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About Jalin

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  1. hey, i'd like my forum name changed from Jordan Pryor to just Jalin please
  2. Jalin


    It makes all the sense in the world. if they volunteer to be staff, they shouldnt be players at the same time. Bias, conflict of interest, lazyness, and ignorance all come into play when players are allowed to continue playing and be a staff member. Obviously, they want to keep playin, thats cool. Dont sign up to be a STAFF MEMBER if you want to keep playing as a regular RPer
  3. Jalin


    I agree that the position is volunteer, but youre killing the server when you have staff who are engaged in RP and ignoring game breaking issues. There should be a strict line drawn, right now, there is nothing. It may be unintentional disrespect, but its disrespect nonetheless. Players need to be able to rely on a staff team, not fear that when they report, nothing will get done and only blatant ignorance. Improvement to the servers staff team would come from multiple staff being available to help, not stuck rping. If there were an abundance of staff, i would completely understand allowing them to play, but there isnt. Atleast, waiting an hour for a gamebreaking bug and then getting pushed along like nothing makes me believe there arent enough.
  4. Jalin


    I respect that there is a rule about people interacting with reports due to their faction, but there is not remotely close to enough staff on the server for that to be enforced. theres a reason why reports last hours. Staff if they want to play should be asked to either be a staff member, or be a player on the server. it does not matter how trustworthy they are. There will always be bias. When there is bias, reports are ignored and players are treated like dirt. How is this acceptable?
  5. Jalin


    He made a report 2 and waited for about an hour. No response. The report was then accepted by xoza who then said "cant find your body bro, good luck" and hastily closed the report providing zero help. Yes, he cant find the body because it despawned. It was an hour wait to even get a look at the report. multiple players falling through the void is grounds for a urgent report, no? I can provide screenshots of this if you'd like. On the topic of gang affiliation, If you ever make a report about police, you will get accepted and spoken to within seconds and then yelled at that youre wrong and then your report would be closed.
  6. Jalin


    What are we supposed to do in the city if every staff member is intertwined with gangs? Half of the reports you submit are insta answered if they involve their gang and if it doesnt effect them, they ignore you. What is that player supposed to do if they got ignored because their issue doesn't involve any staff members gangs? Even if you get a response, its ignored and said "this is ICly" regardless of what it was. Today, my friend and another person fell through the world after being brought to a hospital. They are now stuck in a void with no other people and lost all of their things. He made a report and was ignored for 45 minutes. Then, since he is stuck without way to interact, made a 4 report. Obviously, its a player report, but it is the only urgent report. Jason instantly denies it and moves on. What? What the fuck is going on? Legit does not make sense why staff can be like this without any repercussion. Why is the player base treated like shit? On top of the gang affiliation, staff members are toxic and unhelpful. Every interaction with staff has been as if im a waste of time and they have better shit to do. How is that a proper response to a player? it legit makes zero sense to me. Staff should be neutral ground, not toxic players.
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