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givejoshamosin last won the day on January 5 2021

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About givejoshamosin

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  1. NLA really do be the best faction, and with @Z0thian in it now, shits gonna be a madness. Love to the Amigos and I wish you all the best, thank you for all the great roleplay opportunities.
  2. givejoshamosin

    Dark Army

    Good luck Jeremy
  3. Another point is, there is no asset for people to aspire for with the most expensive vehicle right now probably bring a Neon at 800k, the next vehicle above it is a Retro that sells anywhere between 12-20m which is unrealistic for almost every player. The drag used to be an icon and a huge motivating factor for people to work for months to buy. The bike was a big part of the DNA of Eclipse RP, cops even aspired to own one, you’d sometimes see 10-15 parked outside mission row.
  4. Honestly, I feel like this is a really disheartening thing to do to anyone who invests a large amount of time into a community, removing basically all value out of a lot of peoples main asset to make it completely useless and then to mock the people who cared about it and the time they had put into acquiring that asset at a high price (priced so high because of how good it was, not just inflation). The fact that this can happen for quite honestly some BS reasons, makes me doubt whether I want to invest anymore effort into trying to obtain something if it will more than likely be nerfed. This can also be said about my Eclipse Towers apartment that held a decent and realistic value of roughly 1m, for there to be a lot more apartments added, not once but twice, then even more added in the bitcoin store. Completely ruining the value my asset had, for OOC reasons. The fact that I'm worried I'll be banned for even voicing my opinion on the matter is also disappointing, I have seen people banned for talking about the drags being nerfed. I feel like it is extremely important that as a community we are at least allowed to voice our opinions and maybe even have a choice in what changes and additions are made within the community. I understand it's a privilege to play the server, that many idiots have taken for granted in the past, I appreciate whoever reads this for taking the time to do so. Please fix the drags.
  5. drag needs to be fixed, like yesterday.
  6. LSPD/PD use them, whilst holding down a VoIP button in game, works as a more reliable source for them and they can structure their permissions and much more way better.
  7. I know something similar has been suggested before, but now that the vehicles take a lot more damage, I've spent more time sitting here tabbed out waiting for a mechanic to come fix it than actually roleplaying or doing anything else (maybe I'm a shit driver). Adding a toolkit, that doesn't increase the durability to 1000, instead maybe adding 150 or 200 per toolkit used to the vehicles HP, so that they can make their way to a mechanics would be much better for the server as people could spend more time Roleplaying, also more money coming out pockets and out of the economy (ignoring what store owners make on profits). This also gives the chance for people who don't own a car to actually repair it slightly if they are renting it or taking it to a chop shop.
  8. -1 not to sound toxic but I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, and please don’t compare Eclipse to GTA:O
  9. People leave the server everyday, and granted it probably isn't the equivalent of the four million spawned roughly per day, but still there is money bleeding from the economy too. Here are ways money bleeds from the economy: Clothing stores Driving fines Painkillers Plastic surgery Tax The loss of guns by criminals (hundreds of thousands per fight or confiscation from PD) DOC fines Owners buying stock for their stores, dealerships and gas stations I'm not sure if I would count LSC or Bayview, as I'm not sure if the revenue is what pays the employee's but I'm sure, most hours of the day, the revenue generated from these two exceeds the amount employee's get paid. There is a lot of money bleeding from the economy too which could quite possibly be a lot higher than the total spawned from the economy. As someone in the top tax bracket, I wasn't living above my means, but with the recent changes and it being much harder to make money, fishing, hunting, oil and the welfare are the only way to make money as a civilian or criminal. While your idea benefits a lot of people who are liquid, reducing the amount of money coming into the economy, will in turn, reduce spending, a reduction in spending means the people who are living "above their means" will struggle to sell the assets they own. If you want to remove welfare the server needs to focus on increasing roleplay standards, taking money away from people and making this more of a "grindy" server doesn't help that at all as people are forced to afk farm. While you can argue that people should be creative with how they earn money, not everyone is a entrepreneur / businessman or woman. Increasing the need to worry about money, will decrease the RP opportunities. I know a very popular roleplay server that offers 200k to new characters within their first 40 hours on the server (5k/per hour), it's proven to work well, people represent their characters and leave a lot of it in their bank, it's not cool to be a new character and drive a sports car, as it doesn't make sense for character progression. Adding ways to promote business' like the ability to for player created business' to put a advert/blip up (as weazel isn't always active there should be a secondary way to do it if none are online) when they are open and allowing them to hire employee's (scriptly) who get paid hourly (either government or from the revenue of the business) will increase the roleplay opportunities, you will see more bars, with bar workers, pawn shops selling used goods, the list could go on. We might seeing business' opening more often rather than a faction throwing an event once a month at the hopes of getting official. Another way to limit inflation is to disallow over valuing of stuff, for example a 2G valued at 200k by the government, could never be sold for more than x3 the base value. As someone else said in this thread, there is a lot of empty and unused properties within the server, if someone leaves the server for X amount of time, the property could go up for sale and reset the interior dimension, allowing new people to buy it. Upon returning, the next property they buy (as long as it's the same interior as the last one they bought) would get set to the same interior they used before, returning them all their items.
  10. Please don’t come in here, slandering the other side, while one joint freq may be bigger, you still give them reasons to fight you. Gangs should fall back and focus on improving their own RP standards on all sides of the “war”. Having a gang that exists to purely go to labs is a big part of the issue, and if your gang doesn’t do anything other than go to labs then what’s the point of being on an RP server. You’re giving a reason for everyone to team up and hit you if you individually are trying to hit everyone individually. Instead focus on building the relationships with each other gang individually it’s okay to have some enemies but when it’s loads then it just doesn’t make sense, as you end up losing more then you gain. The issue lays on both sides of the field, there’s going to be IC opportunities to fix this in coming weeks, I hope all the people who read this thread open their minds and accept the possibility of change. I’m going to refrain from commenting more, however please don’t turn this thread into a PD vs Crim or come on here slandering your IC and OOC enemies with snide remarks, it doesn’t help the situation at all and if you do that you’re adding to the problem. A lot of PD/SD/DOC have came on this thread and offered genuine solutions to problems and I appreciate that.
  11. I feel as if parts of what you are saying is true, however taking no responsibility and victimising yourself is not it chief. There is countless reasons as to why these fights still happen, a lot of people on both sides love it, me included, hence why you guys still take the fights and set up at labs, I know the mentality I was on your side before. However, if we want to sit here and point fingers and each other, quite frankly it’s disheartening and a waste of time. For change to occur, everyone needs to accept responsibility, and think of solutions.
  12. I dunno why I’ve woken up to PD being talked about but that’s not the intention of this post, as a Crim I don’t feel like we can even as for a change in PD, when we aren’t willing to fix parts of our side of the server first. I think if we clearly show that we intend to change how crim RP has been for a while now then in the future we have some leverage to talk about PD. But a lot of our problems are caused by us and a lot of crims love the victim card and fail to realise that. The intention of this post was to not even talk about PD but instead to rally crims up to start making a change.
  13. I'm not sure if you read what I have been saying wrong, or I simply suggested it all wrong. But my intentions with this post was not to get FM to change the RP for us with rules, it was the opposite. It was to wake up our player base to realise that we need to change, which is why I agree with you. There's no problem with gangs being friendly with each other but there's no need to pretty much merge into one gang. It's up to us to change it.
  14. It's a big blend of OOC hate, fuelled with the desire to shoot. We have plans of changing it around and I think if people are willing it can be done in a few weeks. Nothing is overnight, but actually taking the steps forward to do something is better than just denying it's possibilities.
  15. In my opinion, the Dominance Mindset, and the joint frequencies come hand in hand, it would be humbling to both sides of this "war" to work on their own. The players and leadership need to make a communal decision to move on and fix the current state of affairs otherwise it's just going to stay the same until one side gets bored and leaves the server.
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