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Blazejackson last won the day on May 23 2023

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About Blazejackson

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  1. Thank you everyone for participating with Gentry Lane Royals. Our time as a group on the server has been fun, from Los Santos Royals in 2021 to Gentry Lane Royals today. I wish everyone the best!
  2. Hey, Just making this post to raise awareness that in the player factions section of the website, there are currently 41 disbanded/inactive player factions, wondering if there's a reason they haven't been archived?
  3. Coming back to the server after a year I can’t help but notice that factions mainly such as LSC and Bayview are still struggling with keeping active at all times on the server especially for NA hours. This has been a problem for a couple years now but I find the problem is not getting solved. My main concern is, are the mechanic jobs too boring? Is that the cause for the lack of mechanics in the city? I feel with the new chop system that came into place why can’t that be incorporated into LSC and Bayview to make the mechanic job more interactive, such as taking off the wheels and adding new ones, or replacing damaged doors, or swapping out the engine. The parts can only be used by mechanics to repair vehicles and when the mechanic is done with his/her repair he/she can do a command such as /finishrepair when done with the RP. I feel this would make the mechanics jobs more interesting and maybe gather more interest for more people wanting to be mechanics, because right now it's copy and paste RP in the chats and after a while of doing that could be boring for the player. -have the chop setups tweaked for LSC and Bayview -have a warehouse for LSC and Bayview where mechanics can go in a van to pickup parts (doors, wheels, engines, hoods, trunks) -The mechanic will use the parts to replace on the vehicles, each time a /startrepair command is ran there will be different variations of what parts on a car need to be repaired, maybe if its a small repair for 100 vehicle health only 2 tires need to be replaced, or 1 door but if it's a big repair for 800 vehicle health maybe the engine needs to come out and some of the doors. -the doors, wheels, engines etc… will not be the same as the illegal ones, these won’t be able to be sold to an illegal NPC dealer. -Mechanics will have a command to /startrepair and /finishrepair. -When an on duty mechanic takes off a door, wheel or engine etc.. the parts will either vanish or will be renamed to “broken engine” “broken door” and the mechanics will have to dispose of these parts at the recycling factory or could extend the script of the garbage job to get sent a request to pick up the parts from LSC and Bayview for decent pay. I feel this opens more doors for LSC and Bayview and could boost interest as we have seen every crim update boosts the amount of crims so maybe a tweak to LSC and Bayview could boost activity making it easier for the community to get repairs and mods, as it is a struggle when only 1 mechanic is online and auto repairs ain’t open and you need to try and get a vehicle with no tires from LSC to bayview just to carry on playing the game, most of the time when players can’t get a repair or have to travel across the map to 1 mechanic then he clocks off and then someone in LSC clocks on it's just a traveling across the map game for a repair, we just tend to log off for the night and try and log on earlier the following day to see if a mechanic will be around. This happens more than you could imagine. I understand the queue with updates right now and the community begging for the teased updates, but if this is something that is not too demanding on the dev team it would be cool to be implemented, also would like to hear feedback from mechanics on what they think about this.
  4. As we know impound is currently a pain in the ass for crims with waiting times for cops to arrive and take out your vehicle. So I have an idea that would take time to implement but would be a cool addition to Eclipse. Impound being a scripted job, but... only legals with over 5k XP can get hired by PD or SD to work the job, this would require an IC interview process and if the player is approved will get a role in lets say the f4 faction menu where they have access to "clock on shift" (have access to the command to get the uniform and use the script commands) at the impound. The job would allow the player to do the paperwork and make sure the player has a valid drivers license and take out vehicles for crims the pay would be a 20-30% of the cost of the car they just un-impounded. But that would get boring very quickly so there will have to be more to the job such as the impound job will also allow you to take out a tow truck and help PD and SD impound the vehicles, turn up to the scenes and have some good RP with law enforcement, also with unpaid parking tickets PD/SD can send you a radio call out saying the plate number and location of a vehicle that hasn't paid their ticket to impound the vehicle, giving more use to the parking ticket system. By impounding the vehicles they will also receive 20%-30% of the impound fee. Also with the addition of having new NPC vehicles that spawn around the map that will alert impound that "Light Blue Lynx with the plate number CV4 58S on David Street needs to be impounded" so it gives the player more activities to do when on the job. With this job I don't think having it scripted for SD impound lot too would be effective would cause too much divide for the workers so I would only keep it to the PD city impound lot. Another option would be integrating mors into this job too allowing the workers to release vehicles from mors to players. Have a buzzer option in mors to alert workers "someone is waiting at mors to get their vehicle released." with the pay being a smaller percentage of maybe 10%-15% pay for the worker. If no workers are online the notifications of people waiting at impound and mors would go to PD and SD. But if this job is successful as the other scripted jobs then I can see their always being at least 1 person being online throughout the day on duty to not give PD and SD the hassle. If there is no one on duty it would encourage PD and SD to do more interviews to hire more people for the job Would greatly appreciate feedback.
  5. Crims complain the game becomes "unplayable" when gang suppression comes into play. Yes it does from my old official faction I ran, we had to all go on a 2 week LOA when we were gang suppressed and play other games because we couldn't leave our apartment without getting pulled over, in colors or not. We would go to jail for shitty reasons with stacked charges and then give up for the day, we literally couldn't do any activities on the server as we were stuck in jail constantly so it was pointless for us to play. This ain't real life this is a game where we want to keep players interested and playing the server, because I remember shortly after Shenzhen disbanded, SD were complaining on how they didn't have a single traffic stop or incident for 4 hours each night for 3 days running. If we don't have crims doing crim stuff on the server then PD and SD are effected not only leading crims to give up on the server and take LOA's but also PD and SD to get bored and play less on the server. I can see this thread getting toxic from both sides, no point arguing between ourselves and instead work towards a decision both sides can agree upon, to keep the player base active on eclipse. Gang suppression is a part of roleplay for cops and is an important part in the cycle of gangs, but the issue is also down to the server development and the way certain cops play the game. Stacking charges is the first issue, why do cops feel the need to stack every charge they possibly can on a person to get them in a prison cell for hours being afk. The mentality of cops need to change when issuing charges, because you are pushing roleplay away from your own faction by putting multiple crims away for hours on end every day, its not fun! DOC is not somewhere a player looks forward too on a OOC level, we cannot expect a DOC update any time soon since other updates are already in the works, but if the mentality of cops on the server can adjust their OOC attitude towards crims the playing environment will be better, their will be more crims on the street, robbing banks, going to labs, chopping cars, evading, shootouts, etc..etc... by putting crims in jail for shorter periods it opens the door for cops to have more incidents to attend and to happen. Both sides need gangs to last on this server. small updates that would help with gang suppression being less of an OOC loss for the player: -Half the DOC time but 35% higher fees (until the DOC update happens where DOC is no longer a AFK simulator) -Stacking charges to be discussed upon staff and work a limit/rule to it, (until the judicial branch can be effective and work swiftly and be more of a use to a crim) -Heavy weapon imports to be cut in prices (so it's not a massive loss for crims when they do loose them, in simple ways as in getting pulled over and searched) I can only speak from my experience as a crim player as I have never played law enforcement, so this is my opinion as a crim player ECRP.
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 25th March 8:00PM UTC Character name: Blaze Jackson Issue/bug you are reporting: Burger Shot blip on the GPS shows when inside properties. Expected behavior: Inside properties no blips should show on the GPS. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Enter a property and will see on the GPS, bottom left of the screen the Burger Shot blip. The blip doesn't show when you open the larger version of the GPS when pressing ESC for some reason.
  7. Please can an Admin or staff member look into this bug, because this is way to over powered.
  8. Best of luck to all of you! Can't wait to RP with you guys!
  9. With Central hospital & pillbox having interior it would be nice to see Zonah have interior as well, to improve the experience of EMS and the public who get dropped off at Zonah. Here is an example of Zonah hospital with interior that I have seen that is compatible with Rage servers. I would love to see more RP within Zonah Hospital!
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