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Everything posted by Bala

  1. It's a little asinine to assume that my comment is supporting 1 dimensional characters. When I think of this suggestion, the phrase 'jack of all trades, master of none' springs to mind. My experience has taught me that trying to do multiple things at once limits your performance in one specific area. You're not limited ooc to 1 core drive, you're limited to two. Just because you are limited in being in two factions does not mean that you cannot role-play with Burnout or LSMC for example, you just couldn't join their faction out of character. It's not the script limiting you from doing that, it's either them or you limiting yourself from doing that. Perhaps if you didn't occupy a high command role with LSC and a position within Business Licensing for example, you might be able to put more time and effort into your faction. Maybe in trying to get your faction official, you are doing a disservice to LSC or the business licensing. This might not be the case for you, you might be one of the few people that has the balance perfect and I salute you for it if that's the case. In my opinion though, there are very few combinations of three factions that make sense and the possibility of people joining three factions and not being able to maintain all three to the standard needed increases if you raise the cap. It's a no from me.
  2. I don't support this. I feel that while flexibility and choices are great tools on a server, I just cannot see enough instances where this makes sense. Case and point, my primary faction has always been LSPD but from time to time, I've joined DCC on that character. Looking at that, it doesn't really make much roleplay sense for an LSPD Officer to be driving a cab. The same could apply for Weazel or LSC. Like what, I'm going to hunt bad guys during the day then take a break and go work on an engine? I feel that the server will always need extra things to do, but I think in terms of us focusing on our characters, doing one thing and focusing on that makes the most sense.
  3. First of all, I wanna take the opportunity to say I respect the fact you've put your time into reading the thread and tried to approach it from as neutral a position as you can. Second, for context I'm a member of LSPD Command with 23 months experience of cop RP in Ecluose. I'm not speaking for LSPD here, but offering my opinion based on my own experiences and all opinions are solely my own. --- Charge Stacking With regards to charge stacking, this tends to be a common misconception. Giving someone the crimes they have committed is not charge stacking. However, an example of charge stacking would be for example if I were arresting you and you resisted arrest multiple times on your way to jail. If I turned around and charged you with multiple counts of resisting arrest, I'd be charge stacking. It is not okay for any cop to place charges for things you have not done, so the maximum you will ever get are the charges for crimes you've committed. It is possible to felony evade without getting those other charges but 9/10 pursuits the person being chased will use the wrong lane of traffic, will hit various things on the sidewalk etc.. That being said, myself and quite a number of cops will often opt to give a person less charges as a reward for IC compliance or demonstrating good role-play with the cops and keeping things IC. It is of course, case by case but we don't personally benefit out of giving people more charges. We're a reactive faction, we respond to what you do. You have the choice and the power, you just don't realise it. --- Gang Vehicles Being Followed By Cops I'll be honest, I questioned this at first because I did not understand but then you look at the rap sheet of some of these people being followed. Mass murder, leading or participation in organised crime, countless prison sentences, robberies, you name it. The most dangerous people on the server. I'm not a part of the Gang Field Unit but in my view, the factions who are getting most of their attention are the same factions that are actively attacking and ambushing law enforcement. LSPD and even SD are peacekeeper factions to things in some sort of order, but when you start turning your guns towards us, that is going to pull the aggro on you in a big way. I don't like referencing real life too much but if you kill cops IRL as an organised crime group, you're going to have police up your ass a lot more than if you killed another criminal. GFU to me seems like a mentality shift by PD but given how things go down, it was a natural and necessary evolution. If criminals conducted their criminal dealings more covertly, I don't think GFU would be a thing to be honest but because some are so obvious and brazen with how they conduct themselves, a response was needed. --- OOC Faction Toxicity I'm not going to bullshit people and pretend like every single person in PD is the most well-behaved, polite, upstanding member of the Eclipse Community. We have over 100 people within our faction and every one of them is different in how they think, feel and act while logged into the server. Just like not every criminal is this and that and the other thing. That being said though, some thing that we do not tolerate is friction or toxicity from our faction members and I think we actively look to either resolve those issues or remove the offenders from the faction entirely. In some respects, I think in some ways PD takes it's OOC standards even more seriously than the IC standards. As for officers having grudges against factions, I would say this to both a cop and a criminal, Having an IC vendetta against someone or a group is absolutely fine and it's a part of role-play but that mentality should stay with your character. The problem is that it does not. People take it to heart and they take it out of game. Criminals do this more than cops but to be honest some cops do it too. Ultimately, I do think how LSPD chooses to conduct itself is an in-character issue and it's between the faction leaders and server staff if anything needs to be tweaked. I don't think it's a matter of public debate or for the criminal side of the community to have a say in, any more than someone would expect PD to have a say in how criminals choose to operate.
  4. I can see what you are saying, when you have to restart your game for getting the boot it's a bit long. But at the same time, wouldn't this make being afk more convenient? I'm just not sure it's what we need. In some cases people are RPing and forget to move or like for PD we're doing paperwork, but then in others, people are just idle. Maybe as well as the text coming up with the math, you get like a sound prompt?
  5. I don't think it needs to be fully removed so much as perhaps the colouring tweaked to be less in your face.
  6. Speaking as a cop who streams and alias' people in this way when I know their IC name, frankly it adds me in starting roleplay with people. The amount you can customise your appearance is good, but is still limited to only so many combinations. Yes, I've used it to ID people for crimes but I've also used it and said hello to people who I might not have engaged otherwise. If we can accept that people come back from the dead with short term memory loss, we can accept knowing someone after finding out their name.
  7. I did leave some stuff off the list, either because I forgot or it didn't get fleshed out in time. There's a lot of things to pick through there and I don't want to overload it but obviously if it's well received, which the post has been then I'll probably include those ideas at some point as well. I have some ideas for legal jobs and the legal side of the game, but criminals need the content the most out of every one.
  8. CRIMINAL OVERHAUL SUGGESTION THREAD I only included the song for NBDY. DRUGS Faction Owned Static Drug Labs TLDR version: All static drug labs in the server to be set-up by, stocked and ran by players in the server, as for-profit criminal enterprises. There would be the current locations with additional locations where it makes sense across Blaine County, LS and Cayo Perico. Official Criminal Factions would be able to import static lab kits (discounted) or buy them from Humane Labs. The limitation for purchase would be that OCF have better contacts than your civilian factions. They would head to a vacant drug lab location and set-up their lab. The kits would come with lab apparatus and a standard amount of the ingredients needed to make the various drugs. The kits could however be setup by anyone with one in their possession, regardless of their faction. This allows civilian factions to conduct drug related business independent of other factions as well. Additional ingredients for the labs would also be purchasable from Humane Labs by anyone. Money is then made personal use of the lab, or by charging other faction/s or individual/s to use your lab. This is adding enterprise with a support structure with person-to-person roleplay at the heart of it. Rivals might have their own lab they wish to protect or they wish to take over a rival's lab, so that causes negative criminal-to-criminal interaction but in a way that makes sense. Law Enforcement; When a drug lab is found in operation, they would clear the lab of it's materials and destroy it. A lab could not be installed at that location for two hours after destruction and would require a new lab kit to re-establish it. Forensics+ Chemists producing drugs at a lab will get drug residue on the clothing they are wearing, which Law Enforcement could be test you for. Producing drugs at or clearing a drug lab will damage your health depending on what you are wearing. Being fully clothed would mean having top/pants/shoes/gloves on. 0 damage if wearing a respirator and fully clothed. 1 damage per drug made if not wearing a respirator but masked and fully clothed. 5 damage per drug made with no mask or respirator on but fully clothed 15 damage per drug made if masked or have a respirator but not fully clothed. 25 damage per drug made if not fully clothed and no face concealment. Drug Production Skill Level TLDR version: Adding a 'skill level' to drug production, rewarding the player for putting time into a task, by lowering drug creation time and being able to make a higher grade of narcotic. Skills are not currently a part of Eclipse. An experience is the same the first time you do something, as it is for the 100th time. Aside from having more of an item, there is no growth in repeatedly doing something. When it comes to creating drugs, it's a skill, like cooking food. The more you practice, the better you become at doing it. We have an inflated economy already, so the gain would be in convenience, so a higher skill would allow you to make more reliable drugs, faster. I'd like to suggest four different levels. [Rookie / Intermediate / Expert / Veteran] Rookie to Expert would be available to every single person, but you would only be able to go past expert to Veteran if you were part of an Official Criminal Faction If as a Veteran Chemist, you leave an official faction, you will not lose your level but can only cook at Expert level once again. The creation time of a single gram of narcotic would depend on your drug production level, the better the chemist you are, the quicker the production. The idea here also is that people who have a high drug production skill level would be wanted by official criminal factions, as you can make drugs quicker and to a better standard. This allows for criminal networking and partnerships. Drug Dealing Freelance Job TLDR version: Freelance Criminal job to fulfil fictional drug orders, either by producing your own or buying the drugs from a third party dealer. For this, I'd like you to imagine JustEat or DoorDash if they did drugs. The idea here is that in 2021, drug users don't go to the dealer. The dealer delivers the drugs to various locations around San Andreas. These locations might be public dead drops, shady apartments, hillbilly trailer parks. The locations will depend on drugs in the order. This would be a replacement for the old drug drop-off payout. You would start by texting a set number and you'd get an instant reply with a customer's drug order and the location of where you deliver the drugs. Example You to # - Order? # to You - 2 grams of Cocaine, 4 grams of Marijuana. It would be your responsibility then to fulfil that order, either by buying the drugs from another player or making them yourself. Upon delivery, you would receive a stock pay-out amount with bonuses for how quick you fulfilled the order and what grade the drugs you delivered were. Your pay-out is going to look different if you can deliver the drugs within an hour as opposed to a day or if you are delivering poor quality drugs as opposed to the high grade stuff. Drug Purity Grades TLDR version: Each available drug would have a quality grade. The better made a drug is, the better the use and the better the pay-out. There would be four different grades of each drug - low grade, impure, high grade, prime. Low grade would be a very basic, diluted version of the drug with low pay-out and very little effect when used. Prime would be expertly made, with a good street value and a more effect when used. Drug labs would also come with a cutting agent (boric acid) for cocaine and nicotine for marijuana that would allow you to create the drug if you did not have one of the ingredients. This would be at the expense of the drug purity. The grade of drug produced would be dependent on both the drug production level of the chemist and also, whether there were any added ingredients. Rookie chemists would produce low grade - impure drugs. Intermediate chemists would produce impure to pure drugs. Expert chemists would produce high grade drugs. Veteran chemists would produce prime grade drugs. Drug Test kits would be available to buy for civilians at Humane Labs and Law Enforcement would have them available as well. You would be able to right click on a drug and press 'Sample' with a kit, to test it's purity. Drug Labs in Apartments Stop new tables being installed in apartments, it doesn't make any sense to be operating a drug lab in a swanky apartment. People that have existing labs already purchased would be able to continue cooking in them but new additions would be prevented. Drug Use TLDR version: The use of drugs will have both positive and negative uses, as a secondary use. For easy balance, we'll go with three drugs that can be used by the player. These being marijuana, coke and meth. Any others that are added, would be for sale only. The effects of drug use would be in three stages - the instant effect, the plateau and the come down. Each drug would have various different effects and I'll explain the suggestion, using one gram of each drug. Mixing drugs would have the same effect as taking too many painkillers in game. Marijuana [+] Using Marijuana would allow for wellness to recharge quicker than normal. If the player died, the effect would stop. [+] The overall effect would last longer than the other drugs. (15-30 minutes depending on the grade of the drug) [-] Marijuana use would instantly drain a player's hunger quicker than normal. If a player refilled their hunger or they died, the effect would wear off, both positively and negatively. This is a passive, social drug. Cocaine [+] Immediate use of Cocaine would start raising the player's health to a certain point and allow them to operate at maximum wellness until the effect wore off. [ / ] The high would last for 3-7 minutes depending on the grade of the cocaine. [-] Cocaine use would instantly start to drain a player's thirst quicker than normal, this will. If they died, the effect would wear off, both positively and negatively. [-] Once the high has finished, your wellness would take an instant loss. Meth [+] Immediate use of Meth would instantly give the player more health, cancel out any negative wellness and slow any blood loss effects when under the influence. [ / ] The high would last for 1-3 minutes depending on the grade of the meth. [-] Once the high has worn off, meth would start wearing down the player's wellness. If they died, the effect would wear off, both positively and negatively. CAR THEFT / ILLEGAL EXPORTS / CHOP SHOPS Abandoned Rental Vehicles We should add some random vehicle spawns to various parking lots around Los Santos and Blaine County, with the purpose of them being available to steal. The vehicles would be random choices of compact and sedans, with random colour schemes. These vehicles would be script owned by Escalera Rent-A-Car company. These vehicles would have no de-spawn timer, chopping a rental vehicle will trigger a new spawn somewhere on the map. Vehicle Break-ins TLDR version: Add variety to gaining entry to a vehicle. Add screwdrivers to 24/7s. You would get 7 uses with one screwdriver, like a bobby pin has 1. Screwdrivers would be used for breaking locks but also in assisting the hotwire. Every action that uses the screwdriver would reduce the uses left by 1. You can either gain access to a car by using a bobby pin/screwdriver to unlock the door. You can also gain access to a car by using a melee weapon by the front side windows. Weapons: Bat, Crowbar, GolfClub, Hammer, Hatchet, Nightstick, Wrench, Fire Extinguisher. Forensics+ If you choose to smash a car door with a melee weapon, there is a chance you could start bleeding. In the case of bikes, you would be able to gain access to the inventory of the bike using a bobby pin or screwdriver. Gaining access to the vehicle trunk would require either you breaking the trunk lock or being in a vehicle's driver seat and doing /opentrunk. A Vehicle GPS' could mounted into the vehicle and would require you to use a bobby pin or screwdriver to remove it from the console. Vehicle Hotwiring TLDR version: Replace the auto-start with a hot-wiring setup. To start hotwiring a car with the engine off, press the UP key. You will need either a bobby pin or screwdriver to do this. Forensics+ Hotwiring a vehicle without proper gloves on, will leave your fingerprints inside the vehicle. This would allow for those that have their vehicles stolen and chopped to report it to the Police Departments. The RNG of getting the car to start will depend on the type of vehicle it is, to account of the more high end vehicles having more experienced locking systems. The more expensive the vehicle, the less easy it will be to get started. The idea would be however that within a reasonable amount of time, any vehicle could be started. Turning the engine off will require you to re-hotwire the vehicle all over again. Hotwiring Skill Level TLDR version: Adding a 'skill level' to hotwiring a vehicle, rewarding the player for putting time into a task, by lowering hotwire time and giving you a better chance of a successful attempt. The more you practice, the better you become at doing it. We have an inflated economy already, so the gain would be in convenience, so a higher skill would allow you to get a stolen car going faster. Like Drug Production, we'd have four different levels. [Rookie / Intermediate / Expert / Veteran] Rookie to Expert would be available to every single person, but you would only be able to go back expert if you were part of an Official Criminal Faction If as a Veteran Car Thief, you leave an official faction, you will not lose your level but can only steal at Expert level once again. The hotwire attempt time and chance of starting the engine successfully would also depend on your hotwiring skill level, the better you are, the easier it would be. Vehicle Export Orders TLDR version: Similar to Simeon's Export Requests in GTA V, you would text a number and they'd give you a vehicle type you had to steal and deliver it to the Docks at Los Santos. The first time you use a chop-shop in-game, you will receive a text from a NPC down at the Docks. Their number will be added to your contacts in your phone. You can text them with the word order and they will message you back with a class of vehicle that you have to steal i.e. Compact or Sports. You steal the vehicle and take it down to the NPC at the Docks and instead of chopping it, you will be waiting while the vehicle is loaded onto a shipping container. Once the vehicle is loaded, you will be paid slightly more than a chop shop would pay for a vehicle. CAYO PERICO ISLAND [VIEW THREAD] Hunting Add two animal spawn locations with Boars and Deer to the Island. The pay-outs from these two animals would be slightly higher to account for the inconvenience of travelling to the island. NEW! Coca Plant Picking Freelance Pick coca plants from the fields in Cayo Perico, before selling them to a farm NPC for on-hand cash. Boat Chopshop Add a chop-shop to the Island. Island Drug Lab Location Use one of the Island's existing drug lab locations as a location for the player run drug labs. Island Turf Location Add the Island of Cayo Perico, specifically the Compound there as a faction turf. Communications You would only be able to use your phone/radio around the Island's Compound and the Airfield, due to it's distance from the mainland. ROBBERIES RULES BY ZONE Overview I personally find that our currently robbery rules perhaps confuse what is possible and what is not and I'd like to make things a little more straight-forward. Each neighbourhood i.e. Davis, Strawberry, Vinewood etc.. would be either a green, yellow or red zone depending on how popular the area is and how close they are to police stations. Inevitably, people will attempt to flee from robberies and as long as the robbery was started in a zone that permits it, you could still rob that person. Your ability to rob someone in that area would depend on different factors. Green - Robberies would not be OOC permitted at any time in these areas. They are either too populated or too close to police stations, where the risk would become too great. Examples would be Paleto Bay, Legion Square and Hawick. Yellow - Robberies would be permitted OOC in these zones at night. The idea being that in real-life, crime is more likely to happen than in day-time and RPly your character would be more aware of that. Examples would be Mirror Park, Vespucci Beach and Paleto Forest. Red - These are isolated areas or very poor neighbourhoods where police response would be difficult or crime would be really bad IRL. Examples would be Davis, Mount Chiliad and Humane Labs. [YOU CAN SEE THE FULL MAP BY CLICKING HERE] Criminals robbing people isn't inherently wrong, it should just be done where it makes sense. This system has a realistic view behind it and it's something that both robber and victim can make more sense of. HEAT Overview The concept of getting "heat" is essentially encouraging criminal characters to have periods of laying low between crimes. Every time you do something illegal i.e. chop a car, sell drugs, rob a store, go to jail etc.. you would receive a certain amount of heat for it. There would be no cap on this, but it would decrease over time spent in the server, by not committing crimes. How it would effect you is that in situations where PD/SD might receive a tip-off about your activities i.e. store robbery, banks, import drops etc.. your chance of being informed on would be effect by how much heat you currently had. BLEEDING Bleeding Rate TLDR version: Getting injured in various different ways would effect your character in the short-term, no more getting shot and just pretending it didn't happen. Your bleeding rate will be between 0-3. 0 would be no bleeding at all. 3 would be very heavily bleeding. Your bleeding rate will raise if you are in a traffic accident (3 BR), ran over (3 BR), stabbed (2BR), shot (2BR) or cut yourself trying to break into a vehicle (+1BR). Bleeding will take off a certain amount of health every minute, with the reduction depending on your bleeding rate. The bleeding rate would be visible on /analysewounds Bleeding would require some sort of intervention to not further impact the player. BR 1 - Health -1 per minute. Requires: Self-Bandage or /cpr or Medical Attention (Hospital) BR 2 - Health -3 per minute. Requires: /cpr or Medical Attention (Hospital) BR 3 - Health -5 per minute. Requires: Medical Attention (Hospital) I feel like this would bring more weight particularly to shoot-outs, for criminals and cops alike. The fact that anyone can go through a firefight, get shot a few times but because they win and don't get downed, they can just drive off seems unrealistic. A concern for criminals is that it's too easy for. People could buy bandages from the 24/7 or they could use their clothing top item to stem the blood flow for BR 1. Blood Forensics+ TLDR version: In addition to the blood loss, you would also leave some DNA evidence behind, which can be used to better prove or disprove your involvement in situations. Similar to the bullet pile when someone shoots their weapon, if someone is bleeding, every minute they are bleeding, a blood stain will spawn in the position they are in. A blood stain will spawn on impact and then every minute in the server that someone is bleeding until they die or the bleeding is stopped. This might be at the scene of a shootout, this might be in the back seat of a vehicle on their way to the hospital. Upon inspecting the blood stain, it'll tell you how how heavily the person is bleeding. These will last for 10 minutes before de-spawning. Similar to the fingerprints, if your blood sample is on file, detectives will be able to check the DNA database to see whose blood it belongs to. Criminal Doctor TLDR version: Adding in some extra locations for some dodgy private healthcare. Add-in a couple new locations questionable medical experience as locations for civilians to drop people off at. These locations would not be classed as No Crime Zones however. Add in a couple NPCs at these locations, driving with injured people close to the NPC will initiate the dropoff. These locations would be the Bay Care Center in Paleto Bay and the St. Fiacre Hospital in Los Santos, as well as in the OCF Black Market locations where purchased. On the plus side, these add a little more privacy to people that have been injured and are currently wanted. On the down side, you wouldn't be healed to the same standard by the criminal doctors (less health back), the good samaritan wouldn't receive any money from the server for this AND you will have to pay twice the health bill for the privacy. STORE AND BANK ROBBERIES Banks Robberies Add in Bank Functionality (deposits/withdrawals) to the Fleeca Banks, so that they are not just used for robberies. It makes too easy to tell something bad is happening when the only use is robbing the place. The alarm to the bank should go off when the vault is opened instead of how it is currently but the grabbing of money should be slightly longer to encourage bigger groups of people. The false alarms are quite frustrating to deal with. Depending on the heat level of those involved, the alarm may trigger at any action if it's too high. Bank Robberies should have more reward than store robberies and require more planning. ATM Robberies I believe this was initially in the works. You'd require a crowbar and it'd take a few minutes to gain access to the ATM. An ATM could also collect fingerprints and record the user so you'd need gloves and face concealment. The alarm tip-off would not be static with the following factors taken into consideration; Face Concealment - If you are robbing the ATM with no face covering, the chances of a tip-off of the ATM would increase. Time since Last Robbery - If you took part in a store/atm/bank robbery recently, your chances of a tip-off would increase. The tip-off message would also depend on your heat level. The pay-out would be smaller than a store (given how many ATMs there are and the fact it doesn't require a gun) but wouldn't necessarily alert the authorities it's been robbed. A robbed ATM would be unusable to everyone for an hour. Store Robberies Add the player owned gun stores and the clothing stores to the list of locations that are robbable for variation in locations and different approaches to how to tackle them. The clothing stores for example have a lot of glass to see into like a store. Gun Stores however have solid doors, so you wont know what's on either side. Script in the safes in the back offices to be robbable also, but slightly decrease the till money gained to account for balance. The safe would require a crowbar to open and you'd get packed money from inside the safe. Opening a safe would definitely trigger the store alarm. A safe would also collect fingerprints. Remove the CCTV ability from general stores. It makes no sense to have live feeds of the cameras from private businesses. Law Enforcement; The alarm tip-off should not be static. It should be based on a certain amount of modifiers and occur at any point from the start of the robbery until the end, depending on how the player sets up and handles the robbery. The following factors should be taken into consideration. Weapon Used - If you are using a shotgun or assault rifle as opposed to a pistol, this would lower the chance of a tip-off at the start or during the robbery. Face Concealment - If you are robbing the store with no face covering, the chances of a tip-off at the start or during would increase. Time since Last Robbery - If you took part in a store robbery recently, your chances of a tip-off would increase. Robbed That Store Last - If that store was the last store you robbed, the chances of a tip-off would increase. The tip-off message would also depend on your heat level. The alarm would then sound when the gun was lowered, the backroom safe was opened or if the tills ran out of money. WEAPONS Shipments TLDR version: Change to the way shipments work. When you place an order, you should be able to choose the shipment drop location yourself. It seems silly that you'd spend thousands of dollars on shipments, but would not be able to pick where the drop-off is. Like buying a new TV online, but you can only pick it up from the store, they won't deliver it to you. You would be able to import materials for making ammunition for firearms. Law Enforcement; I liked the previous way of getting tipped off by shipments, although it was previously like a 5% chance. I'd like to change that to be a little more dynamic, based on the size or cost of the shipment, between 1% and 10%. I'd also like the tip-off message to go to Detectives only, not the entire PD. The tip-off message would also depend on your heat level. Serial Numbers TLDR version: You would be able to remove the serial number of a weapon. Each weapon comes with a serial number, but in order to obscure your activities with said weapon, you could file off the serial number if it was a legal store-bought firearm. There could be an weapon felony penal code charge added for this, WF07 - Altering a Firearm Mark for doing this. This would help gun dealer role-play, as it's providing a service for people wanting to hide their illicit activities. For balance purposes though, you would only be able to do this inside an official faction's black market. FACTION BLACK MARKETS TLDR version: A faction controlled building for various criminal enterprises around the server. Overview and Purpose The purpose of these locations is establish more places for criminals to meet and engage in interactions that are not just about shooting. There are a number of ways to make money both for the player and the faction. Each official criminal faction would be able to set-up their black-market using a command. They would have to pay to establish the Black Market and the entrance location would need to make roleplay sense. They would pay an initial fee for the building. The Black Market would have purchasable features, that the faction could pay to install and either benefit from themselves or rent out to others. All these features visually would be there but would require the faction to purchase them in order to use them. Features Lockable Front Door The most basic of features, faction members being able to set the lock type of your black market building. This would range between open, keypad and locked. So, for example, if you didn't want to have to keep unlocking it every time you wanted to let someone in, you could set a keypad code. The door itself however would be rammable or you could use bolt cutters. Lockable Emergency Exit As long as the chosen building had a separate exit door, you would be able to add in an emergency exit to your black market in case of a raid. Bare in mind however that like the front entrance, the emergency exit could also be breached. Front Door CCTV You would be able to install a CCTV system for the front door of your black market, which would be remotely accessible by the laptop located inside the Black Market. Laptop You would be able to buy a laptop for the BM, which you could use to monitor the black market security and also place your import orders from. Bullet Assembly Machines This would allow official faction members only to manufacture their own bullets for weapons, using imported metal materials (different bullets would require different materials). For balance purposes, the material costs and the setup of the BAM would mean the bullets would be more expensive to make per bullet than you'd get in an import but you'd have the convenience of being able to make your own. Like the static drug lab, combine the materials and start pressing. This will take a reasonable amount of time to create the bullets but once it is complete, you will be able to use them in your weapons. The reliability of these bullets however would more questionable than the professionally made bullets with a small chance for the weapon to jam, for bullets to do less damage and such. You would also be able to remove a weapons serial number off the weapon using the machinery here. Tattoo Chair For a lot of criminal organisations, the role of the tattoo plays a significant role. The Yakuza, the Russian Mafia, Biker Gangs etc.. all have some sort of symbolism for tattoos within their organisations. With this feature, you'd be able to not only get tattooed but also, get your existing tattoos removed. The tattoo removal should be added to all people as well, in all tattoo shops. Back Alley Medic In addition to the two locations for criminal doctor added, factions would be able to set up a service within the BM for people to get medical treatment at these locations. They would keep you alive, but not give you the same quality medical care that the legal locations do. Using the BM Medic would also cost you more than regular. Some of the money for using this would go to the safe of the Black Market. Drug Making Ingredients Stock Similar to the Humane Labs distribution of ingredients needed for drug making, there would be an area within the BM for drug making. This would need to be rebought by the faction when it's empty. The ingredients would cost slightly more than Humane Labs and the added money would go to the safe of the Black Market. NEW! Counterfeit Money Press You would be able to do the freelance counterfeiting job here, creating your own fake United States Dollars to send overseas. For the black market to make money here, the faction would have to make sure people are paying to use it. Counterfeit money would appear in your inventory as an item. You would have to take the counterfeit money to a Fleeca bank to wire it out. If you choose to use a Fleeca bank, you will get 100% of the money but depending on your heat level, detectives may receive a tip-off about it. Money Laundry You would be able to unpack money from banks/ATMs/store safes here. You would also be able to sell your cryptocurrency for cash here too, at a discount compared to selling it at a Fleeca Bank. The faction would take a cut for this service and the cut would go into the black market safe. Item Fencing Similar to the pawn shop idea, you would be able to bring your items for sale here and sell them for 5% of the base price. The additional 2% would go to the faction's black market safe. Meat Cutting and Packaging Area This area would take the usual animal meats but would also let you sell human meat, as is this isn't a legal operation. The money you earn from selling your meat here would not be put into your salary but you would earn only 80% of what you earn if dropping it legally to account for having less tax, so for higher tax earners this would be more worth it. 5% of the money would go to the black market safe and the other 15% would go out of the economy. NEW! Cryptocurrency Mining Freelancing This would involve using the computers inside the BM to generate in-game cryptocurrency. To do this, you would have to mine the cryptocurrency and successfully complete a math question at the end to release the currency, like a harder AFK math i.e. 731 + 627. I'm aware people will use a calculator but that's not so important. The Cryptocurrency amounts will fluctuate throughout the week, so to maximise the pay-out, you should wait for the right time to sell. The server will fluctuate the price but high sales will drive the value down. For the black market to make money here, the faction would have to make sure people are paying to use it. You could either sell to the black market money laundry or use it as a trade with other players. Raiding, Moving and Black Market Destruction Law Enforcement; Upon being raided by PD or SD, the Black Market would be shut down for 12 IRL hours, the door would be locked (but people spawning in would be able to leave), none of the systems would work until the black market was re-opened. The black market would be shut down by PD or SD using the shutdown option for the laptop in the office. In terms of role-play, they'd remove all the ill gotten gains, turn all the lights off and likely secure the door after seizing the building. The Official Criminal Faction would have to pay a reestablishment fee to unlock their black market again. Mapping I've mapped it out myself with various different bits and pieces. HAIR CUTTING Remove the auto-bald from the cut hair command and instead, base the hair cut it gives that person on their pre-cut hair For example, if someone had a pony tail and you cut their hair, they'd then have short hair. If they have short hair and you could it again, then it could be bald. This makes what is something a little meme-y, a little more realistic and also, allows a little more RP to come to it. DEAD BODIES Body Disposal Add in different ways to get rid of bodies beyond just de-spawning. Butchers Disposal; You could drop off the body at the butchers or a Black Market to have it grinded up, like they did at Satriales in The Sopranos. Ocean Disposal; You would be able to do this at any point where you could fish from and it'd get rid of the body. S;eep with the fishes. Desert Disposal; This would de-spawn the body and add "Mound of Dirt" text where the body is. This would extend the life-time of the body, but keep it out of sight. PAWN SHOP Selling Items TLDR version: Drop locations for player-bought items, either your own or belonging to others. With every player having an inventory, items are routinely discarded, especially clothes but for example, you have items such as GPS', Radios', Watches', Bracelets.. There are a number of items that a pawn shop would take and sell on. If you are stealing vehicles for example or looting bodies, a lot of items just end up getting de-spawned with the body. It can also be used to clear out your inventories and make a little cash back on purchases you've made. I'd like to suggest adding in pawn shop drop off points to the Pawnshop in Strawberry and the Pawnshop in Del Perro. You would receive 7% of the base value of the item on hand, so if an item is worth $2,000, you'd make $140 for selling it back. We don't want to incentivize robbing people too much, but at the same time, this benefits people on both sides of the law. THE LAW / PRISON / JAIL Mugshot Addtions TLDR version: Add a command to add mugshots to the database, like with prints. In the same way fingerprints are captured, add a command for the player's mugshot to be on their file. This would be reset if the player paid for their plastic surgery however. Asset-based Prison Fine Discount TLDR version: Fines added on prison and jailed would depend on a player's assets. Depending on a player's accumulated wealth, apply a modifier to their fines when they are sent to prison. Criminals already have the time to serve, getting fined for their actions is a secondary punishment. $15,000 to one player might be a considerable amount of money, especially to new players but $15,000 to another might not be that much. Prison Bail System TLDR version: Add bail to the /prison command, to allow criminals without serious felonies to be able to pay to get released earlier. The command would work like this, /prison [id] [true or false] If you enter true, the prisoner will be able to pay the bail fee to shorten their sentence. If you enter false, the prisoner won't be bailable. The bail fee would be 25% of their prison fines on prison. For a single armed robbery charge, this would be $1,000. The bail time reduction amount would be 20%. For a single armed robbery charge, this would be 12 minutes. This would have more financial impact and benefit for those people with bigger sentences than the minor sentences. The bail money would go directly to the treasury. Mission Row and Paleto Jail TLDR version: Allow MD to heal jailed players inside their cells or allow PD/SD to remove criminals from jail cells so they can be taken away for treatment. Add the ability for MD to fully heal someone still inside the jail cell. OR Add the ability for PD/SD to be able to unjail people, that allows them to leave the jail cell for treatment. If someone gets injured in the Mission Row cells, it requires admin intervention currently to get out. If the players health or thirst is under 50%, set it to 50% when they are jailed. The script equivalent of giving them some food and drink. Add a bell to the front desk of Mission Row, with a cool-down. Speed Cameras TLDR version: Remove the scripted speed camera and have PD/SD handle the speeding IC. Currently the Reckless Operation Misdemeanours issue you with a instant misdemeanour, which is automatic jail time, without necessarily any human player witnessing it. In PD, you are told you cannot place charges on someone who you don't know the identity of. Having a script based camera be able to tell who exactly is driving at this point, seems a little like power-gaming. I have to question whether they are even necessary at this point now. Both PD and SD have traffic enforcement divisions. MD seldom use Pillbox Hill and people no longer gather at the Bank in big groups. Prison Stash TLDR version: Prisoned players would be able to create a stash somewhere inside the prison walls, to keep various different items. When in prison, they would type /stash and it would put their stash location in that particular spot in the prison. This could be in their cell or the showers or the gym for example. You could move your stash at any point, provided it was empty but there would be a loading bar that would need to be complete before doing so. They would be able to press I to access the stash if they were standing at the spot and either place items inside or take items out. If the stash is inside a cell and only contained legal items, getting caught using a stash would not be so bad as RPly it could just be your personal cell items. Having a stash outside the cell for example, could perhaps lead to you being sent to solitary. If you have illegal items in your stash too, it would also lead to you being sent to solitary. DOC Guards would be able to do /checkstash id to search for a prisoned player's stash, if they were standing in the spot where you put the stash in the first place. Depending on the volume of the stash, they would have more or less of a chance to discover your stash. The bigger it is, the more likely it would be to discover it. DOC guards would then be able to perform their RP search of cells, but also have the support of being able to find things in cells. This would essentially act as an inventory tied to a specific player. Prison Stamps TLDR version: Make Stamps bankable and have a fixed amount added to the account every 30 minutes. Change it so stamps are not on your player by default when you first go to prison. Some people in prison end up deathmatching people just for their stamps. Be able to withdraw and deposit stamps at the prison canteen, like an ATM. Add in a 'welfare' issue of stamps every thirty minutes that adds a small amount of stamps to the person's canteen even if they have not done much. Prison Stamps would persist through release, so your stamps would be waiting for you in prison if you returned. Prison Cook Job TLDR version: Add a prison cooking job to the kitchen of the prison, for stamps, preparing meals for prisoners. This would work similar to the static drug labs, ingredients being placed together to create food. There would be three separate dishes. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. You would have to put the ingredients together in the right order and cook them in the kitchen. You would get paid for each meal you make, with a bonus amount of stamps for delivering the right dish at that right time. 06:00 to 11:59 = Breakfast 12:00 to 16:59 = Lunch 17:00 to 23:59 = Dinner The kitchen would be unusable between 00:00 and 06:00 in game. In addition, you could also choose to eat the meal or give it to another player for them to eat to replenish their hunger. Once you had delivered a finished meal to the serving hatch, you'd end up with a dirty tray in your inventory. If you took this to the sink and washed it, you'd also make more stamps. Prison Laundry Job TLDR version: Add a prison laundry job, for stamps, washing clothing items. You would go to the laundry area inside the prison. You'd take a dirty prison issue uniform from the pile. You'd interact with a washing machine, placing the dirty uniform in the washing machine inventory, which would give you back a clean unfolded uniform. You'd take it out and take it to the ironing board and repeat the same. This would give you a clean folded uniform. If you placed the clean folded uniform on the shelf, you'd receive stamps in return for it. Prison Mining Job TLDR version: Add a prison laundry job, for stamps, washing clothing items. Simplify this, add a specific rock type for criminals to be able to mine, perhaps Limestone. Make the stamp payout the same every time you drop that off. Ankle Bracelets TLDR version: Add in Ankle Bracelets for Parolees, so they don't have to rely on their phone being on. Add a command for Sheriffs to be able to attach ankle bracelets to someone they wish to parole. They would get the ankle bracelet from the faction locker menu and place it in the clothing inventory of the player to attach it. This would work similar to cuffs, where cops could attach and un-attach it. The person would then be traceable when wearing the ankle bracelet, instead of their phone. They might want to keep their phone off for personal reasons, so it's not as limiting in that sense to have something separate. Parolees would also be able to break off the ankle bracelet with bolt cutters, but in doing so would obviously violate their parole. QUALITY OF LIFE I'd like to thank Collie Fegan for his influence with some of the following suggestions. Your ID and Wallet should be in a separate tab in your inventory and could be viewable by anyone interacting with you. [CR] On death, all your on-hand money should become a lootable item on your body, rather than just reset and de-spawn the money. [CR] Showing someone your ID should be require the other players consent like the duo anims, to show that person. Add in an toggleable New Life Ruler timer on death, so you can be aware of exactly how long it's been, to stay within that rule. (/nlr to turn it off). [CR] Add a /ame above someone's head if they try a locked car door or trunk. [CR] When a player is put in the trunk, teleport them away out of the vehicle somewhere, then when the trunk is open, teleport them back into the trunk. Seeing people glitched in the back of the trunk or underneath the car because they are in the trunk ruins the immersion. There is also the possibility of metagaming here too. Add battery life to all radios. Establish certain remote areas of the map where radio or phone contact is not possible. FACTION OF THE MONTH The premise is pretty straight-forward. Every calendar month, faction management picks a faction of the month out of the factions that are not government sponsored. Basically the factions that have to go through the applications process. The criteria would be based on overall faction behaviour, role-play contribution to the community, activity within the community and consider areas such as the amount of effort they put into creating media or maintaining their faction's story on their thread. We spend so much time drawing attention to the negative behaviours some of our criminals have, it's easy to forget that we have some very good factions that deserve the spotlight. The reward itself, I don't know. Maybe just having the spotlight for that month would be a reward in itself. OFFICIAL CRIMINAL FACTION SIZES I would like to see this reviewed, on a case by case basis with the main consideration being how long someone has been official within the server. In the case of Triads for example, they were established through many months of being official to have the faction count that they had and I feel that the size limitation affected them the worst. Obviously, we don't want factions having part-time members that just log in when there is a war, but I think allowing a faction to grow organically when it makes role-play sense and doesn't promote negative behaviour would be a good step forward. FACTION CONFLICT AND FACTION INDIVIDUALITY I think that there needs to be a bold line drawn between having positive business relationships with factions and not knowing where one faction starts and the other ends because they are so close. When it comes to faction conflicts, it should be 1 faction against 1 faction. Keeping the conflict simple, makes highlighting issues and resolving them a lot more straight-forward. It also allows for more specific story between those factions to build rather than it being a case of you hating a faction because another faction has issues with it. I think shoot-outs in moderation and for proper justification can be quite enjoyable, even on a role-play server. Shooting at each other does not need be a dirty activity or one that is necessarily frowned upon but every effort must be made for factions, even enemy factions, to engage in role-play with one another where possible. It all starts with the faction leaders. If you have faction leaders that are committed to role-play and betterment of their factions, that is the ideal for all factions. I know for example Montie and Krooks both had those ideals. I look at Daichead Gadai as another faction that embodies this. If you have faction leaders that don't take those responsibilities seriously, that's when you run into trouble. THE MENTALITY AND TOXICITY Ultimately, people have to learn to lose situations with dignity. I don't just say this to criminals but on behalf of criminals. There is nothing wrong with wanting to win, but as long as you are willing to lose when it's your time. Don't look at a negative as a loss but a chance to further the story of your character and faction. Not every drug dealer is Pablo Escobar. Not every cop is John McClane. I also think that there is quite a lot of short term thinking which hurts us at times. If you only focus on the present and dwell on the events of the past and a lot of that is negative, then the future will be negative. It's not just about punishing and restricting the people doing the bad things on the server, it's about highlighting and encouraging the people that do the good things. I don't think there is enough focus on the people doing the good and that needs to change. Thank you for taking the time to read these suggestions, I know there are a considerable amount of them but in my personal opinion, a lot of the negative behaviours that have come from criminals have stemmed from not having enough quality content to keep them focused and doing the right kind of things. You may not agree with some of these suggestions or even all of them but i've spent a very long time comprising this list because I realise that we need good quality criminals to have a good quality role-play server. Like some of you, I'm a little frustrated with how things are currently but I still believe we can make this server really fucking dope.
  9. Damn when is the wedding?
  10. If I know @Nyter he's thinking of the perfect response.
  11. Sadly I've apparently been promised to @TeodoraBre otherwise I'd of offered, but you can't go wrong with Nyter. He's a lovely guy and a great friend.
  12. Bala


    I don't think there is any intention for players to be treated like dirt. If that's how it comes across, it is purely unintentional. There is perhaps some improvements that could be made on the staff side of things, when it comes to handling the sort of reports where it is time sensitive for example but then at the same time, we have to make sure we have the right sort of individuals for the staff team and remember they are also role-players themselves who are often engaged in RP they cannot drop. This is a volunteer position, we're all volunteers. Its an unreasonable ask that we would have to choose between playing and being staff. Room for improvement in some cases for our response time? I think so. Don't want to fob anyone off, but if you encounter bugs like the video, you should definitely file a bug report with the evidence so it can be fixed faster.
  13. I could see the value in dealerships having occasional rare imports, but perhaps only restricted to one per dealership with a high import price every few months or like at the big holidays. That being said, I don't see the value in giving EVERYONE the chance to drive one. V-STRs and Neons were high priced vehicles, but look how many of those got drove about. I'd like to see different types of high performance vehicles available, not more of the same.
  14. Can you please just rescue me from this @Doan
  15. I'll do it if you add the new furniture, you can be my best man!
  16. Bala

    this is not fair

    There is nothing constructive about any of your PD posts at all. You can voice your opinion all you want, one of the down sides of free speech I guess but the anti-PD rhetoric you spout given half a chance has got boring. If things are in a bad state, it is not the fault of the Los Santos Police Department. We're a reactionary faction. We respond to things, we do not initiate things. How do you know nothing happened with it? You got access to the personnel files of the PD members? There are IA disciplinaries handed out every single week to people for a variety of different infractions. Neither Kris or Pazz are the sort of people that will let bad behaviour slide. Trust me on that, I know, i've been on the wrong end of it. I've been in Internal Affairs so I know the process, the burden of proof is on the reporter. Some of the reports criminals make get tossed out because they've failed to supply properly taken IC evidence. There are a variety of different levels of punishments for IA reports and misbehaviour in PD in general, some of them you won't get to know about, some of them are public. But it seems like, unless the person is getting the boot from PD and getting fucked over, IA Corrupt yo. See there you go again, they're not tailing you for no reason. They are tailing you for a reason. The reason might not be apparent to you, but there is a reason. If someone is going to jail for 30 hours, they've done a hell of a lot to deserve it. I'm not a fan of uncapped prison sentences but at the same time, if people want to live by the sword and do whatever the fuck they want, they'll probably die by it too. Charging someone from crimes they have committed, is not charge stacking. Charge stacking is giving someone charges multiple times for the same offence. If you rob a group of people at gunpoint, you aren't going to get multiple armed robbery charges for that, unless you went to a different group of people and robbed them for example.
  17. Bala

    this is not fair

    Actually in your resignation post Moody, you said you said you left over an outstanding metagaming player report from a member of our faction that was back in PD at the time, or at least that is what you told. That you did not feel welcome in the PD any more. I don't know where all this about the force continuum has come from. It was quite a while ago, so you could be forgiven for remembering incorrectly. As for the allegations of metagaming by administrators and moderators, that's an asinine comment to make, especially without any proof and if you have proof of that and do not tell anyone, you could be liable for punishment for doing so. With regards to the character story, you know what I would have to agree with you on that. I think there are a lot of cops that roleplay themselves but then at the same time, is that such a bad thing as long as they are role-playing? They have to play a role, so why not the role they play the best? Is role-play not a form of escapism? A chance to be the best version of one's self. That being said, that is not a police faction problem, that's a server wide issue. As for getting mad when they lose a situation. Sure, people get mad when they die, but much has been made of what PD loses when they die. I would hazard a guess that criminals overall get more angry about losing than cops do. As for anything being role-played, the simple fact is that in encounters with some players, there is no reward for good roleplay. No one wants to stop and take a breath, it's all about now now now. About getting the win and not being able to take the loss. Playing criminal is a completely different experience to cop, but it's not a whole new world out there either Jasmine. There are some great criminal role-players on this server but scratch the surface on that selective bunch and it's like the Clone Wars. People wearing the same item of coloured clothing, painting their cars the same colour, running around with the same people doing the same thing. Sure, there are people have left the server because they have gotten bored or they are frustrated with the direction of the server but at the same time, people have also joined the server and stayed, leading to a steady and healthy server population. Reality is, that's life. This could be the best server in the world and people would still leave eventually. Again with the baseless accusations when it comes to IA. Previously IA in PD was run by Archaeah/Cynthia Shelby who is an experienced cop with actual years of experience and a senior admin. You would be hard pushed to find someone with more knowledge on the IC or OOC rules in the community than her. It's now run by Pazz/Elena Blake, who again has literal years of experience of cop roleplay on this server and is incredibly knowledgeable about the rules. I know this because half the time it's me she's correcting. As for "what holds up in court", the laws that we all have to abide by IC have been created by mostly members of the senior and head admin team. While none of them have law degrees, I'd suggest that they probably have more of a handle on what's correct than most. Just this week, a handful of people have gotten in trouble for IA related stuff, so don't talk rubbish. Your facts are not factual, they're opinions and they are incredibly biased ones at that. You talk about things not changing but here you are with another negative cop post. Because IA don't agree with you, they are corrupt. Because cops don't let you get away, they're poor role-players. Like I said, no one is willing to be the one to take the L. Why would an LEO need to be iconic? It's not about the individual, it's about the thin blue line, it's about the department. Yeah there are standout cops and characters but we're restricted in the way we can behave by procedure. Criminals have much more scope to express themselves, with Cops it's about getting the job done.
  18. Essentially with the parking regulations and the rise of the Del Perro Pier as a public hangout, i've made a few changes in the map editor. Added Couple ATMs at the Bean Machine. Added the street lamps on the left side of the Pier for additional light. Added some more aesthetic like barriers, than the concrete blocks we currently have. Added some extra benches and some phone boxes for show. Added Bollards to broken railing at the end of the Pier and the side exits to try and discourage drivers for parking in those areas. You can still get to the end of the pier by vehicle, you just cannot exit that way. Added an enterable Coffee Cart, if you wish to sell your wares down there Khajiit. Ultimately, I've not changed a lot because I didn't want to over crowd it or add things that might not have a place down there.
  19. On the one hand, most people have purchased those Hakuchous specifically for their meta performance so them getting balanced would naturally encourage some negative reactions. Totally get that. Every one wants what they've paid for right? That being said, like the F620 and the Vortex or the Rapid GT / Comet before the 240 cap, the Hakuchou Drags was out of bounds when it comes to the rest of the car pool. In terms of pursuits, it's like chasing the Millennium Falcon when it hits light-speed. I'm fine with cars being fast and losing suspects, I don't need to win that bad, but when there isn't even a half chance, it's unacceptable. There were options discussed months ago, where if these vehicles would have been used in a crime, they'd of been impounded indefinitely and I don't think while it would of been an IC move that would of been well received or popular. If NBDY has tweaked performance of the drag bikes to me more as intended, then that's probably for the best of the server. There shouldn't be any script or vehicle or weapon advantage that is too far out of giving people a chance to react against it.
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