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James Sakamoto

The Dojin-Kai

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Wow, This is amazing!

Your guys stories and the way you handle your business in character is really something I was amazed by during the short time I was with you guys, I really hope I get to bump into you guys again soon and get to RP with everyone again.

Keep up the good work

Justin Miller.

Edited by Blademaster680
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"New Start"

After weeks of contemplating, Aki chose to make a move. She decided to leave her Family behind, and enter into a new Scene she had been watching and curious about for a long time. Even in her first days, she was impressed with the Structure & Discipline that was valued throughout the entire of Dojin-Kai

This is something Aki had longed for in her previous Family for a long time, but she recognised due to her inexperience in Leadership she was unable to give the harsh mentorship required to make her plans a reality.

Luckily, the Shelby's already had a strong connection with Dojin-Kai, so when Aki decided she would like to be a part of it she was welcomed with open and respecting arms.




It took a little while for Aki to adjust to the new lifestyle set out for her, but with the help of fellow Members she began getting a hold of things very quickly. As each situation passed she came more Pleased with the standard that she saw, and the operations that were done.

Tray and Aki even found themselves in an interesting situation up on chilliad labs, with a member taking a wrong-timed nap they chose to stay behind on top of the hill and deal with LSSD while waiting for the member to wake up so they could escape with everyone else.

Aki had had countless run-ins with Law Enforcement up until this point, so she assured Tray everything would be fine and began thinking of a story for the Officer, complemented by a hard poker face.

With their Weapons tucked under the seat in Aki's car, they began to be questioned by the officer on what they were doing at a "drug" ridden place such as thisBeing the resouceful person she is, Aki chose to ride with an interesting story that the Officer couldn't refute...

"We are up here dogging, it's a free country"

Somehow this story worked, and Aki Tray were sent on their merry way once their fellow members had woken up. Atleast it will make an interesting one for the scrapbook she thought.




After these events, things went reasonably quiet so Aki chose to take a nap. When she woke up, she was asked by her Kyodai if she was ready for a ritual that all recruits partake in, the SakazukiAki knew very little about this tradition, but she trusted her Kyodai fully and entered the Dojo in high spirits.

Aki and her Kyodai had a long conversation while sat in the Dojo, mainly pondering on their lives and what they had done up until this point. Aki listened well and respected everything her Kyodai said, and the life he has lived.




With their spirits held high, they both cheered for the Dojin-Kai and downed their shots of Sake. After this shot, Aki began to feel light headed 

and requested to lay down. After doing so, she completely passed out and began to traverse the depths of her own mind.

During this time, Aki spent a long while looking into herself and the things she had done up until this point. She recognised that she had made mistakes, bad choices and everything of the sort. But one, single thing remained a steel beam in her mind...

"I have no regrets."

She woke up to a comfy pillow on her head and her Kyodai sat near her, paitently waiting with his legs crossed. He then helped her up onto her feet, and both Teacher and Student bowed towards each other as a sign of pure Respect.




Edited by Itzsonzy
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The Truth About Family

I've spent some time with the Dojin-Kai. They've taken me under their pitch black wings and have showed me what I have been missing all long. Missing may not be the word. Reclaimed?  Yes I think that's more fitting. The Dojin-Kai have helped me reclaim something I thought I've lost many years ago. Their methods are secretive. Things never appear what they seem and like a delicious cake they have many layers.



On one hand you have disciplined soldiers. Many members are veterans of other gangs. And I'm not talking about the kind of gangs where four guys run up on another guy to steal his burger. I'm talking about gangs that have been tested against the city's toughest. They've seen their share of war and wear their scars with pride. However in those same ranks you have diplomats. Members who are able to negotiate their way through a conflict. I've been in situations where just when I think the shit is gonna hit the fan, a level headed member will calmly approach the hostile environment and deflect said shit so far away from the fan you'd think he worked for the president. The Dojin-Kai are made up of members who hold gifts in one hand, and a .50 in the other. Could be why they have been able to stick around in a hostile city for this long.




Then there are the parties. Oh papi the parties! Strip clubs, weddings, bar mitzvahs you name it. Almost on a daily basis do I find myself in some hole throwing up into a speaker. My parents never liked me going to parties all that much. I don't blame them though. The parties I went to back in high school were no place for a kid. However I always got the feeling their intentions for raising me right were only because they felt they had some sense of duty. A duty to the rest of the world and not necessarily to me. They wanted to make sure there wasn't another violent Hispanic making society worse. They weren't exactly loving, but not cruel either. Just sort of self righteous and borderline snobby. 




One afternoon, my mentor Dara requested I meet him at the dojo for a chit chat. Dara from my experience is a man of few words so any shared meant it was important. When I arrived, I placed my shoes on the shelf as I'm now accustomed to and bowed to Dara. Dara invited me to sit and wait for him to return. When he did, he had with him a tray with two glasses placed on top. "Let's have some sake." he said. I never had it. I've been dying for a bottle of aguardiente to be honest but who am I to pick and choose? I smirked and with confidence I took a glass and shot it down. I felt the burn going straight down to the belly. "Wow that has a kick" I thought while I settled back and got more comfortable. "Tell me about your past." he said. I turned to him puzzled. With the burning sensation still lumped in my stomach I replied "I'm from Colombia. A country with beautiful women, crazy parties, and no money." Slowly I felt the burning travel upwards, I briefly paused and continued. "I'm from Medellin, a beautiful city. However I spent a lot of time with relatives in the mountains. The mountains are actually just as large and as beautiful as any of the buildings in Medellin."




I closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them again, I saw the same mountains I was just describing. They were just as real as Dara was moments ago. I looked and saw a man who reminded me of my uncle tending to his farm as he used to. I was fond of my uncle. He was a simple man with little luxury but content with his field and plow. After his wife died, me and the pigs were all he had and he was all I had. His son got tired of the simple life and moved to Medellin. My parents thought it would do me good to live with him a few years. Almost like a terrible episode of trading spaces. As I fondly remembered him I saw that the farmer had a boy with him. The boy was wearing dirty overalls and smiling from ear to ear. The boy followed the farmer observing and learning. "I could have sworn I had overalls just like those when I was his age" I thought. As I looked on piecing everything together, a four wheel truck approached the farm. Four militaristic looking men jumped out and approached the farmer. "I already told you my farm is not for you to use!" the farmer shouted to them. As I heard his voice echo through, I felt a lump in my throat and a throb in my chest. It was my uncle, and an anxious breath escaped my lips. What appeared to be the leader of the group calmly walked over to my uncle lighting a cigarette. "We are FARC senor. We're not asking anymore." I began to rub my eyes frantically trying to snap my self out of whatever was going on.




Right as I opened my eyes, the boy was standing there in front of me. His face covered with what I know as the Dojin-Kai's trial mask. A blackened tear rolled off the mask's cheek and just then the floor dissipates from underneath my feet. I fell into an abyss as he stood over me watching my fall with sorrowful eyes. "Welcome to the family" the last thing I heard before I fell off the sofa and crashed onto the dojo floor. I sat up looking around the room with no Dara in sight. Just two empty glasses sitting on a tray. I laid back down staring at the ceiling. The truth about family is that the lie is more enticing. We like to think blood will hold people together forever but it just doesn't work that way. Sometimes you need to reach out and claim them. As I continued to lay on the floor I pondered "Is all sake that strong?"

Edited by Camilo Guzman
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The Shiro Dynasty


"A nail secures a horse-shoe, the shoe the horse, the horse the man, the man the Castle, and the Castle the whole land."



Bradley sat in his dining area, cleaning the Sakamoto Ceremonial Blade that he had used so many times to draw his own blood for ceremonies within the Dojin-Kai. He sharpened the blade with a whetstone, cleaning off the residue every so often so he could see the sharp edge clearly. He grabbed a clean rag, running it over both sides of the blade one last time before a knock was heard at the door. He was, after all, awaiting guests. He looked over the dagger once more in the light before sheathing it and storing it away in his longcoat.

Bradley headed for the door shouting, "Kat! It's time." He opened the front door, welcoming in his brothers and sister from the Dojin-Kai: Samuel Rojas, Gabriel Montague, and Livvy Montague. Kat walked out of the bedroom, nodding at the guests as they strolled in. Bradley directed them to the dining room of the home where he revealed a folded Japanese flag. He unfolded it, showing the flag had a Kanji symbol within the sun in the middle. Bradley spoke, "This is the Kanji symbol for the word 'Shiro' in Japanese meaning Castle." They all nodded their heads, knowing what this meant as they had all previously agreed to the blood bond they were about to create.




Bradley laid the flag onto the ground, taking the freshly-sharpened ceremonial blade from his coat, unsheathing it. "We will all draw blood from our palms and add rays to this sun from our palms. Five rays for the five founding members of this Shiro Dynasty." As Bradley finished speaking, he dug the edge of the blade into his palm as he had done in the past, drawing a pool of blood. He laid his hand onto the sun of the flag, letting the blood soak in as he slowly dragged his palm outwards to the edge of the flag to finish the sun ray. He stood, tying a rag around his palm to stop the bleeding before handing the blade over to Samuel Rojas. One by one, each of them did the same, coloring five rays onto the flag in blood.




Bradley took a turn, hugging each member after the ritual of blood was over, welcoming them to his family as adopted brothers and sisters. They would now be known as Bradley Castle, Kat Castle, Samuel Castle, Gabriel Castle, and Livvy Castle. Together they came, drawing blood for the Castle name.


The Shiro Dynasty was born.





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キャプチャー (Capture)


Recently, the Dojin-Kai have been receiving trouble from a group of individuals known as Green Taxi. They liked to spend their time slandering the Dojin-Kai and being loudmouths in our presence; a lesson had to be taught. Calls were made over the radio declaring that Green Taxi were in Paleto, so the family made their way up north as fast as they could. In pursuit of the green vehicle, a collision occurred, injuring the driver and leaving one stranded. The lone member, known to the Dojin-Kai as Zavala, was swiftly forced into a vehicle and transported to a remote location.



Frank Patterson, Hendrixo Jones and two Minarai stayed in the basement with the captive, whilst everyone else was ordered to head upstairs and secure the house. The first call was to cut Zavala's hair, which was done by a Minarai with a knife. It was not long before another captive walked down the steps; he had apprently been caught lurking outside and was brought to the basement as well. The man was ordered to go onto his knees in the opposite corner, and this was when another member of Green Taxi showed up out of nowhere. The third person has seemingly wandered in on his own, although it would soon be known to the Dojin-Kai that he had brought even more company...




The radio became hectic. Among the voices, the words "It's time to go, the Sheriff's here" could be heard. The captives were abandoned, and the group began heading out of the basement, only to hear the words "they're searching the house". The group had to be quick on their toes and think of an escape plan, which led to them running upstairs, and subsequently jumping off a balcony onto the grass below. With no SD Deputys on the south side of the building, they began sprinting away from the house and into the fields; they had successfully escaped.




Everyone had managed to escape the house, although many cars still remained, and they would all unfortunately be impounded. Despite this, rides were arranged for those who were on foot, and a meeting took place in a location away from where the Sheriff's Department had found the family. All were instructed to turn off their phones prior to arriving at the location Kyodai's and above were told to stand together, whilst all below were to gather and listen to what their higherups had to say. Big issues were raised, the main one being radio etiquette; when to speak, when to shut up, and what to say on radio. Additionally, the conduct of the Minarai during the kidnapping situation was mentioned and criticised, warnings were issued and it seemed like the Dojin-Kai could return to business as usual.


As it turns out, someone did not turn their phone off, and towards the end of the meeting, the family noticed people in the distance wearing different colours. As the people came running towards, it was suddenly aparent that they were armed detectives, carrying carbine rifles and shouting demands. Jason Steel could be heard shouting "HANDS UP HANDS UP HANDS UP" as everyone fled in differences directions and attempted to make yet another escape. Most people ran up the stairs, again, in attempt to hide among the sprawling pipes and corridors that surrounded the power plant's main structure. Some found ledges that they could jump off and begin running into the wilderness. Frank misjudged the height of the ledge he jumped off, and became seriously injured in the process. Although slow, Frank began running away from the power plant, but was eventually caught up to by Jason Steel; he was quickly hauled back to the power plant and thrown into an unmarked cruiser.





Frank Patterson and Kenny Cashwell were put in a detectives vehicle under the supervision of Jo Campbell, as they were the two that Zavala had named as being her kidnappers. Additionally, detectives had also been pursing Frank for a few days prior due to his impersonation of a detective. Despite the eye witness accounts given to detectives, no proof had yet been found, so Kenny and Frank were sent to Mission Row to serve sentences for evasion of law enforcement. In an attempt to bait a confession for the kidnappings, Campbell informed the pair that they were going to be sent to DOC after Mission Row, but Kenny continued singing, and nothing incriminating was said.


Sitting in a cell with Lola Millers at Mission Row, Frank knew that Campbell would be waiting for him upon his release; he needed a plan to escape. He had one option, and that was to swap clothes with the random man he found in the cell. The random man happily obliged, and upon Frank's release, he ran as fast as he can away from Mission Row, heading through the sewers. He would eventually come to a road, where he would hitch hike his way to Koi and rejoin his family.

Once again, Frank had evaded the law




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The Montague’s.


The Engagement


Ever since the day Gabriel built up the courage to finally ask his best friend; Liv, to be his partner. He had always felt a strong infatuation towards her. A feeling of wanting to protect, but also a euphoric feeling whenever spending time alone together. One-day on a late Sunday Evening, Gabriel took Liv up to one of the nicest view points that he knew of in the city. It was a warm evening with an orange sky piercing down on the couple as they lay there watching the sunset while holding hands and sipping on fine Wine. Thinking about all the amazing things they could do in the future with one another. They laughed, Kissed & comforted one another, until the Sun finally set. Once the last glimpse of the sun’s rays set. Gabriel turned to Liv and clenched her hand due to the nerves. He thought about it long and hard and he came to the conclusion he knew this is what he wanted.

Gabriel looked at Livvy in the eyes as the sun set up the horizon and whispered

“Liv I couldn't be happier with anyone else, which Is why I want you to marry me”

Liv turned and looked back at Gabriel with a smile beaming over her face and replied.

“Of course I’ll be your wife, nothing could make me happier”


The Stag. 


James Sakamoto wanted to make sure that Gabriel had a proper night to remember for the stag do. He planned out a big night out with all the boys down at Club Corruption, making sure he had enough drugs and alcohol to charge him up for the big day, we got all the boys down to the club before hand and we had gabriel in a car driving around keeping him unaware of what's going on.

Once everything was set up we made sure we had all the surprises hidden away upstairs,  he walked in, laughing and was happy when he had seen everyone but had one question. ‘’ James, where are the strippers?’’ With that James called on the strippers and the night started a lot of drinking and sniffing went on but the rest will be not told as we don't talk about Vegas.


The Hen Do.


Lola, Kat and Livvy, all planned the perfect Hen do. With ideas bouncing off each other they came up with the idea of fancy dress, with all the girls dressing as cowgirls. With the help of Arabella, they rented out a private booth in the strip club of Paleto. They were ready for a night of laughter and a lot of drinks!


Later in the night, Lola and the other bridesmaids had organised male strippers dressed as police officers to come and entertain Livvy and the bridesmaids.

Near the end of the night, the boys had decided that they wanted to join the girls party at the strip club, thinking it would be funny. Gabriel joined in and gave his own strip dance to Livvy, which ended in them going to a private room, no one really knows what happened in there, but what they do know is Gabriel came out and found himself zip tied and in his love heart boxers.



The Wedding.

The day of the wedding, Livvy was picked up in the morning by Liam and Lola, in Gabriel’s treasured Super Diamond. Lola and Livvy were instructed to wait for the signal to arrive at the wedding. We drove around Los Santos, enjoying the views until finally we got the call, it was go time. 


We made our way to the golf course, Livvy was extremely nervous and Lola was comforting her the entire time. They arrived at the golf course, Livvy and Lola were greeted by James Sakamoto, Livvy took James’ arm and they walked down the Aisle. James walked her down the aisle and gave her away. 

Bradley Castle, the Shategashira of the Dojin-Kai, was the officiant of the ceremony. He began by welcoming everybody, then we began exchanging our vows, and exchanging our rings, Samuel Rojas, Gabriels best man, handing the ring for Livvy, and Lola Millers, handing the ring to Bradley for Gabriel. 

They exchanged the rings and the famous words came from Bradleys mouth “You may now kiss the Bride”



The Party


Mike Laurie offered us a place to host our after party, a private island near the toll bridge in Los Santos. We parted the night away.



Edited by Nexecuss
didnt mean to press post lol
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Big Trouble in Little Japan 


Wednesday afternoon,  just another day well it was for the most part till Detective Lex showed up in his all black car looking dapper in his blue denim jacket and carbine on his back. He must have seen something that caught his attention. He was parked across the road from the dojo up North but we didn't know what it. One of the Dojin members walked out of the dojo with a Shotgun on his back for what reason he was in there with one we don't know but this is where it began.


The Chase  

The moment the Dojin member saw the detective he ran to his car and lex began to chase   cops came flooding in paleto started looking like a Christmas tree blues and reds everywhere  we do the old switch a roo with a drag and the guy got away with the shotgun off scot free, Thank god.



Big Trouble 

Problem is Lex seen him walk out the dojo giving him all that he needs to start the Dojo Raid not we had it over our radio one of our informants told us that the order for the raid was given on the Dojo. The Dojin knowing what's about to happen had to think smart about this.



James dropped all illegal stuff off before going down to the Dojo raid  to hand himself in and get more of an idea of what's happening  walking over the the police and swat team  seeing multiple bags being walked out of the dojo   knowing what's in them he begins to laugh  and keeping his cool.





The detective lex brought Ghost ( james sakamoto) into the dojo to ask question  ‘’ what is all this james ‘’ are you the owner of the building ‘’   yes yes yes lock me up and throw the book at me’’  Detective Lex tried getting me to talk on my members but  knowing he wasn't going to break and throw his fellow dojin members under the bus james took the heat for all of it  29 drug tables  bags and bags of products for the drugs and heavy weapons  the book would be thrown so hard at james he knew he was going away for some time. But James did not crack or give up any information on his group.


Heading to the prison we had a big police convoy to make sure the dojin members didn't try break the leader out  james served 4 and half years in prison for the crimes  he had a good lawyer in his pocket .


In prison james had his fair share of fights but as always did his time and kept pushing forward knowing his high command would keep things rolling  time went slow but it went  his last day felt like the longest waiting for the prison guard to call my name up for me to collect my shit and leave  



At the front desk collecting my things i came in with another prison guard said  ''i think the people outside are here for you  there alot of them''. Overwhelmed with joy hoping it was my family  i walked towards freedom opening the doors to see a line of black cars  a smile broke out on my face   The Dojin-kai my family   all honking the horns of the cars getting out of the cars bowing towards there leader the respect from the family you couldn't beat.




  jumping in the car with my brother jake he kept me well informed with what's going on wiles we drive back to our HQ   with ashort meeting to catch me up on production run  sounds like it's just another day.  


In short, at the end of the day family is everything find yours and do whatever you can to keep them hole  The Dojin-Kai is my home,  my family  and i'll do whatever needs be to see them all together laughing and smiling  Dojin kai till i die 


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In short, at the end of the day family is everything find yours and do whatever you can to keep them hole  The Dojin-Kai is my home,  my family  and i'll do whatever needs be to see them all together laughing and smiling  Dojin kai till i die 

Big respect brother, another wicked story! x

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