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James Sakamoto

The Dojin-Kai

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A few days had now passed since the outbreak of the war against the council and the Dojin-Kai’s numbers were beginning to dwindle. Moral was low and members began to lose hope. People had already started to leave the Dojin-Kai as they felt there was no way out of this mess. James Sakamoto, the Oyabun of the Dojin-Kai, flew back to Japan seeking help and guidance from his father, the Oyabun of the Yakuza.


Many months had passed and with knowledge of a new group called the Irish, breaking into Koi and destroying the history of the building, word got back to the Sakamoto family. This news angered James and from this, he was unable to just let this happen and hide away his anger. He then decided to begin planning his return back to Los Santos. He received a call from an old friend, Mike Laurie regarding a business opportunity. With this offer, James decided it was now a suitable time to return.

Upon touching down in Los Santos, James met up with Mike down at the remains of Koi, where they were also joined by the familiar face of Alicia Rodriguez. The meeting between the three now underway and putting all past conflicts behind them, they agreed to start a new beginning. Both Mike and Alicia informed James about the current conflict between the Aztecas, GD and LFM against the Triads and the Daichead Gadaí. Alicia also mentioned that she was trying to help the smaller groups within the city to have a chance to grow without the hand of the old council dictating their futures and establishments.

Knowing this information, James was delighted with the information he had just heard, especially about how much the power has changed within the city. He wanted to make sure that all of this information was true, which led to him sticking around to see how the gangs within the city were now operating. Later that evening, “Santa” from LFM offered Mr Sakamoto a position in his ranks of the LFM. James’ responded with some conditions of which were to bring two people with him. 


A few hours had passed and James had met up with Pearson, a higher up for LFM. Accompanied with James, were Jake and Brian Sakamoto. The three brothers now being united again within the city after a long period of time. The three brothers joined LFM in the war to fight the Irish and the Triads. A few more weeks then passed and less Triad and Irish were being seen as they were going into hiding. The war for the Sakamoto’s was over. James seeing how welcoming the high command for the Aztecas, LFM and GD were to him, he felt it was time to stand down as a member of LFM and bring back the Dojin-Kai. Wanting to be transparent with his new friends, James spoke to the leaders of the Aztecas and LFM. Both gangs gave James their blessings to bring back Dojin-Kai.oORKwSp.pngH6czGa4.png

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