks that make no fucking RP sense to wear, like the dude that goes around in a wolf mask growling at people. You wear masks all the time and because we can't decide on the law about it, we can't do anything about it. You wear them in private, you wear them in public. Every time a cop appears in front of one of the factions, they forget they are actually criminals and instantly hit their /record bind. Hardened gangbangers, cop killers and serial killers are out here filing out internal affairs reports like its #1-800-FREETHEHOMIE. You complain if cops die, they lose nothing. If you die and you've committed a crime, you are given a literal get out of jail free card. You bang on cops then complain because you get followed and Jason Steel pulls you over to ask you questions. I could continue with this all night but the point is, don't worry about balancing/nerfing/fucking PD, get your own RP together first. I've been banging the criminal drum for the past twelve months trying to pointlessly improve things and all I see in return is poor roleplay standards from crims and half-arsed allegations of abuse against a faction that I enjoy being a part of. I get the super cars removed for PD because you were always complaining about it, fucked over my own faction doing that and now you lot start moaning about the Jugular. Why should I even bother? Honestly, go touch grass with this shit. You call for realism and good roleplay when it suits you. It's not about best interests of the RP or the server, it's about you and what you want. Go look at the big players in the staff team and what factions they are in. You know why these threads go nowhere? Because the people that are responsible for the decision making around here don't have a problem with it. Maybe you are the problem? A few cases of something doesn't make an epidemic. I doubt there is a faction on the server more committed to roleplay standards and getting rid of poor role-players than the LSPD. You will see some of these people on the forums from time to time, slandering the faction through salty tear soaked eyes because they've dropped their standards and gotten the boot for it. We're not going to stand for it and we actively punish it. I got demoted for doing it back in 2020. So, what more do you want? The heads of LSPD Command on spikes? I'm going to keep it real with you. The day I have to buy my guns from the armoury like it's fucking counter-strike or wait 60 seconds to spawn a new car is the day I go play somewhere else. I'm all for balance, but this ain't it chief.
  22. I've raised the matter with the relevant people but I'm no staff member, if they think it's a problem then they'll deal with it.
  23. I'd rather see the issues with the fingerprints fixed than the thing yeeted to be honest, but I'll bring it up with the others in LSPD and see what we can do in the meantime, if anything. It isn't ideal the way it is currently. Also @Harley whats with the transition signature, makes my eyes hurt lmao
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